Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

Who is to blame for Trump Flu?

  • Chi-na

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • Europe

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Neo-Liberals

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Mexicans

    Votes: 10 26.3%

  • Total voters
Im not a yank but how the fuck do yas think trump is to blame when it came from some backward fucks in wuhan china that get there rocks off on eating wild animals.
From what ive read, watchd over the last few weeks months no matter how bad governments have handled it it still came from china.. Just like the spanish flu an swine flu an more then likey there woukd b plenty other viruses that have originated feom there as well. An no im not a racist at all but China needs to pull there heads out there arses an do something before they wipe us all out

You think maybe he should of followed Putin's lead?

Only 42 cases and most of them stopped at the airport.
Probably the safest place to be even tho they border each other?
I live in trumplandia and the trumpkins are freaking out. The stores are cleaned out. Frozen, canned you name it. So my wife and I had lunch at Texas Roadhouse. With one other group. Amazing. I expected alpha types to be prepared. Time for a nap.
Cheers bloke, An yea im not a trumpeter or how eva yas spell it im from aus an commented on here as said in my post before about the poll thats at the top of the thread. The whole covid-19 crap is gettin outta hand, fair enough trump hasnt handle nothing right but the virus originated in china so there for ots on them an we all have to deal with in one way or another with there fuck up..
Payback for the heroin wars...
Donald standing there glaring at him like a goon
Ass-Kisser of the Month: Mike Pence | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Apparently Google is to blame.

Trump, and one of his cronies stated that Google was nearly done a new testing portal for corona virus, and it will play a central role to combatting it across the USA and it'll be ready very soon.

Google, a couple of hours later stated that no, it's not us working on it, it's a completely different company owned by the same parent company, and it's no where near ready to test in the *one* location it is designed for (Cali's Bay Area).

In Google's statement, they say this about the Orange Liar's claims: "that nearly everything about this is either not quite right or badly mistaken".

I'm sure they really wanted to say "everything out of your mouth is bullshit. Don't drag us into this you fucking scumbag", but they had to be politically correct.
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Im not a yank but how the fuck do yas think trump is to blame when it came from some backward fucks in wuhan china that get there rocks off on eating wild animals.
From what ive read, watchd over the last few weeks months no matter how bad governments have handled it it still came from china.. Just like the spanish flu an swine flu an more then likey there woukd b plenty other viruses that have originated feom there as well. An no im not a racist at all but China needs to pull there heads out there arses an do something before they wipe us all out
lock him up....
I’m gonna be even more pissed off at trump and his followers if I get to home depot and they’re all out of the TP i get there. They got single and 2-ply in the RV section. The 2-ply aint that bad. It’s around 5 bucks for a 4 pack though. I’m afraid to use regular paper in my trailer :-(
I bought one of these for my RV......Natures Head composting toilet
I love reading stoner politics. You guys are some of the funniest people I have ever come across. Too bad you are actually serious about the ridiculous crap you post. Hilarious.
Cheers bloke, An yea im not a trumpeter or how eva yas spell it im from aus an commented on here as said in my post before about the poll thats at the top of the thread. The whole covid-19 crap is gettin outta hand, fair enough trump hasnt handle nothing right but the virus originated in china so there for ots on them an we all have to deal with in one way or another with there fuck up..
lock him up....
So goverment leaders aside and im not taking the piss here bloke. But can ya explain to me how mexico is to blame for it.
They should of built a wall, a huge wall, the greatest wall ever built. One so big Air planes cannot fly over it. It would of been great.
You know who builds great walls? China does.

Welcome to the Politics section Jimmy, where the party never ends.
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They should of built a wall, a huge wall, the greatest wall ever built. One so big Air planes cannot fly over it.

Or just one that's piecemeal, tends to fall over in strong winds, with huge gaping flood gates that must remain open most of the time. You know, the kind that someone else will pay for, and people using standard hand tools can cut through!
that idiot and this fake virus made me couple hundreds selling short and bout to make me couple hundreds after the market bounces back... swine flu, Ebola, polio, bear market bull market there's money to be made and only idiots watch and beLIEve Tv . Question you gonna get thevaccine ?
Did cannabis stock go dwn jus like erything else did? I think I should have bought in