Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

Who is to blame for Trump Flu?

  • Chi-na

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • Europe

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Neo-Liberals

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Mexicans

    Votes: 10 26.3%

  • Total voters
Calm down mate i never said trump handled it correctly did i? From what ibe read an seen on the news hes a backwards fucktard that doesn't got anything under control..
I directed the blame of the entire situation on china did i or did i not. My post was directed at no one on here it was aimed at the poll questionnaire at the start of this thread so before you continue your little tamper tantrom towards me i suggest ya pull ya head out ya arse an calm the fuck down mate..

hwo igves a fwuck if i missd spelld a gew wrds wrong FFS..

EDIT:. That last bit was just for you cause i'm guessing ya like everything to be about your self...

I was simply putting my thoughts out there about how china have created this problem an now the rest of the world has to clean up after them...
Who gives a shit that it started in China? What are you going to do about it? What relevance does that have in an interconnected world?

Are you pretending to be British or Australian?
The Foreign/Trump trolls have been swarming this site a lot lately and people are on edge, don't take it personal (if you are an actual person and don't turn out to be trolling us after a handful of normal posts, it is impossible to know until its too late). Welcome to the forum.
Cheers bloke, An yea im not a trumpeter or how eva yas spell it im from aus an commented on here as said in my post before about the poll thats at the top of the thread. The whole covid-19 crap is gettin outta hand, fair enough trump hasnt handle nothing right but the virus originated in china so there for ots on them an we all have to deal with in one way or another with there fuck up..
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Cheers bloke, An yea im not a trumpeter or how eva yas spell it im from aus an commented on here as said in my post before about the poll thats at the top of the thread. The whole covid-19 crap is gettin outta hand, fair enough yrump hasnt handle nothing right but the virus originated in china so there for ots on them an we all have to deal with in one way or another with there fuck up..
Wow, you sure seem to think that we should "do something" about China. That's kind of ironic considering the fact that the Chinese are in the process of buying most of your country and you are damn near a colony of theirs now.
Who gives a shit that it started in China? What are you going to do about it? What relevance does that have in an interconnected world?

Are you pretending to be British or Australian?
Mattteeeee get the fuck over ya self i only commented on here for the poll
So my original post has all the relevance of that..... Has nothing to do with you..
I dunno man, the poll is evenly split between Chi-na and Mexicans.

I'm on the fence about this one. I just want to hear logical arguments from both sides.
So goverment leaders aside and im not taking the piss here bloke. But can ya explain to me how mexico is to blame for it.
Your lame prognostications about playing the market only expose your ignorance. Your basic lack of the English language and it's use expose you for the fraud you are.

Your IP locates you in a concrete bunker directly under your mother's kitchen. We assume that you will be fully clothed when the nice young men in their clean white coats come to take you away, haha!

To the happy home, where life is beautiful all the time . . . .
Lol seems like you the one still in your moms basement scared to death of whatever new scare tactics the news tells you lol
Who gives a shit that it started in China? What are you going to do about it? What relevance does that have in an interconnected world?

Are you pretending to be British or Australian?
Your gonna do nothing but go to work lol and shut up lol its only killing the elderly off and. Or at a high rate ... and Europe the epicenter white people have been the cause of diseases since we found them on the cactus mountains . #MelinatedPeopleHaveDifferentDNA
Calm down mate i never said trump handled it correctly did i? From what ibe read an seen on the news hes a backwards fucktard that doesn't got anything under control..
I directed the blame of the entire situation on china did i or did i not. My post was directed at no one on here it was aimed at the poll questionnaire at the start of this thread so before you continue your little tamper tantrom towards me i suggest ya pull ya head out ya arse an calm the fuck down mate..

hwo igves a fwuck if i missd spelld a gew wrds wrong FFS..

EDIT:. That last bit was just for you cause i'm guessing ya like everything to be about your self...

I was simply putting my thoughts out there about how china have created this problem an now the rest of the world has to clean up after them...
Forget china, blaming them won't do any good, they've got their act together now, it's it's time for western countries to do the same to avoid a catastrophe. Make where you stand on Trump clear, Americans are frightened and rightly so, look who is leading them, I'd be fucking terrified if I were an American and as a Canadian I'm concerned enough. Plane loads of aid were landing in Italy about the same time as insults were landing there from Trump. I figure before this is over you are gonna see Chinese aid with test kits and PPE increase in other countries, for PR if nothing else.
Cheers bloke, An yea im not a trumpeter or how eva yas spell it im from aus an commented on here as said in my post before about the poll thats at the top of the thread. The whole covid-19 crap is gettin outta hand, fair enough trump hasnt handle nothing right but the virus originated in china so there for ots on them an we all have to deal with in one way or another with there fuck up..
Your not a republican your a dem who votes in for higher taxes then wonders where your paycheck went you go to store and they charge you for bags now , where they tell you global warming yet we haven't even been recording weather so this crazy weather could just be a normal part of the earths cycle but let's pay a tax to stop global warming's lol FUCKING IDIOTS
Welcome new crazy person!
White people know nothing ... google Henriatte Locks the black women whose dna gave us the cure for polio and other ailments. Our dNA is reproductive while white are degenerate.. your white skin and blue eyes and degenerate cells this isn't knew info
Your not a republican your a dem who votes in for higher taxes then wonders where your paycheck went you go to store and they charge you for bags now , where they tell you global warming yet we haven't even been recording weather so this crazy weather could just be a normal part of the earths cycle but let's pay a tax to stop global warming's lol FUCKING IDIOTS
Welcome back Dia.