What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Tucker Carlson? Yeah, right, I'll click right on that.


You people remain pathetic mind controlled fools. Your handlers (liberal news) must be piping into your collective brains 24/7: any negative news about liberal perverts,scumbag politicians, and killers that is reported from the right is FAKE News. I've got news for you, you're never going to hear it from the left
You people remain pathetic mind controlled fools. Your handlers (liberal news) must be piping into your collective brains 24/7: any negative news about liberal perverts,scumbag politicians, and killers that is reported from the right is FAKE News. I've got news for you, you're never going to hear it from the left

Nice meltdown. And all because I think Tucker Carlson is a state propagandist. You've been cucked (and I finished on your face).
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There is a theory "out there" that says the Russians orchestrated the entire thing, and Trump didn't so much collude with them but was tricked into participati

Nice meltdown. And all because I think Tucker Carlson is a state propagandist. You've been cucked (and I finished on your face).

Anybody else notice how crude these libtards are? And yet, they expect to be taken seriously outside of their similarly crude brethren, but then they probably learned it from HRC, who had a serious trash mouth,
Do the bad, bad, naughty, nasty words melt you, snowflake?

Wow. You are so used to speaking ugly and unnecessary words that you don't realize that IF you actually had an intelligent thought (big IF so far) intelligent people would be turned off
Wow. You are so used to speaking ugly and unnecessary words that you don't realize that IF you actually had an intelligent thought (big IF so far) intelligent people would be turned off

Really? Studies disagree with you (although I'll entertain any counter evidence you might have).



(There are actually many other studies that support these finding as well.)

Since you are so fragile that mere words trigger your sphincter into a sanctimonious uproar, I'll try to keep the bad, bad words to a minimum when replying to you. I'll try to keep them relatively small as well. You're welcome!
Care to expound on your point?

I'm not debating you if I have to try guess what you're saying with your vagueness.

Your'e divided as you can be.. Race, politics, economy wise...
Rome has fallen after 2k years so great US will to..
Invading counrties as you wish, making enemies where ever you can..
Anybody else notice how crude these libtards are? And yet, they expect to be taken seriously outside of their similarly crude brethren, but then they probably learned it from HRC, who had a serious trash mouth,
Crude? You voted for a pedophile who feigned raptor hands to mock a disabled man.