you can vote yes but unless it can be confirmed by someone that actually heard it, then it did not happen.
but of course i think it made a sound.
how do you know what you are seeing is actually a fallen tree? all you know is that the waves are being interpreted into particles in the form of a fallen tree.
we verify what we see yes. for example, you see the colour blue. you say that is blue. i agree because i grew up thinking that it is blue as well. but the colour i am seeing is red not blue. but due to our communications upbringings while we
are actually seeing different colours we have been calling them the same thing. and the only way to verify would be to mind meld of some sort and verify that it is not just a communication error.
can you see into the future? can you make the future?
lmfao. This gave me the most horrifying image of the future. Just a bunch of dead bodies Fallin out of the sky after successful time travel.we do have tech that can make frequences and stuff like that go the speed of light, but there is no way to do it fora human, the g's alone woudl kill you instantly even if you did actually travel back into time.
I would say a (zodiac) AGE is about 2,000 years, so I would come back to earth every 2,000 years or so.
So if Jesus got on a space ship when He ascended into heaven and did some time traveling than just about 2,000 years would have passed since then. Maybe Jesus is a time traveler, because He allegedly didn't stay dead, He allegedly rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Maybe He got onto a space ship with some alien friends and that's how He will return. But I believe that I AM Christ so maybe I'm going to be that time traveler. Its just a wacky thought anyways.
Uhh what happened to Puff Puff Pass quit fucking bogarting !!!!
You're (it's in bold for a reason) insane. Seriously, they're not grandiose, they're fucking stupid.
Where in your plan do Captn' Crunch and Scooby Doo make an entrance? Which planet will the telle-tubbies live on?
If we used the transformers to guard the new plants in the solar system, evil aliens couldn't attack us as easily.... Fuck, I'm good; just got two birds stoned at once....
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by ur standard if I make a bunch of randome crazy predictions and 1 or 2 happen to "come to pass" that makes me a prophet? Or just a crazy fuck who wasn't wrong for once...George u give off Manson vibes, ahha
Absurdness aside...
Why do you want the planets to be stationary? They won't stay in position (unless you constantly monitor them and move them with your magic planet movers); they will fall into the sun because of gravity.
Imagine shooting a gun parallel to the ground. The bullet will have a lot of forward velocity, but it will eventually fall to the ground. Now imagine you shoot a bullet out so fast that even though the earths gravity is pulling it down, it will travel so fast and so far that the earth will curve away from it, and it will leave earths orbit and continue on in a straight line that you shot it in.
Now imagine you shoot a bullet that has a speed between those 2. The bullet travels fast enough so that earth curves away from it, but gravity also pulls it towards earth at the same rate. The bullet is falling towards the earth at the same rate the curvature of the earth is causing it to curve away from the bullet. The bullet will continue traveling forward unless something stops it, and it will also continue falling towards earth. That is what orbit is. Earth needs that inertia hurtling us out into space to counter the suns gravity, otherwise we would fall into it like a bullet.
This explains why you're also so religious, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You completely skip over the evidence portion. Travelling faster than light is not possible, because light acts like a wave (waves are caused by interaction with matter), but somehow manages to travel through empty space, where there is no matter. Since light has no mass, it travels extremely fast. This is one of the many mysteries that scientists at this point just accept. You work on building that space ship, I'm sure you can solve the issues that the best minds of our time can't.
can you see into the future? can you make the future?
I traveled from 1985 to read this thread. It was worth the trip.
I have to ask, are you taking the piss when you claim the belief that you are Christ?
I'm not even smoking weed at the moment. I had to quit because of where I live now. Plus I'm crazy enough without the pot.
But I know what you mean. Please come up with some wild and crazy ideas yourself if you want to. I always appreciate some new cool information.
I know that I'm insane and that's the way I like it!
I would use the SPACE JETS to gather up the asteroids and comets from the asteroid belt to form habitable planets and habitable moons. I would protect these planets and moons using the biggest lasers in the solar system. I call it "SOLAR LASERS"! I will put enough mirrors in space around our sun and form the biggest lasers in this solar system. This SOLAR LASER would be able to cut any planet in half or dice it into pieces or just totally annihilate anything that comes in its way. I say it would be the most powerful laser in our solar system because I don't know what kind of lasers are in other solar systems. Other solar systems could do the same thing if there were enough mirrors in the proper location.
I don't have a standard for what a prophet must do or be like.
You can try and predict anything that you want. The more predictors or prophets in the world the better because that will give the scientists and engineers something to fulfill. Plus if your predicting good things than what could be the worst thing that would happen? It doesn't come true? But it was still worth a shot if its for the good of mankind.
Bublonichronic, I don't think I'm like Manson at all, except I do believe that I'm Christ like Manson BUT I don't have a cult or a following. Plus, I would rather die than hurt anyone.
You know what, you're right and you make a good point. Without the orbit "pushing the planet away" from the sun, then I guess you're right, the sun would suck up that planet. But what if the "magic planet movers" were nuclear powered rockets that COULD push the planet to the correct spot? What if you could make rockets from antimatter, which is more powerful than nuclear?
There would have to be a way to move a planet with all the power that is in our galaxy.
I'm just bouncing ideas off of all the well renowned scientists that blog on RIU!
Hypothetically speaking, if I were the King of the world than I would build billions of SPACE JETS which are, in a way, space ships. I would build a SPACE JET for each person that will get a pilots license. And I hope every adult gets a pilots license. Plus the SPACE JETS can travel through the water too.
I'm not looking to do anything but help figure things out. I don't know everything but I do want to help.
(I know this comment wasn't for Me but whatever.)
I cant literally see into the future, but if all of My dreams come true than I have a good guess about how the earth will be in the future. And it looks to Me like we are all going to be space cadets in the future. I don't know if it will be the generation of your kids or grandchildren or even great grandchildren, but we are going to be space cadets in the future.
I was born in 1985!
EDIT- Or was I born in the year 0 and now its the year 28 ACG, or After Christ George!
You know, that's really funny because I often wondered that about Jesus Myself. I used to think, "well Jesus had to eat and drink so He must have had to piss and shit." And what kind of Savior takes a crap every morning? Lol!
But yes, I do piss and shit everyday. You can try and find any person that doesn't piss and shit but I don't think you'll find one person. And Christ is just a Person but more divine than most.
George if you really believed yourself to be JC, you would not know this..calendar is a man made.