What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

The sad part is you actually believe he, or any president, has the power to control the price of oil from foreign countries. You should fact check before swallowing the MSM and BO whitehouse propaganda Rosnef (in Russia) is one of the largest producers in the world

You should get some knowledge on the subject.

Who allowed fracking and then subsequently the export of the oil produced?

If you don't think that can influence the markets you're either stupid or stupid.

Obama, it was Obama.
Sure, like illegal immigrant pregnant women have babies here, who are TA-DA american, and although illegal, allows the mother and baby to get benefits. Where did they learn it from, our very own home grown welfare mothers, who get money AND benefits per child, none of whom are republican Imagine that

You're referring to this bill? At least you were careful not to say Clinton was responsible for it. BUT ,like our immigration laws, it's not enforced: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America and was authored by Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr.. President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it". PRWORA instituted T…

and so on and so on
Immigrants are one of the foundations of American greatness, you xenophobe. They don't take jobs, they grow them.

You want to blame someone for your economic malaise? Start with the billionaires! Then look at the banks and who bailed them out! Mr Obama and Attorney General Holder held NO ONE accountable for the crimes that precipitated the Crash of 2008, yet plenty of homeowners got tossed into the streets.

If you're going to hate Democrats, at least do it for the right reasons.
Oh? Do tell; What exactly do you stand for, sandwich?

In no particular order:
  • Dismantling of Citizens United
  • A complete overhaul of our Jim Crow-style criminal justice system
  • Beneficial infrastructure projects
  • Legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreation purposes in all states
  • More women and minorities in positions of leadership in our government and private institutions
  • Affordable education accessible to all
  • Get to the bottom of the Russian meddling in our elections and safe-guarding future elections to the degree possible from such actions
  • Determine if our president is compromised or otherwise in collusion with the russians
  • Address hunger, here and abroad
  • Stop the destruction of our environment
  • Good healthcare accessible to all
  • Take responsibility for the global problems we've had a hand in creating by taking in more refugees
  • Reign Saudi Arabia on human rights abuses or be prepared to tell them to kiss our collective asses
  • Insist that countries we trade with respect the human rights of its workers at least to the degree we do (child labor laws, workplace safety laws etc) and take our business elsewhere (at home, if possible) otherwise.
  • Roe v Wade to be settled and left alone
  • GLBT as a protected class in all scenarios and in all states
  • Many others
How about you?
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In no particular order:
  • Dismantling of Citizens United
  • A complete overhaul of our Jim Crowe-style criminal justice system
  • Beneficial infrastructure projects
  • Legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreation purposes in all states
  • More women and minorities in positions of leadership in our government and private institutions
  • Affordable education accessible to all
  • Get to the bottom of the Russian meddling in our elections and safe-guarding future elections to the degree possible from such actions
  • Determine if our president is compromised or otherwise in collusion with the russians
  • Address hunger, here and abroad
  • Stop the destruction of our environment
  • Good healthcare accessible to all
  • Take responsibility for the global problems we've had a hand in creating by taking in more refugees
  • Reign Saudi Arabia on human rights abuses or be prepared to tell them to kiss our collective asses
  • Insist that countries we trade with respect the human rights of its workers at least to the degree we do (child labor laws, workplace safety laws etc) and take our business elsewhere (at home, if possible) otherwise.
  • Roe v Wade to be settled and left alone
  • GLBT as a protected class in all scenarios and in all states
  • Many others
How about you?
I agree with every point you listed.

So why are we fighting?

You see?
Because some of you people made it a lot less likely any of that will happen any time soon. Getting full throatedly behind HRC was your chance to get some of that rolling.
I voted for her.

I wasn't behind her all the way because she didn't stand for what I need from my government.

If you want me to be a blind sychophant in support of those who don't have my interests in mind, you're talking to the wrong guy.

If you want my support on specific issues and together we can get a party- whatever party will listen- to back us on those issues, I'm your man.

