Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

Hey babe!

I actually don't believe Myself to be JC or Jesus Christ! But I believe that I am George Christ! I was born August 14th of 1985 and I'm only 28 years old so I cant be Jesus because My Name is George. But its possible that I WAS Jesus and now I'm reincarnated into a new body!

But My point was that its the year 2013 AD, or after Christ. I was simply positing that in reference to Me, its the year 28 ACG, or After Christ George! And if I'm the starting point, then I was born in the year 0! But I'm just being facetious! Maybe one day I will be referenced as being born in the year 0 but I highly doubt that I will see that while I'm alive.

Its all good because it doesn't matter what year it really is; what matters is how happy people are in the times that they live.



But seriously I was thinking.

If life and pretty much everything in the universe in controlled by the same things. Such as chemical reactions and the forces of the universe.

Does it not makes sense that we have no control over the outcome of anything? That everything is determined by these things and the outcomes cannot be changed by us eve nif we believe they can. That anything that ever happens was going to happen like that no matter what?

If everything in the unvierse is governed by chemical reactions and the semi-unchanging forces of the universe isn't every outcome already determined from the creation into the expansion of the universe called time.

So if the universe does expand to implosion, have we not experienced this a trillion times before? Have I not lived the same life infinity amount of times?

Ramble Ramble Ramble i need to go to bed.
Why would the experiences be the same just because the building blocks are?

Even if our universe went through countless expansion/contraction processes, why would the experiences in the first be the same in the last?

I see it like people, we're all made up of exactly the same stuff, but our experiences vary exponentially. The same, I would think, would be said for each expansion. What really trips me out is, since I in fact do believe in the expansion/contraction theory, how long has this process been going on?.. There has to have been a beginning, right? No matter which way you cut it, go back billions and billions of years to the beginning of our own universe, then go back hundreds of billions more! Millions of billions, billions of billions.. what was the beginning? This question has an answer, and the fact that my own mind can't comprehend it is, to me, inspiring in a strange kind of way..

Talk about rambling, it's late, and I'm drunk, so forgive any inconsistencies in logic..
I was also drunk last night when I wrote that.
I recently read that they found a section of the universe that literally doesn't exist and it is 4 billion lights years across.

The universe expands. But it is the expansion of the electron shell of atoms not the creation of new matter. Eventually the electron shells will become unstable and the universe will basically tear its self into pieces and collapse throwing all of the forces into chaos.

This will throw off all the forces of the universe like gravity, the strong and weak nuclear forces.

These forces will cause the materials that form the universe to expand and contract until the forces meet the area where they are once again stable. Equilibrium to form stable matter.

I'm saying if the forces are the same does it not stand that everything would literally be the same as it happened before.

The really big question is what is outside the universe. If we looked far enough into a piece of matter would we not see the universe?

Everything is made up of something else. If matter exists it must be infinite.
When I say matter is infinite I mean you won't ever be able to establish the base material because it doesn't exist.
I'm traveling through time right now....
Albeit very, very slowly.
Speak for yourself lol I'm traveling thru time at pretty much the speed of light*

Its everywhere else that I travel really slowly ;)

*pesky orbit's (Sun/milky way,....) ruin my attempts at sedentary :(

I also have a plan to turn any desert into a paradise. This is what I would do.

I would use My SOLAR LASER to carve out ocean canals across all of the continents, including the desert. So there would be an ocean channel every hundred miles or so. The ocean canals would be a source of salt water. I would then build the biggest distilleries the world has ever seen to convert the salt water into fresh water. These said distilleries could supply all of the worlds fresh water needs, and these could be implemented all across the globe too. Next I would turn as much sand into Rockwool, as needed. I would make the Rockwool "mats" about 100 feet high, or more and as large as possible, but it still would need to be put into place. I'm thinking the Rockwool "mats" could be the size of a football field or bigger and 100 feet thick.

