What has Trump done to this country?

'..and isn't THAT refreshing!'
Attacking primary elections is dumb, like Trump when he over played his hand with the military the threat, the retired stars took it off the table, permanently. By attacking these voters with no real purpose, they gave people a heads up and are sparking activism for poll workers volunteers and a bunch of other measures the republicans will be hard pressed to deny. They gave the game away to little real effect and screwed themselves for november, they will be on notice if they cheat and lose, they go to prison. Like in Iowa only an idiot would vote for someone who suppresses the vote and cheats, when they cheat, they cheat all voters, it's fraud and a crime, if you support it, it means you support government by criminals, criminals like Trump.
Attacking primary elections is dumb, like Trump when he over played his hand with the military the threat, the retired stars took it off the table, permanently. By attacking these voters with no real purpose, they gave people a heads up and are sparking activism for poll workers volunteers and a bunch of other measures the republicans will be hard pressed to deny. They gave the game away to little real effect and screwed themselves for november, they will be on notice if they cheat and lose, they go to prison. Like in Iowa only an idiot would vote for someone who suppresses the vote and cheats, when they cheat, they cheat all voters, it's fraud and a crime, if you support it, it means you support government by criminals, criminals like Trump.

i enjoy your words and in normal times i agree but these times are anything but..dictators, despots and authoritarians are lawless and stop at nothing a real trial forces you to answer subpoenas and submit a witness list- oh wait..!

we keep talking about this line that he won't step over surely because of consequences, but is there one with him? so far, he's pretty much gotten away with everything..
Cease and desist...ppttt. Panic in the Out House.

Now that's funny! The King of Lies and Falsities campaign calling out CNN for... drumroll... releasing a truthful poll that hurts the presidont's feelings.

Man, good thing he's fixed all of the larger real world problems burning the country he's supposed to be leading to the ground. Oh, wait... had he of fixed anything, the polls wouldn't be as bad as they are, CNN wouldn't have published it, and the campaign wouldn't have had to sue to try to get facts and truth covered up, yet again.
Stress buster.

Here is a minute and a half of relaxation, I don't know how this guy does this in one shot, must have had a few tries and carefully planned the flight to maintain radio and video contact. He used a small cinequad with ducted props for safety and probably a gopro with image stabilization. An amazing piece of flying and cinematography (post production video manipulation for effect). What a great place to live, looks like the Cordoba region of Spain. Looks like Ivan might have a new girlfriend too.

Love this guy and support him with views, you won't get this kind of perspective of a place very often.
It's motivating me to get my FPV gear out of storage and back on the bench! :D Been looking at cinequads online too...
RUSTIC PARADISE, Cinematic Flight
i enjoy your words and in normal times i agree but these times are anything but..dictators, despots and authoritarians are lawless and stop at nothing a real trial forces you to answer subpoenas and submit a witness list- oh wait..!

we keep talking about this line that he won't step over surely because of consequences, but is there one with him? so far, he's pretty much gotten away with everything..
He's bullet proof, as long as he's in office. He knows he'll spend the rest of his days in jail, if not reelected and will take whatever steps are necessary to prevent that. Buckle up.
Well, he called covid a hoax and basically killed my grandma along with another 120,000+ people, but I did get a pretty sweet small business loan

40 million unemployed isn’t a lot
HOW CAN YOU HATE TRUMP IF YOU CASHED YOUR STIMULUS CHECK? sorry bout your grandma dude. I really am. Noone deserved to die from something that got politicized
HOW CAN YOU HATE TRUMP IF YOU CASHED YOUR STIMULUS CHECK? sorry bout your grandma dude. I really am. Noone deserved to die from something that got politicized
they were trying to figure it out for a week before they could finally test her. she died the next night, albeit peacefully

Calling it a hoax was just shit. His special needs retard kids went on Fox News and did the same even as the country was in lockdown and thousands were dying every day

Execute that entire rotten family