What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

bernie babies: "i'll vote for a woman, just not hillary though"

also bernie babies: "no, not that woman either"
Yep; can't argue on the merits, sooooooo quick! make up a Strawman- or woman.

She doesn't support anything I stand for so I'm not supporting her.

The real question is why are you sucking big bank cock? She refused to prosecute Steve Munchin and conveniently took a bunch of campaign cash from the same bank.

Yep; can't argue on the merits, sooooooo quick! make up a Strawman- or woman.

She doesn't support anything I stand for so I'm not supporting her.

The real question is why are you sucking big bank cock? She refused to prosecute Steve Munchin and conveniently took a bunch of campaign cash from the same bank.


You're a petulant little child.
That's the conclusion you jumped to because I discount Dore as a source? Completely illogical (although completely consistent for you). Care to break that logic down for me?

Can you cite any articles where she's on record supporting single payer, pot legalization, ending CU, etc? Instead of just discounting the source off hand you could counter with some facts.
She's on the opposite side on plenty enough positions that I don't support her.

But keep trying to change the subject; it's the only tactic you have left, dishonest as it is.

According to this article she seems to be in favor of single payer...


It looks like she will run in 2020. I will withhold judgement until I see her outline her platform. I don't like that she let Mnuchin skate on the shady foreclosures with GS, but there isn't a politician alive that is unblemished. Time will tell...
Because some of you people made it a lot less likely any of that will happen any time soon. Getting full throatedly behind HRC was your chance to get some of that rolling.

Seriously? Your boy BS couldn't or didn't. What makes you think she would?
I'm convinced you attack everyone else because you have no ideas or goals of your own.
I'm pretty sure he is a paid pot stirrer. As I have often said, as long as they keep us infighting, those at the top can continue to fuck us over.

One of the funniest things is the dems harping on the Russian influence in the election. And yet, our very own cia has interfered in elections, putting in puppet governments all over the world

Or that hillary and DWS made sure Bernie did not get the nomination.

and yet somehow many of you believe she, and the democratic party s the answer.

Pretty sure the Awan brothers mess is going to bring them down. DWS is on live video threatening the DC police for her laptop, now says it's not hers

If she doesn't go down for this, and trump does not get impeached, it's just another glaring example how they blackmail each other AT OUR EXPENSE
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