What has Trump done to this country?

All tho I'm glad he's working against tRUmp, this guy is no fucking hero. If tRUmp weren't quite so crazy he would be working for the orange turd and crafting these kinda ads against democrats. He's part of the reason politics is in the state it's in.
Steve does his mea culpa in the interview, Al never shied away from rubbing Palin in his nose like shit. Steve is straight up, I don't agree with him ideologically, but he is honest and a keen observer of the shit show called the modern GOP and how it evolved into a racist organisation run by deplorables and owned by trump. Steve's main problem now, is he's carrying the baggage of a discredited and disproven right wing ideology. The main thing is, he's an American patriot, who I disagree with on many things, but who I agree with on the most important things, getting rid of Trump and the GOP, until then its dystopia. I also like his highly effective Lincoln Project ads that kick Trump square in the nuts, these guys know how to fight like dirty pricks because the are, or were at least! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, I'll shit on steve after november, right now there's Trump and those who suck his arse.
True. He, Joe Scarborough, George Will and others would just be fucking Republicans, if not for Trump.
Joe is atoning for his past sins most week day mornings by calling Donald a fucking idiot to his face and explaining what he should do to be successful, Donald does not listen and nobody expects him to. Donald knows Joe personally and he compulsively watches the show, like a moth drawn to a flame, and does he get burnt! Donald must go into convulsions of purple faced rage very morning and is well primed by the time his staff have to deal with him, he might like fox and friends, but he is drawn to Joe, & pain! Joe gives Donald his daily dose of reality, with mocking, ridicule, fun facts and polls that must drive Donald near insane. Joe motivates some of what Donald does and tweets, he constantly tries to play him like a fish, his ridicule of Donald the Bunker boy chicken shit, helped to spark his defeat in La Fayette park, symbolic ground for the 1 st amendment and it was violated by Trump for a photo op. The I'm a brave little boy moment of a wannabe strongman captured on national TV, Donald is a boy's idea of a man and a man's idea of a boy.
tRUmp is considering speaking to the nation on racism. All I have to say is please please please do it. It will be so completely about him and full of racist ramblings and a spectacular failure. It will be so bad that they will start using parts of it for attack ads against tRUmp.
Right. If he doesn't stick strictly to the script (he can't), he'll improvise and go on his disjointed ramblings and the racism will show. "George is looking down and saying this is a great, great day." He simply cannot take direction, it isn't in him. To him, that shows weakness. For someone who loves "the performance", he can't act as well as Ronny Rayguns. Do it, bunker baby! That grave needs to go deeper.
More steve from 3 weeks ago, just before the Floyd George murder, Donald was on his way down over fundamental issues of survival, before the latest crises. BLM has activated the youth vote now, they normally don't vote, but are pumped now, more nails in his coffin.
Steve Schmidt warns America on catastrophic fallout from Trumps COVID-19 voices in his head
tRUmp is considering speaking to the nation on racism. All I have to say is please please please do it. It will be so completely about him and full of racist ramblings and a spectacular failure. It will be so bad that they will start using parts of it for attack ads against tRUmp.
If he get's off the teleprompter to whine and rant for a spell it could be real bad for him, if not he will poorly read something some flak wrote, nobody will believe him.
tRUmp is considering speaking to the nation on racism. All I have to say is please please please do it. It will be so completely about him and full of racist ramblings and a spectacular failure. It will be so bad that they will start using parts of it for attack ads against tRUmp.
It could be spectacular alright, if ya think we had unrest last week....
we need a real third party, period.

We only Need One Party, the day the two parties were formed is the day the American People were divided.

ONE PARTY FOR ALL AMERICAN"S We will Call it the American Party. We only need one form of Politics in America and that is American's Freedom of all in the United States of America.

The others that want to Beat Blacks and not live by a Peaceful and Meaningful Life can Move to Russia, China or N.K. We all want better and what we have now is a Useless Piece of Trash, And Yes as We Say Joe Biden and Hillary that's with 2 Ls is much better than DUMB DONALD !! If you believe Hillary would have been worse than Trump, Ya either want Chaos or just don't care to learn more about the Candidates the run for the Betterment of our Country.

Get off the FOX BULLSHIT it's toasting your Brain.
I see Donald recently shaved off 2 points in the latest national polling. 55/41 for Joe a, 9 point spread now, up from the last poll. Joe +4%, Trump-5% Since May.
Biden Leads Trump In New General Matchup Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Hilary lost stop! As for moving to Russia, all the socialist can go, we are not a socialist country. What wrong with Fox News ? The same thing as msnbc you dolt. Hilary lost to Donald trump let that sink in, I have nothing to say other that that’s what you get when you put up the worst possible candidate against a loser like trump!!! I hope trump wins so I can see a whole bunch of angry violent fucks jump off bridges holding hands in solidarity
Fox news cherry picks a lot of their information so that Dear Leader doesn't tweet about them. There is really no reason to watch them anymore outside of Sunday.

And just because you have been brainwashed by propaganda against Hillary by Russian and Trump trolling for a decade, doesn't make it true. No matter how angrily you say it. She was a great candidate, but unfortunately the Russians attack on our democracy (with Trump's help) swayed just enough people in key states to overcome her almost 3 million more votes than Trump.

I know it will be hard to overcome your programming, breaking out of a cult mentality is very difficult, but it is worth it.

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Fox news cherry picks a lot of their information so that Dear Leader doesn't tweet about them. There is really no reason to watch them anymore outside of Sunday.

And just because you have been brainwashed by propaganda against Hillary by Russian and Trump trolling for a decade, doesn't make it true. No matter how angrily you say it. She was a great candidate, but unfortunately the Russians attack on our democracy (with Trump's help) swayed just enough people in key states to overcome her almost 3 million more votes than Trump.

I know it will be hard to overcome your programming, breaking out of a cult mentality is very difficult, but it is worth it.

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He is an antisocial personality and most likely is incapable of growth and change. Introspection and empathy are the openings for change as we rationalise our uncomfortable feelings with the reality of the situation, he appears to lack this capacity.

Millions of people were shocked into introspection and empathy when they saw Floyd George slowly die in the relaxed comfort of their own homes, with calm objective minds, at first. Some hit the streets in the midst of a pandemic and many more were opened up inside and started thinking. Increasingly as the popularity of the social movement grows, social pressure will become an increasing factor in changing attitudes. It starts in the mind as thoughts and turns into words and actions, first they STFU, then they stop doing stupid shit like supporting morons and con men for stupid reasons, eventually they can evolve, the more empathy, the more evolution. Conditioning goes deep for many though and no matter how much they might try to be mindful and good... It's good enough that they care enough to try though, nobody is perfect and everybody has a chip on their shoulder about something, just don't be a pain in the ass to others and support treason and stupid.
Fox news cherry picks a lot of their information so that Dear Leader doesn't tweet about them. There is really no reason to watch them anymore outside of Sunday.

And just because you have been brainwashed by propaganda against Hillary by Russian and Trump trolling for a decade, doesn't make it true. No matter how angrily you say it. She was a great candidate, but unfortunately the Russians attack on our democracy (with Trump's help) swayed just enough people in key states to overcome her almost 3 million more votes than Trump.

I know it will be hard to overcome your programming, breaking out of a cult mentality is very difficult, but it is worth it.

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Pathetic waste