What has Trump done to this country?

You are so right, people just want to blame him for everything, the man is a screw ball don’t get me wrong but they have been trying to remove him since kilary lost. Using the racist card for anyone that you don’t like is so pathetic, the Democratic Party hold everyone to a certain standard and never hold themselves to the same standard. it your a democrat you can literary get away with murder. for all of you snow flakes listening- stop blaming other people for your fucking problems. The world does not owe you a fucking thing.
You should stop listening to what Trump and the Right wing troll army of his has to say. The Democrats tried hard to not have to impeach him, but he kept blatantly breaking the law right and forced their hand by not letting the house do its job of investigating and illegally withholding documents from them. Trump's misdeeds are his own, and your need to blame the Democrats for it is just cult logic.

Here is one unexpected thing Trump has done.
Let's talk about a march in a small southern town....
Another one to forward to the folks in her state. If ya hated her guts and had the funding, they would let you run their ads, no cost for content, just the air time. They might even send you professional help and free expert consulting etc :D Looks like she missed castrating one particular pig in Washington.

Biden wrote the 94 crime bill, patriot act, forfeiture act. Just saying
You are regurgitating Republican/Russian talking points that are designed to troll Biden, just saying.

If you are only getting your news from CNN and MSNBC then this explains the whole thread lmao
You just believe shit because you say it? There are many different sources on this thread. But I know it is hard to see outside of the cult bubble you seem to want to stay inside of.
We've told you about the rise of left-wing mobs in this country, and the threat they pose to all of us. We told you that — no matter what they’re claiming, or how loudly they’re claiming it — their main goal is power. It always is. In order to seize that power, they will do whatever it takes. They will silence you. They will hurt you. They will burn your country down. They’re doing all of that now. How should you respond to it? With courage. You are an American. You live in a free country. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to apologize for crimes you didn’t commit.
We've told you about the rise of left-wing mobs in this country, and the threat they pose to all of us. We told you that — no matter what they’re claiming, or how loudly they’re claiming it — their main goal is power. It always is. In order to seize that power, they will do whatever it takes. They will silence you. They will hurt you. They will burn your country down. They’re doing all of that now. How should you respond to it? With courage. You are an American. You live in a free country. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to apologize for crimes you didn’t commit.
Who is 'we'? Trump's cult?

And what are these 'left wing mobs'? If you mean the protests to end police violence against us citizens, it is long overdue and is not a political stance, right or left. Well it wouldn't be if Trump/Putin (or whatever other dictators are trying to keep Trump in office, because he is doing things like giving the Saudi's nuclear tech) wasn't trying to make it into a political issue.

You should stop listening to the hate mongers that are filling your brain with mush.
We've told you about the rise of left-wing mobs in this country, and the threat they pose to all of us. We told you that — no matter what they’re claiming, or how loudly they’re claiming it — their main goal is power. It always is. In order to seize that power, they will do whatever it takes. They will silence you. They will hurt you. They will burn your country down. They’re doing all of that now. How should you respond to it? With courage. You are an American. You live in a free country. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to apologize for crimes you didn’t commit.
None of that happened when Obama was in charge, retard

Should I vote for the guy who brought us 100,000 deaths, 40 million unemployed and a $6 trillion dollar deficit?

Go be a stupid fucking idiot somewhere else, sock
Biden wrote the 94 crime bill, patriot act, forfeiture act. Just saying
I am afraid that there is no cure for stupid. When you use race to make any judgment call against someone, you are a racist. I don’t give a shit about the color of your skin, I care if you are a positive member of society, that’s it. You idiots using the race card is such a pathetic excuse for not wanting to deal with reality. Let me guess the age of you idiots- 20-35 year old twinkle toe snowflakes. Again - the world owes nothing , you might want to tel that to al of your looting rioting loser comrades they are doing nothing but discredit their cause. You really think democrats give a shit about any people? Hahahahahahhahahhahah
I am afraid that there is no cure for stupid. When you use race to make any judgment call against someone, you are a racist. I don’t give a shit about the color of your skin, I care if you are a positive member of society, that’s it. You idiots using the race card is such a pathetic excuse for not wanting to deal with reality. Let me guess the age of you idiots- 20-35 year old twinkle toe snowflakes. Again - the world owes nothing , you might want to tel that to al of your looting rioting loser comrades they are doing nothing but discredit their cause. You really think democrats give a shit about any people? Hahahahahahhahahhahah
Another sock too ashamed to show their real face, even an anonymous pseudo Id, that's how much faith you clowns have in Trump, no man can stand for him with honor. You don't even want to put your own fucking reps on the line on RIU, FFS, yet want the country to swallow 4 more years of chaos, death and insanity, just because you've got personal emotional issues, pathetic. The road to ruin paved with, hate, racism and stupidity, follow Donald over a cliff like the dumb obedient sheep you are.
I am afraid that there is no cure for stupid. When you use race to make any judgment call against someone, you are a racist. I don’t give a shit about the color of your skin, I care if you are a positive member of society, that’s it. You idiots using the race card is such a pathetic excuse for not wanting to deal with reality. Let me guess the age of you idiots- 20-35 year old twinkle toe snowflakes. Again - the world owes nothing , you might want to tel that to al of your looting rioting loser comrades they are doing nothing but discredit their cause. You really think democrats give a shit about any people? Hahahahahahhahahhahah
The idiot you’re replying to is a right wing retard like you

You’re not very smart. It’s amusing
We've told you about the rise of left-wing mobs in this country, and the threat they pose to all of us. We told you that — no matter what they’re claiming, or how loudly they’re claiming it — their main goal is power. It always is. In order to seize that power, they will do whatever it takes. They will silence you. They will hurt you. They will burn your country down. They’re doing all of that now. How should you respond to it? With courage. You are an American. You live in a free country. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to apologize for crimes you didn’t commit.

Is it time for Putin to release ISIS on us?

You do have to apologize for ignoring crime and being ignorant.
I am afraid that there is no cure for stupid.
As you keep proving in your willful ignorance.

When you use race to make any judgment call against someone, you are a racist. I don’t give a shit about the color of your skin, I care if you are a positive member of society, that’s it. You idiots using the race card is such a pathetic excuse for not wanting to deal with reality. Let me guess the age of you idiots- 20-35 year old twinkle toe snowflakes. Again - the world owes nothing , you might want to tel that to al of your looting rioting loser comrades they are doing nothing but discredit their cause. You really think democrats give a shit about any people? Hahahahahahhahahhahah
You are once again wrong. In damn near everything you spout.


Yes, please tell the white supremacist crowd to quit trying to cause mayhem to paint these peaceful protests as violent.

Im just curious why you are working so hard to push Trump's campaign rhetoric and then complain about Democrats?
Pathetic pathetic response , that’s all you have snowflake?
Snowflake again? So you are basically down to shitty response, then name calling.

And then meth-posting to yourself. Classic.

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