These Rockwool "mats" could cover any desert and provide a perfect growing medium for any plant that I can think of. So its the combination of the SOLAR LASER to cut the ocean canals, the distilleries to convert the ocean water into fresh water and the Rockwool "mats" for the growing medium, to provide the perfect habitat for just about any plant. Then all you would need is organic fertilizer to feed the plants.

But whos to say that the Rockwool mats have to only be 100 feet tall? They could possibly be 1,000 feet tall if you really wanted to go overboard.

I would also use Rockwool mats to grow underground too. They could be maybe 10 feet tall, more or less for the underground but it still would be growing organic hydroponics underground to feed the world too. I think that if we did these things then there would be enough food to feed over 1 trillion people. But who knows, it could feed more people then that. All I know is that there is plenty of space to grow food and thanks to hydroponics, you can grow virtually anywhere.

These are just some of the prophecies that I have. Candidly, My goal is to create a paradise for the world where there is no shortage of necessities. I'm sure that once the world wakes up from its stupor that these things will become a reality!

EDIT- You could build thousands of floors of farms underneath the Rockwool farms on top. I would use nuclear fusion power plants to bring the energy to the underground farms where artificial light is needed!

I also have a plan to turn any desert into a paradise. This is what I would do.

I would use My SOLAR LASER to carve out ocean canals across all of the continents, including the desert. So there would be an ocean channel every hundred miles or so. The ocean canals would be a source of salt water. I would then build the biggest distilleries the world has ever seen to convert the salt water into fresh water. These said distilleries could supply all of the worlds fresh water needs, and these could be implemented all across the globe too. Next I would turn as much sand into Rockwool, as needed. I would make the Rockwool "mats" about 100 feet high, or more and as large as possible, but it still would need to be put into place. I'm thinking the Rockwool "mats" could be the size of a football field or bigger and 100 feet thick.

These Rockwool "mats" could cover any desert and provide a perfect growing medium for any plant that I can think of. So its the combination of the SOLAR LASER to cut the ocean canals, the distilleries to convert the ocean water into fresh water and the Rockwool "mats" for the growing medium, to provide the perfect habitat for just about any plant. Then all you would need is organic fertilizer to feed the plants.

But whos to say that the Rockwool mats have to only be 100 feet tall? They could possibly be 1,000 feet tall if you really wanted to go overboard.

I would also use Rockwool mats to grow underground too. They could be maybe 10 feet tall, more or less for the underground but it still would be growing organic hydroponics underground to feed the world too. I think that if we did these things then there would be enough food to feed over 1 trillion people. But who knows, it could feed more people then that. All I know is that there is plenty of space to grow food and thanks to hydroponics, you can grow virtually anywhere.

These are just some of the prophecies that I have. Candidly, My goal is to create a paradise for the world where there is no shortage of necessities. I'm sure that once the world wakes up from its stupor that these things will become a reality!

EDIT- You could build thousands of floors of farms underneath the Rockwool farms on top. I would use nuclear fusion power plants to bring the energy to the underground farms where artificial light is needed!


What about the heat generated by a giant solar laser? What would that do to our atmosphere? What would carving hundreds of thousands of miles of new rivers to bring the ocean water inwards do to the deserts do to the ocean water level, and how would it affect existing coastal areas dependent on that water?

By the way, your ideas still suck and they're not prophecies.
^^ What an imagination you have, Little Georgie! Now go read some grade school science books...

Its just food for thought.

I think My notions are wonderful ideas that are actually possible to implement. I have no idea when My notions will be implemented, if ever, but they still are possible with the correct technology. I believe the science currently is up to the task but what government would do it?

But candidly, turning the desert into a farm land is a great idea, and why not farm underground, under the main farm? It would be a multi billion dollar industry because it could produce more food then people could ever eat.

I'm not saying that it needs to happen exactly as I say, but these are just some prophecies that I have acquired.

But it still could happen.

What about the heat generated by a giant solar laser?

The star, in this case our sun, would be producing all the heat. The mirrors would have to be place far away enough not to melt or be effected by the star.

