What has Trump done to this country?

Will Republicans finally break with Trump?

After former Defense Secretary James Mattis’ excoriation of President Donald Trump’s behavior in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski alluded to doubts she and her Republican colleagues have long had about the President’s leadership. Chris Cillizza explains why this moment is so important.

she's THE moderate mouthpiece who's floating that they aren't supporting him anymore..there's this thing about 'once the words are out..'

so the answer is 'yes'.

Mattis was the Judas Goat.'if he can comment, so can i' was leveraged as to why right now in this moment in time..she saw opportunity and took it..she also knows how to speak in convoluted GOP-speak that will make sense to them.

this is actually pretty big.
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Will Republicans finally break with Trump?

After former Defense Secretary James Mattis’ excoriation of President Donald Trump’s behavior in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski alluded to doubts she and her Republican colleagues have long had about the President’s leadership. Chris Cillizza explains why this moment is so important.
No. They have committed. Most are lawyers and can easily get a six figure job. The rest could go to work for Fux Nooz, become lobbyists, political "consultants", but they absolutely crave the position, power and attention. Don't get your hopes up, hope for the Republican party to stand up has passed. You can't stand without a spine.
No. They have committed. Most are lawyers and can easily get a six figure job. The rest could go to work for Fux Nooz, become lobbyists, political "consultants", but they absolutely crave the position, power and attention. Don't get your hopes up, hope for the Republican party to stand up has passed. You can't stand without a spine.
Here is what Steve thinks.
The republican senate is shitting in its adult diapers now, Donald is dragging them down, with Joe on the ballot, many expect the down ballot damage to be bad. Donald is blind in this social arena and flailing, he's lost more support more quickly over BLM and policing than any other thing including corona. He lost bady in LaFayette Park, a million votes easy and it took the military threat off the table, the retired stars have spoken.

Nancy should do Donald and make the fuckers carry his water over documents and witnesses, pile on when they are weak, but they are gonna get weaker still. Nancy will wait until it's demanded like before and the time is ripe for maximum damage to the GOP whatever they do to Donald, give him another pass or do him on the spot..
Senate GOP dodges over Trump's baseless Buffalo protester tweet

A number of Republican senators dodged questions or were silent when pressed for reaction after President Donald Trump suggested without evidence that a 75-year-old man who was seriously injured after being shoved by police officers in Buffalo, New York, last week, may have been part of a "set up."
In an unsubstantiated claim, the President tweeted, "Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?"
At a news conference following a Republican policy lunch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky refused to say whether Trump's tweet was appropriate.
CNN pressed him twice, and he instead pointed to the work led by GOP Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina to try to put together a police reform package.
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GOP Senators Refuse To Respond To A Conspiracy Theory Tweet From The President MTP Daily MSNBC

fter the president tweeted about the Buffalo protestor, GOP senators refuse to comment on the conspiracy-theory tweet. Aired on 6/9/2020.
I'm up for debate on any aspect of this, are you? First we deal with motives and intentions, then issues of personal integrity, finally we get to issues. Your posts in politics come at an interesting time in American politics, you arrived at our doorstep after a mere 20 posts in the grow section, where it's easy to get likes and then privilages.

We have an issue here with socks ( false accounts), usually by Trumpers. too ashamed to even use their own regular accounts. Also some believe Russians are an issue too and ya never know, Я думаю, что вы
Edit: Oh that guy. Why, he was just a boy when that movie was made.
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You can tell how bad Donald's nerves are by the volume of tweets, he's up to 200 now, a new record, Donald's nerves are getting worse.
GOP Senators Refuse To Respond To A Conspiracy Theory Tweet From The President MTP Daily MSNBC

fter the president tweeted about the Buffalo protestor, GOP senators refuse to comment on the conspiracy-theory tweet. Aired on 6/9/2020.

Might as well be Fox News genius, your uptake is not very rapid
I don't think any of this is Trumps fault. His handling of the situation is questionable yes. But if we are to blame Trump why should any other politician be unscathed??? Dems appease the masses but Pelosi Biden Sanders, none of which have done anything for their minority communities. Pelosi for one I know is one of the most corrupt politicians.

Racism has been part of our society for centuries. The uproar today is because yes of recent police brutality which of most stems from Obama years. This is a time where everyone should look at themselves and show value to our communities and neighbors. But to constantly blame one man for Americas problems is ridiculous.

You are so right, people just want to blame him for everything, the man is a screw ball don’t get me wrong but they have been trying to remove him since kilary lost. Using the racist card for anyone that you don’t like is so pathetic, the Democratic Party hold everyone to a certain standard and never hold themselves to the same standard. it your a democrat you can literary get away with murder. for all of you snow flakes listening- stop blaming other people for your fucking problems. The world does not owe you a fucking thing.
Will Republicans finally break with Trump?

After former Defense Secretary James Mattis’ excoriation of President Donald Trump’s behavior in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski alluded to doubts she and her Republican colleagues have long had about the President’s leadership. Chris Cillizza explains why this moment is so important.
You are so right, people just want to blame him for everything, the man is a screw ball don’t get me wrong but they have been trying to remove him since kilary lost. Using the racist card for anyone that you don’t like is so pathetic, the Democratic Party hold everyone to a certain standard and never hold themselves to the same standard. it your a democrat you can literary get away with murder. for all of you snow flakes listening- stop blaming other people for your fucking problems. The world does not owe you a fucking thing.

I'd like some of that life saving clean air/water back.

Why do you support Exxon?
You are so right, people just want to blame him for everything, the man is a screw ball don’t get me wrong but they have been trying to remove him since kilary lost. Using the racist card for anyone that you don’t like is so pathetic, the Democratic Party hold everyone to a certain standard and never hold themselves to the same standard. it your a democrat you can literary get away with murder. for all of you snow flakes listening- stop blaming other people for your fucking problems. The world does not owe you a fucking thing.
Awwwww, a trumpsucker who doesn’t like it when individuals blame everyone else for their problems

That’s just precious