Well-Known Member
can I go?
Of course. That's where we all go eventually. Where basket weavers sit in the sun and twiddle their thumbs and toes haha.
Google the song, 'They're coming to take me away haha' My old man broke my 45 back when it first came out around 1965? Got banned but still lives on in places like the Dr. Demento Show if that's still out there. lol
A girl I went out with back around 1977 when I was driving cab in Calgary had the 45 and let me borrow it to take home and record to tape. I actually gave it back to her but should have bought it off her. We went to see Rough Trade live and that really got me into Carol Pope's music. Still have the album in my collection somewhere. Need to record everything to hard drive and sell those. Most I played only once to record to cassette then put them away and they've followed me everywhere. Lot of good tunes from the 70s and early 80s on those LPs. Vinyl just sounds so good.