Well-Known Member
@st0wandgrow accuses folks of being poor trimmers. Any one who would do this on a "fucking weed site" is a total "dumb shit".
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
@st0wandgrow accuses folks of being poor trimmers. Any one who would do this on a "fucking weed site" is a total "dumb shit".
I personally liked Obama. I think he is a decent human being with mostly good intentions.
On the issues overall he was pretty good. Obamacare was step in the right direction, but I would have liked to see it go farther. I wanted to see both wars ended. He drew down troop numbers, which again was a step in the right direction but not far enough. His use of drone strikes was deplorable though, and helping overthrow other govts was messing in sandboxes we shouldn't be playing in. I wanted to see gitmo closed...he drew the numbers down. Making the Bush tax cuts permanent was another thing I didn't care for at all.
I loved what he did for the LGBT community, and I loved his emphasis on environmental issues and green energy. Without facing the racism that he did, and the obstructionist Republican Party in congress I believe he could have accomplished even more. I would have voted for a third term for him in a heartbeat if that were an option.
I know, because you really don't want pot legalization, the end of private prisons or single payer healthcare.
You got nothing.
You bring nothing to the conversation.
You do no homework at all.
You're just a puppet.
Sure, like illegal immigrant pregnant women have babies here, who are TA-DA american, and although illegal, allows the mother and baby to get benefits. Where did they learn it from, our very own home grown welfare mothers, who get money AND benefits per child, none of whom are republican Imagine that
You're referring to this bill? At least you were careful not to say Clinton was responsible for it. BUT ,like our immigration laws, it's not enforced: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America and was authored by Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr.. President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it". PRWORA instituted T…
and so on and so on
Who is agreeing with you can sometimes be a sign that it's time to reevaluate a position. Justin-case is giving stow good advice here. You are just a trouble maker (and not in a good way). That much has become abundantly clear. Not enough drama going on in "real" life?
No. He is a troublemaker in a good sense it's called 'disrupt'.
Plus I think you're on his ignore and it's pretty funny watching you.
I'm pretty sure he is a paid pot stirrer. As I have often said, as long as they keep us infighting, those at the top can continue to fuck us over.
One of the funniest things is the dems harping on the Russian influence in the election. And yet, our very own cia has interfered in elections, putting in puppet governments all over the world
Or that hillary and DWS made sure Bernie did not get the nomination.
and yet somehow many of you believe she, and the democratic party s the answer.
Pretty sure the Awan brothers mess is going to bring them down. DWS is on live video threatening the DC police for her laptop, now says it's not hers
If she doesn't go down for this, and trump does not get impeached, it's just another glaring example how they blackmail each other AT OUR EXPENSE
Watching me trigger you by proxy is amusing you? M'kay.
You can't just use the word 'trigger', there has to actually be a demonstration of it for it to apply.
I know you're butt hurt <schuylaar pets your head>
I just want to remind all you librtards (and neocons), I registered as an Independent long before most of you were born.
I've said it before: politics is nothing more than 2 sides of the same dirty coin. No matter which party has been in power over the last 50 of my voting years, things have gotten worse. College grads are forced to live with their parents as quality jobs that would pay their student loan debt, let alone housing, car, insurance, food... are all too rare. But yeah, Obama or Hilary for the win
The reason why Trump was elected was simply that enough non-welfare voters = democrats realized what I long knew, career politicians were and are the problem
Please stop defending the indefensible'' They all need to be thrown out. If you want real change, first we need to reboot government with term limits, make lobbying illegal, and they must use the same health care plan that they approve. Unless of course all you bellyachers don't want that
Well, something drove you out of your hovel and onto my nuts. What was it?
I logged on and read your post?
You left out, "...and you insulted tty. How dare you do that? He's not even paying attention to you anymore, so just stop it! Waaaaa! Waaaaa!"
But, yeah, I get it.
Maybe you'll accept it from the man (then democrat) who helped slick willy become governor and later president
Maybe you'll accept it from the man (then democrat) who helped slick willy become governor and later president
Dude..get a grip.
We can do that AFTER we are finished with Trump Russia investigation.
The more Trump runs around saying no one is interested- the more we are..he's a terrible Russian spy btw.
I'm actually glad he, John Baron and John Miller are on Team Russia and not ours.
ya mean the place where gay people are beaten and killed for being gay, and politicians and reporters who say anything critical of the ruling party disappear, are thrown out of 4 story windows, or get shot down in broad daylight?with all the democrat anti Russians, I'll go with Russia