What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

please do not spam our website, nazi.

limp dick losers like you are why i cannot even type viaqra in a post.

btw, how much of your disability check do you put towards viaqra every month?

you would think the so called "superior race" of cretins like you would at least have working dicks. i guess not though.
awesome, a literal nazi just posted a youtube video that a total of zero people will ever watch.

good spam, nazi.
please do not spam our website, nazi.

limp dick losers like you are why i cannot even type viaqra in a post.

btw, how much of your disability check do you put towards viaqra every month?

you would think the so called "superior race" of cretins like you would at least have working dicks. i guess not though.

Lol, just tried to post it and I see what you're talking about...thats REALLY weird.
Nice to know that you're the enemy of free speech. Censorship runs directly counter to the rights of citizens under the First Amendment.

That makes you a Fascist, doesn't it?
Nope, it means I'm saying something on a privately owned website (where 1A protections don't apply) and saying something purposely to wind up you cucks.

I can see how you'd misinterpret a joke though, my dog is at least 7x smarter than you (with a brain 1/3 the size).
Just because a point annoys you doesn't mean it's spam.

Just out of interest, do you regularly wonder why you're eternally single?

(Before you start crying remember to started this exchange)
No, it was definitely spam.

And the 'you started it!' thing proves your elementary school mentality, Stinkydigit. Real live genius going on there!

Too bad all that real estate I own in your head isn't worth anything. So desolate... So devoid of any redeeming value...
No, it was definitely spam.

And the 'you started it!' thing proves your elementary school mentality, Stinkydigit. Real live genius going on there!

Too bad all that real estate I own in your head isn't worth anything. So desolate... So devoid of any redeeming value...
I bet you think that hurt, lol.

Dude you're just weak, I'm everything I've always wanted to be...but youre in your fifties, overweight, single and spend all your time here crying about how unfair shit is.

Get out and actually work for the things you want and you might not be such a bitter old fuck.

Kk bye! :D
I think @fdd2blk has a copyright on that