What has Trump done to this country?

More anti Trump ads and clips to send to the Trumpers in your life. This outfit is another bunch of former republicans, but these guys can't hold a candle to those pricks at the Lincoln Project. Ii seems there are more former republican groups and PACs running anti Trump ads than the democrats! Why should Joe bother spending a fucking dime right now? :D

A sample and a link to more, let video clips like some of these do your talking to friends family and social media, save your breath. These guys need someone better producing their ads, better music for more emotional punch and narration too.

American Bridge PAC
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Who are they trying to convince with this silent movie? You need to hit Trumpers square in the face with a baseball bat of feeling and emotion to get any point across, the Lincoln project knows this, these folks have been spending too much time with the "donor class". Most of the morons these people want to sway think the NYT is fake fucking news!
What Pandemic? Trump Golfs.
Word is Donald wants to start up rallies in a couple of weeks, he needs emotional support! Who will be the first victim city and state? Donald figures if his enemies are in the streets, he can hold his rallies again, good luck holding measles parties in a couple of weeks when the infection rate starts spiking. Donald will leave riots, healthcare crisis, death, misery and unpaid bills in his his wake, but only in those red states stupid enough to host them. If Donald attends rallies, he will probably get infected with corona unless extraordinary measures are taken, I imagine they would be held in outdoor venues during daylight. If Donald can hold rallies across the red states he will kill off some of his base and a lot more of the innocent.

dude you need a f life , seek help with all of these hate issues you got going on, I’m sure you have way too much free time on your hands
dude you need a f life , seek help with all of these hate issues you got going on, I’m sure you have way too much free time on your hands
Gonna attend Trumps's rallies Cletus? People are saying if ya gargle Clorox it will protect ya from corona, I understand they are gonna have jugs for a free swig at the entrance and orange koolaid to wash it down with. I hear it whitens teeth too, assuming you have any that is. :D
dude you need a f life , seek help with all of these hate issues you got going on, I’m sure you have way too much free time on your hands
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!
View attachment 4590105
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!
Makes a great contrast to Trump and the GOP, captures the national mood too, even republican senators are walking in protests these Days, Donald fucked up bigley. You racist assholes sure have poor leadership, only a moron would support Trump! :D
Trump In An ‘Incredibly Weak Position’ Five Months Before Election Day | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Keep this diagram of human motivation in mind, more folks are being driven by factors lower down in the pyramid now and many spend their entire lives in the bottom half. This is what drives people, into the streets and to the polls.

View attachment 4590105
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!
Except they didn't have to clear out a bunch of lawful peaceful protesters like Fascists so Dear Leader could get his photo op.

Get over yourself fool.
I don't think any of this is Trumps fault. His handling of the situation is questionable yes. But if we are to blame Trump why should any other politician be unscathed??? Dems appease the masses but Pelosi Biden Sanders, none of which have done anything for their minority communities. Pelosi for one I know is one of the most corrupt politicians.

Racism has been part of our society for centuries. The uproar today is because yes of recent police brutality which of most stems from Obama years. This is a time where everyone should look at themselves and show value to our communities and neighbors. But to constantly blame one man for Americas problems is ridiculous.
Biden Is Acting ‘Like A President Is Supposed To In A Time Of Great Crisis’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

The latest general election polls all show a lead for Joe Biden as the nation faces health, cultural and economic crises. Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt tells Lawrence O’Donnell it’s a result of American voters observing Donald Trump’s “clinic of ineptitude play out now for months.” Aired on 6/8/2020.