It could just be lots of mirrors placed in the sky that would properly direct the stars energy into usable energy that would do useful work. As I said, the mirrors could just reflect a little bit of light and maybe just add some natural sunlight to grow bigger crops or warm up colder climates.

But if it were to be used as a very powerful laser then there would be great heat on whatever it was directed at.

What would that do to our atmosphere?

That's a good question for a meteorologist. I have no clue what it would do to the atmosphere but that's a good question. I would hope it wouldn't have a big effect on the atmosphere but what do I know?

What would carving hundreds of thousands of miles of new rivers to bring the ocean water inwards do to the deserts do to the ocean water level, and how would it affect existing coastal areas dependent on that water?

Have you have heard what they are saying about ocean water levels? They are saying that the ocean is rising due to melting glaciers or whatever.

But you're right, it might drop the ocean water level down a little but I doubt it would be too much. I haven't thought about it much to be honest with you. But if you wanted to keep the water level constant then you could just keep adding UNDERWATER CITES made from hemp plastic to fill the void.

If you added enough UNDERWATER CITES in the ocean to fill the void then it wouldn't effect coastal areas dependent on that water.

By the way, your ideas still suck and they're not prophecies.

They are predictions that I have and a different word for prediction is prophecy.

Here is the definition of the word "prophecy"!

[prof-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural proph·e·cies.
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.

something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.

the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.

You don't have to believe that I am a Prophet but I do believe. Whats more important though is making the world the best place possible. I'm just a guy that sees past the present and I look into the future and make predictions based upon what I would like to see happen, i.e. a paradise for all people.

Just pay attention and you guys might learn something from Me!

Its just food for thought.

No, it's not. It is just the ramblings of a child-like, ignorant mind that doesn't understand what is possible and what is not, or why. One thing you have obviously not thought of, where would the hundreds of billions of dollars come from to implement these plans? You are not impressing anyone and are making a fool of yourself...

I think My notions are wonderful ideas that are actually possible to implement. I have no idea when My notions will be implemented, if ever, but they still are possible with the correct technology. I believe the science currently is up to the task but what government would do it?

You have no idea if they are possible to implement, because you are completely ignorant of what it would take. Stop pretending you know what is possible or not, you don't have the education or understanding for such things...

But candidly, turning the desert into a farm land is a great idea, and why not farm underground, under the main farm? It would be a multi billion dollar industry because it could produce more food then people could ever eat.

An gigantic farm under the dessert. You are a retard. Can you even begin to imagine how inefficient that would be. Have you thought about the amount of ventilation, AC, water, dehumidification, lights, wiring, etc. that would take? Of course not. You have your simple little ideas without understanding anything regarding what they would take, or the disastrous consequences that may result from attempting to implement them. Plantscraper (vertical hydroponic towers) make much more sense and are being implemented currently - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...uses-city-centres-herald-new-age-farming.html
Why not leave the world saving ideas to the experts who have the knowledge of what works and why. Seriously, go get an education instead of being lazy and trying to bypass the intellectual rigor these things require. Poser...

The star, in this case our sun, would be producing all the heat. The mirrors would have to be place far away enough not to melt or be effected by the star.

It could just be lots of mirrors placed in the sky that would properly direct the stars energy into usable energy that would do useful work. As I said, the mirrors could just reflect a little bit of light and maybe just add some natural sunlight to grow bigger crops or warm up colder climates.

But if it were to be used as a very powerful laser then there would be great heat on whatever it was directed at.
That's a good question for a meteorologist. I have no clue what it would do to the atmosphere but that's a good question. I would hope it wouldn't have a big effect on the atmosphere but what do I know?

Not much at all, apparently. That's the point, you don't know. Leave it to the adults...
Have you have heard what they are saying about ocean water levels? They are saying that the ocean is rising due to melting glaciers or whatever.

