What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

So much BS, I can't bother to refute it all, but your boy raised gas prices significantly, remember he wanted to end gasoline driven engines? 4 million walmart, and fast food jobs doesn't impact our economy. giving hm credit for the unemployment extension is laughable, as are you, AI
So much BS, I can't bother to refute it all, but your boy raised gas prices significantly, remember he wanted to end gasoline driven engines? 4 million walmart, and fast food jobs doesn't impact our economy. giving hm credit for the unemployment extension is laughable, as are you, AI
Are you on meth or something?

Obama dropped the price of oil so much that OPEC had to convene a special emergency meeting and agree to slash production... It threatened the Russian economy so badly that the rouble fell by something like 25% on Forex markets.

We even became an exporter of oil again under Obama.
Hmmm, what did Obummer do to improve the lives of the middle class? Did he stop illegal immigration which takes jobs from Americans and somehow manages to get welfare. Did he attempt to stop TPP, or repeal the corporate tax that has prevented large american corporations from keeping their businesses/JOBS here?

1. Illegal immigration does not take jobs away from Americans..but if you insist, you can have as many jobs farming or slaughterhouse as you'd like. Which do you prefer? I know owners in both industries and can get you a position.

2. You have to HAVE a job to receive cash benefits. It is called 'welfare to work' instituted in the Clinton years.

Let me explain something nicely:

Donald Trump is a grifter, a con man..he takes law already in place..sets up a photo op and 'pretends' to sign a piece of paper and voila! a sound byte on how wonderful he is..remember all those file folders piled up on a table? He was 'divesting' his businesses:lol: they were blank papers..he uses visual aides to con you and everyone else.

And now his latest- 'if something happens to the presidency?..don't you believe it folks, nahhhhhhhhh don't believe it'.
Are you on meth or something?

Obama dropped the price of oil so much that OPEC had to convene a special emergency meeting and agree to slash production... It threatened the Russian economy so badly that the rouble fell by something like 25% on Forex markets.

We even became an exporter of oil again under Obama.

The sad part is you actually believe he, or any president, has the power to control the price of oil from foreign countries. You should fact check before swallowing the MSM and BO whitehouse propaganda Rosnef (in Russia) is one of the largest producers in the world

The sad part is you actually believe he, or any president, has the power to control the price of oil from foreign countries. You should fact check before swallowing the MSM and BO whitehouse propaganda Rosnef (in Russia) is one of the largest producers in the world

'fracking', under President Obama, has done more to reduce gas prices in the last decade than anything any other country has done.

Without that, you'd be paying over $5 a gallon right now.

You're a typical Chump supporter; fixated on beliefs without evidence and completely ignorant of the facts of the matter.

Worse, asking people like you to educate yourselves is a waste of time because like your lazyboy hero, you can't be bothered to put in the effort;

1. Illegal immigration does not take jobs away from Americans..but if you insist, you can have as many jobs farming or slaughterhouse as you'd like. Which do you prefer? I know owners in both industries and can get you a position.

2. You have to HAVE a job to receive cash benefits. It is called 'welfare to work' instituted in the Clinton years.

Let me explain something nicely:

Donald Trump is a grifter, a con man..he takes law already in place..sets up a photo op and 'pretends' to sign a piece of paper and voila! a sound byte on how wonderful he is..remember all those file folders piled up on a table? He was 'divesting' his businesses:lol: they were blank papers..he uses visual aides to con you and everyone else.

And now his latest- 'if something happens to the presidency?..don't you believe it folks, nahhhhhhhhh don't believe it'.

Sure, like illegal immigrant pregnant women have babies here, who are TA-DA american, and although illegal, allows the mother and baby to get benefits. Where did they learn it from, our very own home grown welfare mothers, who get money AND benefits per child, none of whom are republican Imagine that

You're referring to this bill? At least you were careful not to say Clinton was responsible for it. BUT ,like our immigration laws, it's not enforced: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America and was authored by Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr.. President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it". PRWORA instituted T…

and so on and so on
Who cares as long as he's right?

Who is agreeing with you can sometimes be a sign that it's time to reevaluate a position. Justin-case is giving stow good advice here. You are just a trouble maker (and not in a good way). That much has become abundantly clear. Not enough drama going on in "real" life?
I just want to remind all you librtards (and neocons), I registered as an Independent long before most of you were born.

I've said it before: politics is nothing more than 2 sides of the same dirty coin. No matter which party has been in power over the last 50 of my voting years, things have gotten worse. College grads are forced to live with their parents as quality jobs that would pay their student loan debt, let alone housing, car, insurance, food... are all too rare. But yeah, Obama or Hilary for the win

The reason why Trump was elected was simply that enough non-welfare voters = democrats realized what I long knew, career politicians were and are the problem

Please stop defending the indefensible'' They all need to be thrown out. If you want real change, first we need to reboot government with term limits, make lobbying illegal, and they must use the same health care plan that they approve. Unless of course all you bellyachers don't want that
Sure, like illegal immigrant pregnant women have babies here, who are TA-DA american, and although illegal, allows the mother and baby to get benefits. Where did they learn it from, our very own home grown welfare mothers, who get money AND benefits per child, none of whom are republican Imagine that

awww, the superior white alpha male is being brought down by *checks position paper* small brown babies.

well, that was an unexpected turn of events.
162536"]So much BS, I can't bother to refute it all, but your boy raised gas prices significantly, remember he wanted to end gasoline driven engines? 4 million walmart, and fast food jobs doesn't impact our economy. giving hm credit for the unemployment extension is laughable, as are you, AI[/QUOTE]

I've said it before: politics is nothing more than 2 sides of the same dirty coin.

You're hardly the first person in history to fall for the false equivalence trap, old man. Many people like you are incapable of understanding context and nuance and insist on living in a black and white world. Pity you spent so much of your life trying to live in an impossible world. Fool.
Who is agreeing with you can sometimes be a sign that it's time to reevaluate a position. Justin-case is giving stow good advice here. You are just a trouble maker (and not in a good way). That much has become abundantly clear. Not enough drama going on in "real" life?
When you have to drag someone's personal life into an argument just to score points, maybe that's a sign your ideas lack merit.