I posted the video above not because I think Bernie is some kind of Messiah but because he speaks the truth. If you're trying to bring people together, don't use the tactics of division.
No, I want you to be capable of strategic thought. I know I'm talking to the wrong guy.
Your insult does nothing for your argument. I've watched the Democratic strategy of taking the money and servicing the donors run them firmly aground. I'll not be a rat on that sinking ship any longer.

If they can get themselves off the rocks and underway on course to address our extreme income and wealth inequality issues I'll be more than happy to come back.

But you've got the cart before the horse; it's not MY job to be loyal not matter what, it's THEIR job to prove they're worthy of my support.

Until the party and their self important sychophants figure that out, I'm not on board!
I've watched the Democratic strategy of taking the money and servicing the donors run them firmly aground. I'll not be a rat on that sinking ship any longer.

So, how did Obama do, in your estimation? Free clue before you answer: perfection is not possible. The Democratic establishment did not hit a grand slam at each turn at the bat, but their batting average was Hall of Fame material under Obama's guidance.

Again, what did the Obama years do to bolster your argument about the Democratic establishment? Explain.
So, how did Obama do, in your estimation? Free clue before you answer: perfection is not possible. The Democratic establishment did not hit a grand slam at each turn at the bat, but their batting average was Hall of Fame material under Obama's guidance.

Again, what did the Obama years do to bolster your argument about the Democratic establishment? Explain.

obama was just playing a long game to get a book deal, my dude. the bernie bros told me all about it. totally makes sense, as long as you don't think about it at all and are just blinded with white hot rage that bernie lost.
I just want to remind all you librtards (and neocons), I registered as an Independent long before most of you were born.

I've said it before: politics is nothing more than 2 sides of the same dirty coin. No matter which party has been in power over the last 50 of my voting years, things have gotten worse. College grads are forced to live with their parents as quality jobs that would pay their student loan debt, let alone housing, car, insurance, food... are all too rare. But yeah, Obama or Hilary for the win

The reason why Trump was elected was simply that enough non-welfare voters = democrats realized what I long knew, career politicians were and are the problem

Please stop defending the indefensible'' They all need to be thrown out. If you want real change, first we need to reboot government with term limits, make lobbying illegal, and they must use the same health care plan that they approve. Unless of course all you bellyachers don't want that
So, how did Obama do, in your estimation? Free clue before you answer: perfection is not possible. The Democratic establishment did not hit a grand slam at each turn at the bat, but their batting average was Hall of Fame material under Obama's guidance.

Again, what did the Obama years do to bolster your argument about the Democratic establishment? Explain.
There was the massive sop to the big banks and the total lack of prosecution for any of their crimes.

I think he could have done more actively for race relations than just be an inspirational figurehead.

Given the constraints of the job, he did pretty well other than that.

It's not his administration I have a problem with as much as the DNC and the electioneering machinery, independent of candidates. Too many people involved are too happy to take the money and not work for a better future. The superdelegate thing is a trainwreck.. The other side of the aisle is certainly no better.

I realize my idealism does get in the way of a realistic assessment of the situation sometimes.
obama was just playing a long game to get a book deal, my dude. the bernie bros told me all about it. totally makes sense, as long as you don't think about it at all and are just blinded with white hot rage that bernie lost.
I'm convinced you attack everyone else because you have no ideas or goals of your own.
There was the massive sop to the big banks and the total lack of prosecution for any of their crimes.

I think he could have done more actively for race relations than just be an inspirational figurehead.

Given the constraints of the job, he did pretty well other than that.

It's not his administration I have a problem with as much as the DNC and the electioneering machinery, independent of candidates. Too many people involved are too happy to take the money and not work for a better future. The superdelegate thing is a trainwreck.. The other side of the aisle is certainly no better.

I realize my idealism does get in the way of a realistic assessment of the situation sometimes.

That was an entirely reasonable response. Fair points.