But you're right, it might drop the ocean water level down a little but I doubt it would be too much. I haven't thought about it much to be honest with you. But if you wanted to keep the water level constant then you could just keep adding UNDERWATER CITES made from hemp plastic to fill the void.
If you added enough UNDERWATER CITES in the ocean to fill the void then it wouldn't effect coastal areas dependent on that water.

More proof that you are an ignorant fool...

They are predictions that I have and a different word for prediction is prophecy.

Here is the definition of the word "prophecy"!

[prof-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural proph·e·cies.
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.

something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.

the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.

Your ideas are not prophecy even according to the definition you listed - the foretelling or prediction of what is to come. Your predictions could only be described as prophecy if they came true. You can only label something as prophecy in retrospect. This has been explained to you, but you don't care about accuracy or facts, only stroking your own underdeveloped ego. You are King of Children's Table...

You don't have to believe that I am a Prophet but I do believe. Whats more important though is making the world the best place possible. I'm just a guy that sees past the present and I look into the future and make predictions based upon what I would like to see happen, i.e. a paradise for all people.

Just pay attention and you guys might learn something from Me!

Who cares what you, an admitted crazy and ignorant person, believes? Since most people on this board have a far superior education and mental faculty than yourself, why don't you stop spouting your stupid bullshit long enough to learn from them? You cannot teach things that you do not know or understand, which for you is a fuckload. Seriously, go get a basic education. This is getting really sad...
They are predictions that I have and a different word for prediction is prophecy.

Here is the definition of the word "prophecy"!

[prof-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural proph·e·cies.
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.

something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.

the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.

You don't have to believe that I am a Prophet but I do believe. Whats more important though is making the world the best place possible. I'm just a guy that sees past the present and I look into the future and make predictions based upon what I would like to see happen, i.e. a paradise for all people.

Just pay attention and you guys might learn something from Me!


That's like saying a different word for "fruit" is "apple". While they have a common denominator; there is a profound difference. A prophecy is a foretelling of the future based on some sort of divine inspiration or reasoned chain of events, both implying a rather exact end result and process to get there. If that is the case; please tell me of what god told you or how these events will play out in a reasonable way.

Edit: If you can't do better than "The world will be better, and this is how." with no regard to the details; I'd kindly ask you to stop attempting to stop shooting rainbows, susnshine, unicorns, and bullshit up my ass.
I found a video of Georgie-porgie playing space! Look at his tinfoil helmet.... You can even see his neighbors house where he saw the "alien" on the roof...

MYT engine 1


MYT engine 2


MYT engine 3


I would also grow lots of HEMP in these farms too. The hemp seed gives a lot of oil to make biodiesel too. I would grow enough hemp in these said farms to make hemp biodiesel almost free; at most maybe 10 cents a gallon for premium hemp biodiesel. Plus these MYT engines can get around 150 miles per gallon off of biodiesel so you could basically have free fuel for transportation.

The hemp seed also contains lots of protein that's good for people to consume. It could definitely supplement any persons diet that wants a quality protein source. I'm sure you could even bake with it and integrate it into most foods. I know now that there are hemp protein shakes for body builders to consume.

If we grew as much hemp that I want to then there would also be enough fiber to turn into clothes that could dress the world. The hemp would be so abundant that clothes would virtually be free too. Everyone would have a wardrobe fit for a king or queen because it would be so cheap, if not free. Hemp makes very soft and durable clothes too.

I would also grow the hemp to make clear plastics to build My UNDERWATER CITIES too. But not only could the clear hemp plastic be made to build homes, it could also be used any place that regular plastic is used today, where there are million of applications for plastic.

In regards to using SOLAR LASERS to build ocean canals all across the continents, I wouldn't mess with the fresh water supplies like lakes, rivers or streams. I would simply channel the ocean canals underneath the said lakes, rivers or streams so that we don't mess up the natural habitat. This would be easy enough to do with the proper equipment.

