I’m looking forward to hearing Stephen Miller’s speech. I’m sure it will bring us all together.No WAY will his advisors let him wing it. Whatever empty words he delivers will be written by some unknown aide. It'll sound like a 3rd grader reading a book report. I do hope he goes off script, but I doubt it. They are desperately trying to save face.
Word is Donald wants to start up rallies in a couple of weeks, he needs emotional support! Who will be the first victim city and state? Donald figures if his enemies are in the streets, he can hold his rallies again, good luck holding measles parties in a couple of weeks when the infection rate starts spiking. Donald will leave riots, healthcare crisis, death, misery and unpaid bills in his his wake, but only in those red states stupid enough to host them. If Donald attends rallies, he will probably get infected with corona unless extraordinary measures are taken, I imagine they would be held in outdoor venues during daylight. If Donald can hold rallies across the red states he will kill off some of his base and a lot more of the innocent.
Nobody cares what you think, inbred.dude you need a f life , seek help with all of these hate issues you got going on, I’m sure you have way too much free time on your hands
Nobody cares what you think, inbred.
Diy pulls more grams per watt, than you have braincells.
Gonna attend Trumps's rallies Cletus? People are saying if ya gargle Clorox it will protect ya from corona, I understand they are gonna have jugs for a free swig at the entrance and orange koolaid to wash it down with. I hear it whitens teeth too, assuming you have any that is.dude you need a f life , seek help with all of these hate issues you got going on, I’m sure you have way too much free time on your hands
Nobody gives a shit about what you think go back to smoking dope and being stupid
Everyone here smokes pot, shithead. Everyone except Russian trolls that is.Nobody gives a shit about what you think go back to smoking dope and being stupid
Enjoy the sanctions, stinkyNobody gives a shit about what you think go back to smoking dope and being stupid
dude you need a f life , seek help with all of these hate issues you got going on, I’m sure you have way too much free time on your hands
Whereas your life will have meant nothing, just another borshct fart in the wind, sad.View attachment 4590105
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!
Makes a great contrast to Trump and the GOP, captures the national mood too, even republican senators are walking in protests these Days, Donald fucked up bigley. You racist assholes sure have poor leadership, only a moron would support Trump!View attachment 4590105
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!
View attachment 4590105
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks
Except they didn't have to clear out a bunch of lawful peaceful protesters like Fascists so Dear Leader could get his photo op.View attachment 4590105
wow ! That’s some funny shit!!!! You know anyone with half a brain is laughing their ass off at how pathetic this looks, people make fun of trump with the Bible (that was a joke) but this is even better!!!!