What has Trump done to this country?

Get a life yo, I’m sorry your divorced and your kids don’t love you , find a new outlet
Piss off citizens enough and...

Minneapolis City Council members intend to defund and dismantle the city's police department

Minneapolis (CNN)Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday announced they intend to defund and dismantle the city's police department following the police killing of George Floyd.
I wish I was 12. I would abuse my body less. Lifting, climbing and walking on 45 acres of concrete for 40 years makes arthritis your old age friend. But I still raise a half acre of garden. Used to be an acre a couple years ago. I give most away anymore. We still can some 12 day pickles and freeze cut off sweet corn and green beans. Just got some cattle fence sections put up for the cucumbers to vine on. Nothing against a third party. But last time we got frump.
On meet the Press
80% of registered voters think the country is out of control, just 15% feel everything is ok, dunno about the other 5%

Here's the kicker though
Trump's job performance: 53% disapprove and 45% approve and there's more than stupid driving that number, fear and hate are.

General election matchup: Biden 49% and Trump 42%, a mere 7% lead, the election is still stealable enough for Donald, he would send his fans to their deaths in insurrection even if he lost by 20%, it would still be rigged. Donald will not go quietly, they will have to drag him from the place kicking and screaming like a toddler. He will not attend the inauguration and it would be wise if he wasn't around washington either. They have done no transition work and will do none, Joe is gonna have to start fresh, with Obama's old crew for the most part, in the beginning at least, he has little choice but to use government veterans. I would expect Donald will be out of the country on inauguration day, but the only safe place would be Russia and they are gonna face a fucking nightmare, if Joe wins, they will probably say he's nuts and send him back, what a welcome he would get then!
I wish I was 12. I would abuse my body less. Lifting, climbing and walking on 45 acres of concrete for 40 years makes arthritis your old age friend. But I still raise a half acre of garden. Used to be an acre a couple years ago. I give most away anymore. We still can some 12 day pickles and freeze cut off sweet corn and green beans. Just got some cattle fence sections put up for the cucumbers to vine on. Nothing against a third party. But last time we got frump.
Celebrex, works wonders for knees and joints, I only take it as required for my bum knee & my bionic one, but it does amazing things for shoulders and backs too. Also, I found that when I upped my Vitamin D to 2 -3000 IU's day, a lot of muscle soreness seemed to disappear. You got a hot tub and jacuzzi though and I'll bet that helps a lot! Friends swear by Voltairine too, a topical with something special that sinks in apparently, CBD is used as a topical too and some say it gives relief. Also for knee's, ya can jet a lube job with artificial synovial fluid injections (hurts like Hell) called synvisc, then there are steroid injection (lifetime limit) and they hurt like hell too.
"General" Flynn should speak out against this use of Military forces by Trump, like all of his former colleagues did. Unless he's a fucking traitor in bed with Trump and the Russians, that is. Unless he wants the charges reinstated against him as AG Barr "reconsiders" his prosecution, he will keep his mouth shut like a coward. I hope the judge throws the fucking book at him, he was most eager to do him on the spot earlier.
How it stacks up, who is concerned about the actions of the police, it says a lot.
78%- of blacks. WTF are the other 22%? Did they watch the video of the slow motion murder? 94% of blacks are opposed to Trump, maybe more now.
65% of Hispanics, includes many who consider themselves as white, and many are in appearance.
54% of Whites, still the ones who approve of the police action are 44%, after watching the video of the murder too! (real low empathy scores)
Concern about some protest that have turned violent
Hispanic -27%
White - 30%

Donald's plan ain't working, he is losing badly in the day and the criminals have lost at night, the nights are a lot quieter lately, the real protesters and public have little sympathy for them. Security cameras and others are catching up with many, or making them think.
Trump is the closest America has come to having a Fuhrer, it means leader in German and Donald couldn't lead a pack of dogs. Hitler lead Germany to ruin, he had a dream and a plan, America is leaderless and is aimlessly drifting towards disaster, Donald makes the situation worse every day, in every way, 110,000 dead and a thousand a day dying, that number will most likely increase to 2, or even 3 thousand a day in a month. If it keeps at 3 thousand a day, there are 227 days until Joe is sworn in, if he wins, if 3000 people a day die everyday for 200 days until then, the death toll of Trump would be a staggering 730,000+ Americans. 3000 dead a day will overwhelm the hospitals in many places and the infection fatality rate will go from .5% to 5%, further increasing the death toll.

This is a remote possibility though, but if the numbers of dead increase from the 1000 a day now, because of reopening and protests, it could get that high. When it gets really bad, a national lockdown will be required to knock it back, governors would be forced to restrict movement from neighboring states and shut down airports under municipal authority. Another two months will be required of staying at home, probably hungry too, with the internet cut off and mortgages and and rents unpaid for millions, Trump will cut aid further and do what he can to make it as hard as possible. He needs a rally and a GOP convention will give him one, the place will not be filled by delegates from the states, it will be packed with raving racist lunatics, Donald's fans without a mask in sight. Donald just needs to figure out how he is gonna appear there and stay safe, if the place is crawling with covid, (most likely) he might do a video speech to the assembled sheep in the slaughterhouse, but they will think he will appear live.

Uncle Sam wanders aimlessly decapitated, stumbling around the centerline on a busy highway at night, Donald has but one aim, to retain power and try to get away with the crime of the century by running out the clock. It does not matter how many have to die for Donald to achieve his goal, he is stupid and is most unwise, he will kill many more before the reins of power are pried from his tiny hands.
Steve is articulate and has something important to say, a keen observer of people and the human condition, this podcast is worth listening to, this guy is behind the Lincoln Project, former republicans who are patriotic conservatives. Steve is an academic and political a scientist too. Citizen Steve from may 17th
Al Franken - Steve Schmidt Tears Trump and the Republican Party A New One (May 17, 2020)

The former GOP strategist trashes Trump and his enablers. And gives a surprisingly personal explanation of why it took him so long to leave his old party.
3 Children were putting up protest flyers on a public bike path and a tRUmptard tore down the flyers and assaulted the children.
I'm sure the judge will view the video before sentencing and talk to the victim too, it won't go well for him, in criminal or civil court, his personal life is fucked too. He's an asshole and he will be punished far more than most of them!
Steve is articulate and has something important to say, a keen observer of people and the human condition, this podcast is worth listening to, this guy is behind the Lincoln Project, former republicans who are patriotic conservatives. Steve is an academic and political a scientist too. Citizen Steve from may 17th
Al Franken - Steve Schmidt Tears Trump and the Republican Party A New One (May 17, 2020)

The former GOP strategist trashes Trump and his enablers. And gives a surprisingly personal explanation of why it took him so long to leave his old party.

All tho I'm glad he's working against tRUmp, this guy is no fucking hero. If tRUmp weren't quite so crazy he would be working for the orange turd and crafting these kinda ads against democrats. He's part of the reason politics is in the state it's in.
"General" Flynn should speak out against this use of Military forces by Trump, like all of his former colleagues did. Unless he's a fucking traitor in bed with Trump and the Russians, that is. Unless he wants the charges reinstated against him as AG Barr "reconsiders" his prosecution, he will keep his mouth shut like a coward. I hope the judge throws the fucking book at him, he was most eager to do him on the spot earlier.
If I were Flynn in this situation I would