Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

Who is to blame for Trump Flu?

  • Chi-na

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • Europe

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Neo-Liberals

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Mexicans

    Votes: 10 26.3%

  • Total voters
Trump is more popular than ever, but there's more to the story

4 takeaways from a mid-crisis polling spike for the U.S. president

Alexander Panetta · CBC News · Posted: Mar 28, 2020 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: 2 hours ago


U.S. President Donald Trump, seen here wearing a campaign cap during a meeting to discuss the pandemic at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta earlier this month, is seeing the best polling numbers of his presidency. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via The Associated Press)

Sorry to the haters, doubters and slack-jawed disbelievers: Donald Trump has the highest approval ratings of his presidency.
The barrage of criticism he's faced in the media over his handling of the COVID-19 crisis does not erase the fact that he's getting decent marks from the public.

He's closer than ever to cracking the 50 per cent mark in public approval.
Trump took a pause Friday from dealing with this deadly, economy-pulverizing pandemic to tweet his thanks to a journalist who pointed out his poll numbers.

As the president often does, he insisted his real support must be much higher than what's in the media. "Add 10 points!" he tweeted.
Needless to say, you can't arbitrarily add 10 points to a survey and call it statistically sound. But here are a few things we can definitely glean from the polling so far.
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I guess people who want to vote in the red states in november will have to pass a gauntlet coughing clowns in MAGA hats. No doubt mail in voting will be restricted, polling places closed and long closed, packed lines will be the norm in some districts. I wonder how many "baseball bat " incidents there will be at the polls in the red states this year, involving the removal of MAGA hats...

Open air outside voting might be considered in some places, weather permitting.
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After thousands have died and voters start hearing ads of the impeached jack ass pronouncing: "i take no responsibility", "the newest democratic hoax" and "everything is fine" sentiments will change.

Right now most Americans are likely desperate for the 1200$.
After thousands have died and voters start hearing ads of the impeached jack ass pronouncing: "i take no responsibility", "the newest democratic hoax" and "everything is fine" sentiments will change.

Right now most Americans are likely desperate for the 1200$.
Oh yeah! Bigly, by summer they will want to burn Donald at the stake on the White House lawn. It's more sanitary than hanging, execution and cremation all rolled into one, good old American efficiency! Shit, tens of millions of Americans want to light up the fucker right now.
I figure some billionaire will make a memorial for the victims of Donald one day. A Lincoln like memorial, with Donald in the chair, tweeting on his phone in front of a stone TV, sitting alone in the cold stone edifice. Surrounding the monument for many square miles would be arrayed gravestones representing every victim of coronavirus from across the nation, it would dwarf all the military graveyards of American history combined. Donald in his columned house with 2' high TRUMP gold plated letters over the top, surrounded by the tombstones of a million victims, each one with KBT (Killed By Trump) engraved at the top over the name, each one spaced 6' apart. It can serve as Donald's "presidential library"of sorts, a monument to dereliction of duty, incompetence, unfitness for office and failure as commander and chief.

Hopefully it will be sited on one of Donald's old golf courses, but I doubt there would be enough room, generations of Americans can visit and contemplate the importance of responsible government by an adult. It would be money very well spent, you don't want to forget this experience as a nation, it's far too valuable to lose and too dearly purchased. People can bring their kids and grandkids and explain what it was all about, like some war memorial. In a way it will be a war memorial, a civil war II war memorial, more costly than the first one in lives, the first time they wore grey kepies, this time it was red MAGA hats. All will die in roughly the same numbers, red or blue, winning...

Somebody want to calculate how much bigger the vietnam memorial would be with a million names engraved on it?

Hint: There are 58,320 names on the vietnam memorial wall
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Donna Baskin. She killed her husband and fed him to tiger had corona virus and she spread ot after petting the hungry little fucker.
Donna Baskin. She killed her husband and fed him to tiger had corona virus and she spread ot after petting the hungry little fucker.
She must be a Trumper, sounds like something one of those psychos would do, if they are stupid enough to believe and support Trump, they they are stupid enough to do damned near anything. They do support and will vote for a proven traitor after all, racism sure does make em stupid though, but I'm sure many had a head start on stupid before Donald.
It seems like forever ago when Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp” if elected president. Well, it turns out this was one of the biggest whoppers in modern American politics.
Here are five ways he’s made the swamp even swampier.
1.He has packed his administration with former lobbyists and corporate executives. He has installed a former Boeing executive to run the Defense Department; a former pharmaceutical lobbyist to run the Department of Health and Human Services; a former coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, and a former oil lobbyist to run the Department of the Interior. In total, more than 300 lobbyists now work in the Trump administration – many in key positions overseeing the industries they used to lobby for.
2. He and his family are personally profiting from the presidency. Despite Trump’s promise he’d sever all ties with his existing businesses and place all assets in a “blind” trust to eliminate any conflicts of interest, documents show Trump remains the sole beneficiary of his trust and still retains the legal power to revoke the trust at any time. Meanwhile, foreign dignitaries have flooded Trump’s hotels, lining his pockets in clear violation of the Constitution. He even attempted to host the G-7 at his own luxury golf course until he was forced to back down.
3. He is catering to billionaires and corporations at the expense of the American people. In the fall of 2017, mega-donors shelled out more than $31 million in political contributions to Trump and Republicans. And in return, they got a massive $2 trillion tax cut. Not a bad return on investment. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

4. He is using taxpayer dollars to subsidize his luxurious lifestyle. Since taking office, Trump’s golf trips alone have cost taxpayers more than $110 million dollars. His children have also charged taxpayers for costs associated with business trips around the world that they’ve taken, including India and Uruguay. Taxpayers even footed the bill for Donald Trump Junior’s hunting trip to Canada.
5. The Trump administration has been riddled with scandals and ethics violations. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held on to investments and never divested despite pledging to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has tried to arrange meetings with Chinese officials for her family business. Ethics officials have found Kellyanne Conway broke laws that prohibit government workers from engaging in political activities. The list goes on, and on. This has been the most corrupt administration in American history.
Trump is exploiting everything that’s vulnerable in our political system. But in order to truly stop the corruption of our democracy, we have to fix what’s broken. We must get big money out of politics, end the flow of lobbyists in and out of government, and strengthen ethics laws.
Trump has enlarged and deepened the swamp, but the swamp was there before he got to Washington. One of the first tasks of the next president must be to drain the swamp once and for all.