What has Trump done to this country?

CNN's poll has Donald doing very poorly, he lost badly last week, starting with the battle of La Fayette Park, a Pyrrhic victory if there ever was one, that galvinzed constitutionalist and the Military leadership, taking them off the table in this political fight. His arrogant trampling of the 1st amendment rights of citizens for a photo op in front of a church offended many, this was symbolic ground for 1st amendment rights, the use of military and secret unidentified police in DC, worried many more, the police attack and violence appalled all.

The die is cast, Donald is screwed, it's gonna get worse from here on out as he flails for survival and will drown anybody who gets near him out of panic and stupidity. The GOP senate will drown carrying Donald's water and they know it, Nancy hasn't even applied any pressure yet and the cracks are showing in the republican senate. Supporting the withholding of witness and documents over covid or secret police would be very unpopular and an encore impeachment trial might have a different result, if not, it will kill the GOP majority in the senate surer than shit.

CNN Poll: Trump losing ground to Biden amid chaotic week

(CNN)As protesters gather daily near the White House and the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the American public is souring on President Donald Trump. A new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS finds Trump's approval rating down 7 points in the last month as the President falls further behind presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, whose support now stands at its highest level in CNN polling.

The survey also finds a growing majority of Americans feel racism is a big problem in the country today and that the criminal justice system in America favors whites over blacks. More than 8 in 10 also say that the peaceful protests that have spread throughout the nation following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers are justified. Americans now consider race relations as important a campaign issue as the economy and health care, according to the survey.

View Trump and Biden head-to-head polling

Overall 38% approve of the way Trump is handling the presidency, while 57% disapprove. That's his worst approval rating since January 2019, and roughly on par with approval ratings for Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years. Both went on to lose the presidency after one term.

In the race for the White House, among registered voters, Trump stands 14 points behind Biden, who officially secured enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination in CNN's delegate estimate on Saturday. The 41% who say they back the President is the lowest in CNN's tracking on this question back to April 2019, and Biden's 55% support is his highest mark yet.

The result comes amid a week in which Trump's response to protests outside the White House led to condemnation from some fellow Republicans and a rebuke from former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who served under the President.

The poll finds the public broadly disapproves of Trump's handling of race relations (63% disapprove), and 65% say the President's response to recent protests has been more harmful than helpful.

A broad majority of Americans say the peaceful protests happening all across the country after police violence against African Americans are justified (84% say so), and roughly a quarter (27%) say violent protests in response to police harming or killing African Americans are justified. Both figures are higher than they were when similar protests rose in the fall of 2016. Then, 67% saw peaceful protests as justified while 14% felt violent protests were.

There isn't much of a racial or partisan difference over whether peaceful protests are justified now, but the gaps are larger over violent protests. Among Democrats, 42% consider violent protests justified in response to police violence against African Americans, while just 9% of Republicans agree. Among blacks, 39% say violent protest is justified vs. 23% among whites.

Two-thirds of Americans call racism a big problem in America today, up from 49% who said so in a 2015 CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation survey. The increase in this share has come most sharply among blacks (88% call it a big problem now vs. 66% in 2015), but there have been large increases among Latinos (from 64% to 79%) and whites (from 43% to 60%) as well.

There's also been an increase in the share who say the US criminal justice system favors whites over blacks: 67% feel that way now, up from 52% in the fall of 2016.

About a quarter of Americans (25%), including a majority of blacks (54%), say that they have at some point feared for their lives because of their race or ethnicity. Among black men, 62% say that they have feared for their lives because of their race at some point, and 63% of black Americans of any gender under age 45 say the same.

With 42% calling race relations extremely important to their vote for president this fall, the issue now stands on par with the economy and health care near the top of campaign issues. The issue holds particular importance for Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 60% of whom call it an extremely important issue, compared with just 18% of Republicans and Republican-leaners. Most black voters also call it extremely important, 61%, well above the 34% who said the same in June 2015.

