What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

bernie babies: "i'll vote for a woman, just not hillary though"

also bernie babies: "no, not that woman either"
How about any of these women?


Letitia Plummer


Cori Bush


Alexandria Ocasio


Adrienne Bell


Paula Jean


Sarah Smith


Nina Turner


Tulsi Gabbard


Elizabeth Warren
How about any of these women?


Letitia Plummer


Cori Bush


Alexandria Ocasio


Adrienne Bell


Paula Jean


Sarah Smith


Nina Turner


Tulsi Gabbard


Elizabeth Warren
I look forward to the day I have the chance to vote for nearly any of them.

Especially Nina Turner. She has an amazing ability to connect with those who've been disenfranchised for so long they don't even think they deserve to be heard.
I look forward to the day I have the chance to vote for nearly any of them.

Especially Nina Turner. She has an amazing ability to connect with those who've been disenfranchised for so long they don't even think they deserve to be heard.
All of these women deserve recognition, especially from anyone claiming to be progressive. Unfortunately since they hold real convictions and don't kowtow to political demands, they're simply dismissed as "alt-left" by people like Joy Reid
Tulsi Gabbard. I appreciate her service, her worldview and her frankness.
Same here. I commend her on her stances to reform campaign finance, non interventionism and foreign policy, and LGBT rights, among many others
ya mean the place where gay people are beaten and killed for being gay, and politicians and reporters who say anything critical of the ruling party disappear, are thrown out of 4 story windows, or get shot down in broad daylight?

yeah..THAT Russia.
go shoot up a DC pizza parlor to vindicate yourself, conspiracy theorist flat-earther nutball

So in your mind there is no pedogate (high people in the vatican, california politics, churches...) and the democrats, specifically clintons, Soetoro, Podesta, Weiner, and from the neocon side Lindsey Graham, John McCain (naming just 2) are all conspiracy theory?

You must be in on it,
oh and this guy

What are the odds that CNN or another one of the mainstream media outlets will pick up and run with this story? A million to one? How about no chance in he*l?

DOJ Releases 400-Plus Pages of Lynch-Clinton Meeting Emails – After Comey’s FBI Said No Records Existed
Zenny Phuong | CNSnews
Aug 6, 2017
Click here


(CNSNews.com) – The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.