Well-Known Member
Hey babe!
I actually don't believe Myself to be JC or Jesus Christ! But I believe that I am George Christ! I was born August 14th of 1985 and I'm only 28 years old so I cant be Jesus because My Name is George. But its possible that I WAS Jesus and now I'm reincarnated into a new body!
But My point was that its the year 2013 AD, or after Christ. I was simply positing that in reference to Me, its the year 28 ACG, or After Christ George! And if I'm the starting point, then I was born in the year 0! But I'm just being facetious! Maybe one day I will be referenced as being born in the year 0 but I highly doubt that I will see that while I'm alive.
Its all good because it doesn't matter what year it really is; what matters is how happy people are in the times that they live.

But seriously I was thinking.
If life and pretty much everything in the universe in controlled by the same things. Such as chemical reactions and the forces of the universe.
Does it not makes sense that we have no control over the outcome of anything? That everything is determined by these things and the outcomes cannot be changed by us eve nif we believe they can. That anything that ever happens was going to happen like that no matter what?
If everything in the unvierse is governed by chemical reactions and the semi-unchanging forces of the universe isn't every outcome already determined from the creation into the expansion of the universe called time.
So if the universe does expand to implosion, have we not experienced this a trillion times before? Have I not lived the same life infinity amount of times?
Ramble Ramble Ramble i need to go to bed.