Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

I don't know if anyone mentioned this but remember the SR71 Blackbird? It went so fast that the metal panels always seperated and from this would always leak fuel.
But now as I think about it why doesn't this happen to a space shuttles tanks? Those go faster than the Blackbird by leaps and bounds... hmm, I don't know anymore...

There are many scientists trying to figure this out as well as all of us believers. I just don't see how anyone can say the apache helicopters and modern airplane images were carved/inscribed into ancient egyptian monoliths and walls were something completely different than what they look exactly like.

Time travel is here ladies and gents, they just don't want us knowing it. Whos the "they" in this case? That's the true matter we must find out...
If we were to travel through time I'm sure we would see plenty of SPACE JETS that would replace cars.


It would be cool if the price of a SPACE JET was super cheap so that every family could own a few of them. If we were to travel through time I'm sure that even the take offs and landing could be automated using autopilot technology so no one would crash.

If we were to travel through time I'm sure you would see that these types of SPACE JETS would be able to fly through space and underwater too making it the ultimate all terrain vehicle.

The technology that we have today is able to build SPACE JETS but I don't know why I've never heard of a jet that can fly in space and underwater too?

in order to see the future, maybe we should look into the past I mean look at the electric cars of today there is nothing future about the concept in the the 1900 's there were plenty of electric cars the 1901 baker could go 135 miles on a single charge...my point ?...maybe the future is the past.
If Einstein and science are correct than traveling forward in time is possible. So why aren't we doing it? All we need is a very fast space ship and than we can take "trips" into the future. Basically the theory of relativity states that if an object, like a space ship, travels at velocities near the speed of light than effectively the space ship "slows down" the time down in the space ship and effectively the time on earth would "speed up" up relative to each other. I would like to take a trip about 2,000 years into the future and check out how the earth has evolved. And than I would want to go from AGE to AGE and check out the scene. I would assume that if I traveled through time another 10,000 years than I would be able to live to at least 200 years old, or maybe I could be immortal by than. And if I was immortal than I would live forever and not need to do any time traveling but I still might do some time traveling just for fun. What would you do if you could time travel? What year would you like to live in? Check out My signature to meet Christ! ~PEACE~
We're all traveling forward thru time right now.
If time travel isn't possible, then how did this woman have a cell phone in 1928????!!!!111oneoneone

And this time traveling teacher went back to the 1950's and predicted the outcome of a game from 2010!! Absolute proofs!


And this time traveler forgot to leave his laptop behind!!


Do your research sheeple!!
And this time traveling teacher went back to the 1950's and predicted the outcome of a game from 2010!! Absolute proofs!


And this time traveler forgot to leave his laptop behind!!


Do your research sheeple!!

A friend of mine literally posted these videos on my FB wall and called me one of the 'sheeple'.

Must be a common new-ager go to move.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this but remember the SR71 Blackbird? It went so fast that the metal panels always seperated and from this would always leak fuel.
The panels of the SR71 were loose at ground level & tightened to a snug fit at cruising altitude. The thing would fall apart if it were the reverse.
Once on a high dose of dxm mixed with cdlsa (like lsa) every time I closed my eyes i went to the 1800's..walk around with my eyes closed in some victorian style house, open here, shut there, open here, shut there...felt like I was time travelling......does that count?

I liked that place...it was homey
I'm surprised no ones stated the obvious. If time travel were ever possible, ever, then we'd have always had it.

That's why some believe some of the UFO phenomena is actually the USAF visiting from the future in their shiny new aircraft:)

Wonder if that's who Ezekiel saw? haha
I'm surprised no ones stated the obvious. If time travel were ever possible, ever, then we'd have always had it.

That's why some believe some of the UFO phenomena is actually the USAF visiting from the future in their shiny new aircraft:)

Wonder if that's who Ezekiel saw? haha

From what I hear, you can only time travel into the future. You just need a very fast space ship to travel into the future. If there was any way to travel into the past, which you cant, it would create some serious paradoxes.

But as far as the UFO phenomena goes, it may be real aliens that are visiting for whatever reason. But not all UFOs are really aliens because people can miatake a lot of things as UFOs.

I just believe that I am the Son of God or in other words, I am Christ! Check out My signature to find out.


What a selfish person.
Dude... your an idiot. We are all organisms from the very same foundation and nothing makes us any different besides maybe genetic fuck ups(like yours).
I apologize dude but that's just a very selfish thought. Theirs nothing now'a days that one person can do to change the world.
We the PEOPLE... TOGETHER would change things. Not just one man.. that's bullshit talk.. shit doesn't work that way bro.
You should re think a lot. You don't even understand how sad It makes me too see people like you.
What a selfish person.
Dude... your an idiot. We are all organisms from the very same foundation and nothing makes us any different besides maybe genetic fuck ups(like yours).
I apologize dude but that's just a very selfish thought. Theirs nothing now'a days that one person can do to change the world.
We the PEOPLE... TOGETHER would change things. Not just one man.. that's bullshit talk.. shit doesn't work that way bro.
You should re think a lot. You don't even understand how sad It makes me too see people like you.

Nevaeh is completely convinced he's the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, I've (and 2 or 3 other members) have gotten into it completely with him before. If you follow the link he posted, it'll tell you all about it.. He saw some signs, saw a little guy (or he thinks) on top of his neighbors house, boom, Jesus Christ the 2nd!

Previous Christian mythology?? Naaah,fuck all that! History? Forgettabout it! Islam, Judaism, Buddhism..? Fuck all that false shit! Believe me! I saw some shit! Even though it was explained rationally and logically by dozens of members of RIU, I still believe it, because it's true!

Get ready for a ride..
From what I hear, you can only time travel into the future. You just need a very fast space ship to travel into the future. If there was any way to travel into the past, which you cant, it would create some serious paradoxes.

But as far as the UFO phenomena goes, it may be real aliens that are visiting for whatever reason. But not all UFOs are really aliens because people can miatake a lot of things as UFOs.

I read in a Nexus magazine article several years ago, of a successful experiment where scientists sent a ray beam 'into the future.' I forget the exact amount of time but I think it was longer than ten seconds. The scientists said if they could harness the power of several suns, they could transport a person physically forward in time. They said that they could also send someone back into the past but are unsure if they would be able to interact in that time, or if the person could only observe.
I read in a Nexus magazine article several years ago, of a successful experiment where scientists sent a ray beam 'into the future.' I forget the exact amount of time but I think it was longer than ten seconds. The scientists said if they could harness the power of several suns, they could transport a person physically forward in time. They said that they could also send someone back into the past but are unsure if they would be able to interact in that time, or if the person could only observe.[/QUOTE

dude dont feed the guy more crazy ideas, you are only fueling this nonsense .