Today Trump claimed that his administration acted early and has done a good job controlling the pandemic.
He is a fucking idiot.![]()
Damn, thats an old troll account.that idiot and this fake virus made me couple hundreds selling short and bout to make me couple hundreds after the market bounces back... swine flu, Ebola, polio, bear market bull market there's money to be made and only idiots watch and beLIEve Tv . Question you gonna get thevaccine ?
mexico wants to close the boarder. they only have 12 cases, moron.
Covfefe-19trump flu
that idiot and this fake virus made me couple hundreds selling short and bout to make me couple hundreds after the market bounces back... swine flu, Ebola, polio, bear market bull market there's money to be made and only idiots watch and beLIEve Tv . Question you gonna get thevaccine ?
can I go?To the happy home, where life is beautiful all the time . . . .
Im not a yank but how the fuck do yas think trump is to blame when it came from some backward fucks in wuhan china that get there rocks off on eating wild animals.The Trump Flu is so hot right now - but who bears the ultimate responsibility?
Nailed it.Covfefe-19
Wow, you seriously think this clown handled it correctly?Im not a yank but how the fuck do yas think trump is to blame when it came from some backward fucks in wuhan china that get there rocks off on eating wild animals.
From what ive read, watchd over the last few weeks months no matter how bad governments have handled it it still came from china.. Just like the spanish flu an swine flu an more then likey there woukd b plenty other viruses that have originated feom there as well. An no im not a racist at all but China needs to pull there heads out there arses an do something before they wipe us all out
Bill Gates is clearly responsible.
Calm down mate i never said trump handled it correctly did i? From what ibe read an seen on the news hes a backwards fucktard that doesn't got anything under control..Wow, you seriously think this clown handled it correctly?
Least important, but clearly the most egregious as far as showing his real concern over people, Trump said this: "I like the numbers being where they are. I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship." The guy doesn't give a fuck if every remaining person on that ship comes down with the virus and is deprived of proper facilities and healthcare, he just wanted the numbers to look good for his benefit.
More important, the administration did not speed the production and distribution of testing kits and Trump lied about it the whole way through. He also lied about the creation of the vaccine to the detriment of public trust and knowledge. He lied about the public risk by claiming that the risk of Covid-19 was less than that of the flu which was clearly not based on any sort of expert analysis. What was it based on - Trump's hunch.
This virus may end up creating little actual damage but Americans are finally seeing what kind of pathetic leadership we have and they are finally becoming aware of the fact that a real emergency would be met with ignorance, lies, blame casting, a lack of responsibility and bumbling incompetence.
I have some questions for you. Are you a total fucking moron or have you got some sort of disablity? In addition to you showing your ignorance of the topic, you seem to have trouble spelling. Is there some problem with your thumbs or something?
I’m gonna be even more pissed off at trump and his followers if I get to home depot and they’re all out of the TP i get there. They got single and 2-ply in the RV section. The 2-ply aint that bad. It’s around 5 bucks for a 4 pack though. I’m afraid to use regular paper in my trailerNailed it.
My covid-19 wish list.
World wide educational program to cook meat to 160° internally. Bernie will offer free meat thermometers to everyone as a human right.
An actual leader as head of state. I long for the days of George W. Bush (or anybody with a learning curve, a little experience and half a brain-- 'Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job' ).
8 rolls of Scott Tissue.
Clean all Confederate statues before the south is wiped out.
In depth study of West Virginia's immunity.
Trump catches it and can't breathe.
Best of luck, thoughts and prayers, and-----View attachment 4503997View attachment 4503998stay the fuck out of my local Giant Eagle you creepy weirdos.
The Foreign/Trump trolls have been swarming this site a lot lately and people are on edge, don't take it personal (if you are an actual person and don't turn out to be trolling us after a handful of normal posts, it is impossible to know until its too late). Welcome to the forum.Calm down mate i never said trump handled it correctly did i? From what ibe read an seen on the news hes a backwards fucktard that doesn't got anything under control..
I directed the blame of the entire situation on china did i or did i not. My post was directed at no one on here it was aimed at the poll questionnaire at the start of this thread so before you continue your little tamper tantrom towards me i suggest ya pull ya head out ya arse an calm the fuck down mate..
hwo igves a fwuck if i missd spelld a gew wrds wrong FFS..
EDIT:. That last bit was just for you cause i'm guessing ya like everything to be about your self...
I was simply putting my thoughts out there about how china have created this problem an now the rest of the world has to clean up after them...