What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Fake News.

They were accidents and suicides...when people are named in something they get "bad luck", that's all.

Can't defend your minority president and so deflect with Obama. Weak. Very weak indeed.

Trump IS the "deep state" Oligarchy you fool. "bbbbbut Ewwwbummer" is your only reply.
if he is that he would be keeping involved in syra war and provoke war with russia what was hillary intention..
you are literally rattling off about pizzagate and 87,000 clinton murders and then getting all pissy and indignant when i call you a conspiracy theorist.

it did happen. see here:
I still don't recall being upset. You should go call some rando's nazis or pedos it might get a better reaction.
I still don't recall being upset. You should go call some rando's nazis or pedos it might get a better reaction.

"so i'm the conspiracy theorist?" - you, being totally not upset about being called out

at least you stopped your pedophile apologism
"so i'm the conspiracy theorist?" - you, being totally not upset about being called out

at least you stopped your pedophile apologism
quote the whole thing. I was being called a conspiracy theorist. which doesn't at all bother me. meanwhile you fabricated a conpiracy that you have no proof of. stay on topic buck.
I was being called a conspiracy theorist. which doesn't at all bother me.

"so i'm the conspiracy theorist?" - you, being totally not at all bothered about being called a conspiracy theorist after talking about pizzagate and clinton's crazy murder streak
"so i'm the conspiracy theorist?" - you, being totally not at all bothered about being called a conspiracy theorist after talking about pizzagate and clinton's crazy murder streak
correct. you're not as thick as you seemed. almost like you were purposely trying to twist the meaning of everything that doesn't agree with how you think. I could be wrong though but probably not!
correct. you're not as thick as you seemed. almost like you were purposely trying to twist the meaning of everything that doesn't agree with how you think. I could be wrong though but probably not!

go shoot up a DC pizza parlor to vindicate yourself, conspiracy theorist flat-earther nutball
Homemade Headcheese Recipe

View attachment 3991576

For the brine

  • 1 gallon water
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 4 oz (10tsp pink salt)
For the head cheese

  • 1 pig’s head, halved, brains removed and saved for another purpose (like ravioli)
  • 4 pork trotters
  • 1 pig’s tongue
  • 2 cups each chopped carrots, leeks, and celery
  • 1 garlic bulb, halved
  • 1 gallon water
  • 3 cups dry white wine
For the bouquet garni

  • 10 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 3 fresh bay leaves
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • 5 cloves
  • 1 whole nutmeg
  • 5 whole allspice
  • 1tbsp yellow mustard seed

  1. Brine the ingredients for the brine to a boil, then allow it to cool. Place the halved head, tongue, and trotters In a large container and cover with the brine, making sure they’re completely covered.
  2. The next day, remove the meat from the brine and put into a large stock pot with the bouquet and remaining headcheese ingredients. Bring the mixture to a simmer, then cook covered for 3-4 hours, or until the jaw wiggles easily from the skull. Using tongs or a large skimming tool like a metal strainer, remove the pork and allow to cool just enough so that you can handle it.
  3. Peel and diced the tongue into 1/2 in cubes. Working carefully to avoid bone fragments, remove the meat from the head and shanks discarding connective tissue, bone, cartilage, or anything that doesn’t look delicious. Dice the remaining meat.
  4. While you’re picking the meat from the head, strain the braising liquid, then return it to a simmer on the stove in a wide pot. Reduce the liquid by half.
  5. Test the gel of the braising liquid by spooning some onto a plate and refrigerating it. The liquid should gel easily when it cools. If it doesn’t, reduce the liquid in 1/4 increments, continuing to test until it gels and sets nicely. Contrary to popular opinion, it is possible to over-reduce the braising liquid, which will give your headcheese the texture of a super ball. It should be solid, and able to be cut with a knife, but not so hard that it’s rock-like, or rubbery.
  6. Line a terrine mold or bread pan with plastic wrap so that there is enough plastic hanging over the edges to cover the terrine completely when the pan is filled. Mix the diced, braised meat in a bowl, then pack it into the pan or mold. Pour the reserved braising liquid over the top, then wait for it to settle completely, tap the pan on a cutting board or another hard surface to help the liquid distribute throughout the terrine.
  7. Afterwords, fold the plastic back over the mold, then cut a piece of cardboard to fit on the pan. Weight the terrine over night with a heavy object, making sure the weight it evenly distributed, and placing the entire pan on a cookie sheet in order to catch any drips of gelatinized stock.
  8. The next day, un-mold the headcheese remove the plastic, and slice 1/2 in thick with a long, sharp knife to serve. The headcheese will keep for a week.
your dick doesn't work and you are afraid of people using the bathroom.
if he is that he would be keeping involved in syra war and provoke war with russia what was hillary intention..
It is true that Trump is exactly following Obama's strategy in Syria. He's reluctantly being towed along by Congress to stop it with the love acts concerning Putin's oligarchs. So, no, not exactly what you said.

I have no idea what you mean about Hillary but I'm guessing that will cost six more rubles and I'm not interested in paying for that.