After transplant I gave it a day to settle and then I went for a water. Very light nutrients. Some Epsom salts. I am about to start pushing nutrients, especially in the autos since they are in flowering now.
I also lifted.
Knowing nothing about autos and their default height, short, at least these, I had to lift them to the lights.
Three of them started flowering and they are way too low. The other is short as well so I lifted as a group.
I considered dropping the lights but then I realized I'd have to juggle them for the autos as well. So I just put the cart and wire shelf back in.
I positioned the three UV bars around the cookie apple that's 60 w directed to it with a bunch of spillover. Keep in mind there's also UV coming all the time from the overhead rectangular quantum boards.
I'm going to give this plant a few more days to settle in before I start zapping it with the 60 watts.
Everything's new as far as light position and it might be too close. It has two lights overhead, one of the UV quantum boards and one of the crap 120s. It's sister has two of the crap 120s overhead. So I'm just going to leave this here for a few days and look for damage before I introduce that UV in.
I've organized for bin space so I can shove everything as tight as possible to get the best light concentration as possible. I've hung various mylar sheets close to the lights to get the best direction I can without going too crazy. Too late, I know.
There are three tower fans spinning, two on the bottom and one on the top at all times so the place is a whirlwind.
The lights do warm it up but actually not enough most of the time, so it's almost a perfect balance. I'm pushing 1100 watts on lights right now and I also have a couple of fans on the same circuit as them. They have a Hi amp circuit to themselves so I'm not worried.
The electricity is well distributed, no circuit uses more than half, and everything runs on a bunch of programmable monitoring plugs so I can tell what's on and what uses what electricity, and I can match it to the temperature and humidity.
Since the dedicated control devices then are fed through smart plugs, I can tell when something goes off or on programmatically. That means I can gang devices together to say if that device goes on turn this device on. That in turn means that I can use distant air flow fans without running extension cords to the initial control device. As well as other non-daisy chained units.
That means I can blink lights throughout the house when the UV is turned on. Danger danger. Where are the cats?
I put on the two ducted air flow fans always pulling air from the top and pushing it to the intermediate buffer room. The floor has a paint drying air mover fan that will turn on if we ever cross the threshold of needing to truly exhaust the room.
The grow space has a circle of hanging mylar enclosing it so I have walk space both inside and outside, and I anchor and pull it all around the place to angle the light and straighten it out as needed. Of course I have to give up on the ripples and the fact that I just want various open areas for some air flow.
The curtains of the archway to the living room are light block and I'm hanging them double both in width and on both sides of the threshold of the door. There's a 6-in distance and I'm hanging another set there. That also gives a great dead airspace buffer for temperature control. And when I say hanging I mean I have screws high above the door threshold that keep them tight.
When it comes to photo dark time I'll be able to seal it up. The intermediate room is total dark under total control as well as that's a walk space from a set of steps.
The outside windows are currently 95% blocked because I have light block suction cupped plastic which I use for traveling in hotel rooms. I'll do a total block as needed.
I can have all the cold air I want from the bedroom next which has an open screened window so I don't go outside the house for anything. I have 10-in hvac tubing that I will tape to the intake of the air mover. I love winter growing.
I ran my hose into the house so I don't go any distance for water. I'll water using a bucket and a scoop. Happily. When the plants get too big for me to reach in there I will put in some type of pump system.
I have done almost no nutrients so far. The sun gro #4 looks good. My fear is burning. I have time. I don't need to push them. The floor is 4° colder than the autos flowering near the lights. I'm just going to ignore it and let it go and focus on keeping the autos as comfortable as possible. I don't mind if they veg slower.
Don't worry about any perceived lean on any plant you see. The lights totally blanket across the top and no one grows in any direction. Any lean is a result from me moving it.
This is Critical Orange Punch. This growth just blows me away. I've never seen anything like it. Her sister shows good dense growth but not as good as this.
Since it's a photo I can make it as big as I want to. I have lots of space. I wonder how big I can?
Look up. Multicolor on the left is a $22 light. 113 w or so. There's two of them. They are mostly over the plant on the left. That is Cookie Apple Auto one, non-uv. The next plant is Cookie Apple Auto 2, uvied early.
Both of them are flowering in week 4. Do we count the moment we put the seed in the dirt or do we count when we see something germinate?
Above it is half of a crap light plus the the quantum board which includes UV. This is on all the time with the lights now. It has been that way for about a week. All rectangular quantum boards have UV but I don't know how much since it's not controlled separately.
The single bars are 20 watt UV a piece. There are three of them and they are focused around the second plant right now. So that plant gets the best light and will be fried or will produce.
Next down is apple strudel. It has the rectangular quantum board/uv plus lots of uv spillover and spill over from the light next door. That one's flowering as well.
The last one is glueberry. It is not flowering. Good. It has four bars of 85 watts a piece plus spillover from rectangular quantums and other bars.
Currently all of them have a mylar wrap near those lights to catch that light and push it down.
I have a 30-watt led garage light hanging for these pictures now so this is a true color as I can get.
Apple strudel:
Cookie Apple, overhead UV bar and quantum board. There's three UVs around hanging (all angled toward the single plant) like that with the quantum directly overhead. It's got a square additional spillover on one side and another quantum on the other.
Another cookie apple, this one will be getting UV spillover and it has the two squares above it. Plus lots of other spillover.
Ignore that double bar light. It's got four directly overhead.
I got these uv glasses. They're an absolute requirement. I would be blind long ago working in this environment. It's way too bright, even with regular sunglasses on because there's always spillover so you need icup glasses. These are really good for actually seeing stuff without going blind. I wish I could fit my regular close up glasses though. I'm going to start using a handheld microscope. I can't see close enough when it's bright.
This is the first time I've ever been able to walk around and reach to anything. I can stand under the lights. As long as I'm not giving my scalp cancer I think I'll be okay.