Voters give Biden a roughly two-to-one advantage over Trump on handling race relations: 63% say they feel Biden would do a better job on the issue, just 31% choose Trump. Among black voters, Biden is strongly preferred: 91% say he would do a better job on the issue and just 4% feel Trump would. Biden also outpaces Trump overall on handling coronavirus (55% to 41%), and on leading the nation in times of crisis (55% to 41%). Trump narrowly tops Biden as more trusted to handle the economy: 51% trust the President, 46% Biden.
Funny you idiots love calling everyone a racist , pathetic weak loser democrats

tRUmp is considering speaking to the nation on racism. All I have to say is please please please do it. It will be so completely about him and full of racist ramblings and a spectacular failure. It will be so bad that they will start using parts of it for attack ads against tRUmp.
No WAY will his advisors let him wing it. Whatever empty words he delivers will be written by some unknown aide. It'll sound like a 3rd grader reading a book report. I do hope he goes off script, but I doubt it. They are desperately trying to save face.
Ya could barely fog a mirror on a warm day with yer dying breath and the water on the glass would be deeper than the mind of that painted miscreant. I guess she holds a Phd from Trump U, surely she was on the faculty, that family educational fraud alone should bar her from speaking at every college in the land.

don't you know educated people use whispery voices? that's how you can tell they have an education.
@Jimdamick they'll have to do this because the 2nd wave will happen in the fall:

The weekly supplemental $600 benefit is set to expire at the end of July if the U.S. Senate and President Donald Trump don’t pass the $3 trillion HEROES Act stimulus package, which would extend the $600 weekly add-on unemployment benefit into January 2021.

Many Republican lawmakers hold that the $600 weekly boost in unemployment insurance during the pandemic is a disincentive to return back to work, given that people could earn more from not working.

Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman has instead proposed using federal funds to distribute a $450 return to work bonus. White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said Tuesday that “it’s something we’re looking at very carefully.”

If the extra $600 unemployment benefit expires, millions of Americans will have less money to spend in stores, and that could ultimately lead to more unemployment, Shierholz said. “It’s not true that there’s a pool of jobs out there that people would fill if they weren’t receiving unemployment benefits,” she said.

@Jimdamick they'll have to do this because the 2nd wave will happen in the fall:

The weekly supplemental $600 benefit is set to expire at the end of July if the U.S. Senate and President Donald Trump don’t pass the $3 trillion HEROES Act stimulus package, which would extend the $600 weekly add-on unemployment benefit into January 2021.

Many Republican lawmakers hold that the $600 weekly boost in unemployment insurance during the pandemic is a disincentive to return back to work, given that people could earn more from not working.

Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman has instead proposed using federal funds to distribute a $450 return to work bonus. White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said Tuesday that “it’s something we’re looking at very carefully.”

If the extra $600 unemployment benefit expires, millions of Americans will have less money to spend in stores, and that could ultimately lead to more unemployment, Shierholz said. “It’s not true that there’s a pool of jobs out there that people would fill if they weren’t receiving unemployment benefits,” she said.

Starve them out is the plan, trouble is there will be no jobs and a rapidly escalating infection rate by then. Donald said he wants to run in the election campaign as an asshole, a cruel strongman, law and order president, or so they report. Trouble is he's running up against the soft power of peaceful protests, generating feelings and empathy among millions of people and changing attitudes wholesale. Donald does not understand, he is forever outside the bond of love and empathy that binds humans together when they are at their best. We have greatest generation quality citizens on the streets right now fighting for a higher purpose and for others who are suffering, Donald doesn't get it. They too are young for the most part and facing the danger of illness and death, they too are fighting against hate and fascism, they too hope for a better future by their action and courage today. They will also vote in november, the young don't vote much, unless they first hit the streets and get pumped, this BLM movement has pumped them up really good and continues to do so. It's become cool to be frank, (important to some youth, like fashion) and this should translate into an unusually large youth turn out at the polls.

Al Sharpton and others have a rally planned in DC for late August and that will give the movement a big shot in the arm, put the youth on the streets before the election and they will go to the polls while they are there anyway. Demonstrations are great places to have flyer hand outs (with social distancing and safety info too) and voter registration stations, make sure the young are registered and motivated. Give out masks at registration stations, have bottled water there and hand sanitizing stations. The power of organisation and donated cash to the organisation, demonstration wardens too, with Tee shirts and vests to keep order, peace and provide direction, services and safety info. Maximise public support, make friends as ya go, be open, fair, honest and friendly, its how its done, many have done it before.
Word is Donald wants to start up rallies in a couple of weeks, he needs emotional support! Who will be the first victim city and state? Donald figures if his enemies are in the streets, he can hold his rallies again, good luck holding measles parties in a couple of weeks when the infection rate starts spiking. Donald will leave riots, healthcare crisis, death, misery and unpaid bills in his his wake, but only in those red states stupid enough to host them. If Donald attends rallies, he will probably get infected with corona unless extraordinary measures are taken, I imagine they would be held in outdoor venues during daylight. If Donald can hold rallies across the red states he will kill off some of his base and a lot more of the innocent.