My Name is George Manuel Oliveira. George means Farmer. My whole Name, George Manuel Oliveira means Farmer God is with us, OLIVE TREE! Go look up Revelation 3:12 and Romans 11:16-26. In Revelation 3:12 Jesus says "And I will write on him My NEW NAME!" And in Romans 11:16-26 It talks many times about the OLIVE TREE! If you don't believe Me then go look it up yourself.

The MYT engine looks like a great breakthrough, thanks for sharing those vids. It got me to look up more about Morgado...

I would also grow lots of HEMP in these farms too. The hemp seed gives a lot of oil to make biodiesel too. I would grow enough hemp in these said farms to make hemp biodiesel almost free; at most maybe 10 cents a gallon for premium hemp biodiesel. Plus these MYT engines can get around 150 miles per gallon off of biodiesel so you could basically have free fuel for transportation.

The hemp seed also contains lots of protein that's good for people to consume. It could definitely supplement any persons diet that wants a quality protein source. I'm sure you could even bake with it and integrate it into most foods. I know now that there are hemp protein shakes for body builders to consume.

If we grew as much hemp that I want to then there would also be enough fiber to turn into clothes that could dress the world. The hemp would be so abundant that clothes would virtually be free too. Everyone would have a wardrobe fit for a king or queen because it would be so cheap, if not free. Hemp makes very soft and durable clothes too.

This is not new information to anyone at a marijuana growing site, but thanks for posting the obvious...

I would also grow the hemp to make clear plastics to build My UNDERWATER CITIES too. But not only could the clear hemp plastic be made to build homes, it could also be used any place that regular plastic is used today, where there are million of applications for plastic.

In regards to using SOLAR LASERS to build ocean canals all across the continents, I wouldn't mess with the fresh water supplies like lakes, rivers or streams. I would simply channel the ocean canals underneath the said lakes, rivers or streams so that we don't mess up the natural habitat. This would be easy enough to do with the proper equipment.

You have not idea what you are talking about, it seems in your current manic state you are ignoring everyone's posts that correct you...

My Name is George Manuel Oliveira. George means Farmer. My whole Name, George Manuel Oliveira means Farmer God is with us, OLIVE TREE! Go look up Revelation 3:12 and Romans 11:16-26. In Revelation 3:12 Jesus says "And I will write on him My NEW NAME!" And in Romans 11:16-26 It talks many times about the OLIVE TREE! If you don't believe Me then go look it up yourself.


Hilarious that you both denounce and endorse the bible, depending on what claim you are making that day. How is your medication/therapy/asylum stuff going? You seem to be in a hyper manic stage for the last few days, be careful, little georgie...
You guys are way too funny! I just don't feel like making a rebuttal at the moment.

But I would grow potent cannabis too to cure cancer in these farms. I never treated anyone with cannabis oil but I believe it does cure cancer. Someone is going to get healed, I can feel it.

The King would grow all the plants organically and hydroponically not only on land but UNDERGROUND, PYRAMID CITIES, FLOATING ON THE OCEAN, UNDERWATER, UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR and maybe in space stations as well as other planets that the King will build for a grateful generation.

I'm not sure if cannabis oil can cure all cancer but I'm sure it can cure some.

Run From The Cure- Full Version


How did this thread go from the subject of time travel to little georgie's public masturbation sessions? It should probably be closed at this point...
How did this thread go from the subject of time travel to little georgie's public masturbation sessions? It should probably be closed at this point...

You reminded Me what I wanted to say, thanks.

If you were to go into the future, I'm sure all of these things will be common knowledge.

So basically we are time traveling in our brains right now, taking a "mental time travel trip"!

So because we can not literally time travel due to expenses, we can live vicariously!

How did this thread go from the subject of time travel to little georgie's public masturbation sessions? It should probably be closed at this point...

I agree. People need to stop responding to him; you are only encouraging him. I stopped reading his posts awhile ago. It's all the ramblings of a madman, and not even interesting ramblings.
Is Time Travel Possible? Science says yes


This is a good video but I'm still watching it at the moment.

EDIT- Its a good movie if you're interested in time travel. Its right on the money!
