1. Illegal immigration does not take jobs away from Americans..but if you insist, you can have as many jobs farming or slaughterhouse as you'd like. Which do you prefer? I know owners in both industries and can get you a position.
2. You have to HAVE a job to receive cash benefits. It is called 'welfare to work' instituted in the Clinton years.
Let me explain something nicely:
Donald Trump is a grifter, a con man..he takes law already in place..sets up a photo op and 'pretends' to sign a piece of paper and voila! a sound byte on how wonderful he is..remember all those file folders piled up on a table? He was 'divesting' his businesses

they were blank papers..he uses visual aides to con you and everyone else.
And now his latest- 'if something happens to the presidency?..don't you believe it folks, nahhhhhhhhh don't believe it'.