Trump Announces Presidential Campaign 2024

Fuck Trump and the supposedly pro life assholes who voted for him. Effing hypocrites.

The MAGA mantra: "Save the fetus, let kids and women die."

Partisan Control of U.S. State Governments: Politics as a Social Determinant of Infant Health

Findings show that state infant and postneonatal mortality rates are substantively higher under Republican-controlled state legislatures than under non-Republican‒controlled ones. The effect size is larger for postneonatal than for neonatal mortality. Findings suggest that effects may be greater for Black than for White infants, although the race-specific results are estimated imprecisely. The governor's party shows no substantive impacts on infant mortality rates net of party control of the Lower House.

The findings of this study are consistent with those of research emphasizing the power that political institutions and government officials have on writing and executing the policies and programs that shape the social determinants of health, including those shaping infant health. Rodriguez48 proposed the politics hypothesis—the proposition that the social determinants of health are, at least in part, constructed by the power vested in governments. That the party that controls state legislatures

What is "cowardly wokeness"? Seriously, I'd really like an explanation from anyone. What drives this elitist cabal of warmongers?
It's what republicans call the beliefs of anyone who doesn't support their white christian nationalist bullshit. gabbard was never a democrat, she was just pretending. When it became obvious she was a racist homophobic bigot, she just jumped ship to the party that is the home of racist homophobic bigots.
There is no cabal of elitist warmongers to be driven by anything, it's just more republican rhetoric that doesn't stand up to any examination. Get her to name any members, or to plainly state anything this cabal has done, with any proof that wasn't generated on a white hate podcast...She cannot, because they do not exist, except in her own sick imagination.
i sincerely wish the capitol police had been warned in advance, and they were all much more heavily armed...they could have stopped this pack of rats on the capitol steps with a few well placed 12 gauge rounds, and all it would have cost is a few magats, and magats are disposable.
"Only" five people died that day. It's not right to say that's a good thing but it's a good thing there weren't more. IMO

It was when the police just let them all walk away. That's what got my goat that day.
"Only" five people died that day. It's not right to say that's a good thing but it's a good thing there weren't more. IMO

It was when the police just let them all walk away. That's what got my goat that day.
i don't think the police were equipped to deal with that crowd...who was it that stopped the national guard from assisting? sure as fuck wasn't Nancy Pelosi...

some people need to be charged over that...