Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

I personally believe light doesnt travel at a speed, its is constant. Any ways of disproving this is impossible. Also, I dont believe in being able to travel through "time" because time is just relative to where you are at. I think if anything, it would be possible to speed up time on the ship you are traveling on and come back older than everyone. There is no way you would be able to speed up the time for someone else though. The theory you are suggesting is that speeding up matter means it is moving faster than it normally would be therefor it is processing itself faster. If you wanted to go forward in time, you would have to park your spaceship on earth and send the whole planet running through space while you are still here next to the sun. I personally think like "speed" is non existant. There are no instruments that will ever exist that can accurately measure something that moves that "fast". Therefor, in my brain it makes sense that if you are moving at 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999billion miles/milisecond the light will be right there with you and what we use to measure time would still be moving at the same pace relative to earth. There may be less gravity, and less of the forces that are measurable to us may be lesser and it may be easier to go faster in some areas of space. But it will be just as easy to come back through those zones. However, say you traveled far enough away from earth at a fast enough pace, the route you took to get there may not be as fast to take back and it might take alot longer to get back to earth.

I feel like alot of thoerys about space are really fucking stupid. People who cant understand the concept of an infinate space canvas, or have to disregard infinity as a possibility. Space is infinate, light is infinate. Period.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksTngIWRnWs this guy kinda explains what I am trying to say.
I personally believe light doesnt travel at a speed, its is constant.

Einsteins relativity says that regardless of the speed and object is moving at, the speed of light remains constant relative to their speed. That's to say if you're traveling 99.9% of the speed of light and you were to measure light traveling away from you, it would still travel away from you at the same relative speed if you were standing still.

Any ways of disproving this is impossible. Also, I dont believe in being able to travel through "time" because time is just relative to where you are at. I think if anything, it would be possible to speed up time on the ship you are traveling on and come back older than everyone. There is no way you would be able to speed up the time for someone else though.

These are both arguments from incredulity. Boiled down, the argument is "I can't imagine it, therefore it's false".

The theory you are suggesting is that speeding up matter means it is moving faster than it normally would be therefor it is processing itself faster.

Not sure I understand what you mean by processing itself.....

If you wanted to go forward in time, you would have to park your spaceship on earth and send the whole planet running through space while you are still here next to the sun. I personally think like "speed" is non existant. There are no instruments that will ever exist that can accurately measure something that moves that "fast".

Not sure I get what you're saying. Speed is relative to what you're measuring in most cases. If you're traveling 50,000km/h in the same direction as another object moving 50,000km/h, you would be stationary relative to that object.

Therefor, in my brain it makes sense that if you are moving at 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999billion miles/milisecond the light will be right there with you and what we use to measure time would still be moving at the same pace relative to earth.[/quote]
The faster you go, the more time dilates or goes slower. Syncing two identical atomic clocks, one on earth and one in orbit shows us this. GPS sattelites have relativity worked into their clocks in order to provide us with accurate information.

There may be less gravity, and less of the forces that are measurable to us may be lesser and it may be easier to go faster in some areas of space. But it will be just as easy to come back through those zones. However, say you traveled far enough away from earth at a fast enough pace, the route you took to get there may not be as fast to take back and it might take alot longer to get back to earth.

I feel like alot of thoerys about space are really fucking stupid. People who cant understand the concept of an infinate space canvas, or have to disregard infinity as a possibility. Space is infinate, light is infinate. Period.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksTngIWRnWs this guy kinda explains what I am trying to say.

Just stating that space is infinite isn't enough evidence to fulfill the burden of proof for that statement. Why do you get to say PERIOD and end the discussion without offering any demonstrable evidence?
The only reason i would want to go forward in time if i knew for fact that things were going the way of idiocracy. Otherwise wtf? why would i want to go forward into an era where everything i know is obsolete and i become that unemployable shit for brains :D
If Einstein and science are correct than traveling forward in time is possible. So why aren't we doing it? All we need is a very fast space ship and than we can take "trips" into the future.

Basically the theory of relativity states that if an object, like a space ship, travels at velocities near the speed of light than effectively the space ship "slows down" the time down in the space ship and effectively the time on earth would "speed up" up relative to each other.

I would like to take a trip about 2,000 years into the future and check out how the earth has evolved. And than I would want to go from AGE to AGE and check out the scene. I would assume that if I traveled through time another 10,000 years than I would be able to live to at least 200 years old, or maybe I could be immortal by than. And if I was immortal than I would live forever and not need to do any time traveling but I still might do some time traveling just for fun.

What would you do if you could time travel? What year would you like to live in?

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Flux Capacitor.
Not anymore - (at 1:20)


Its a very interesting video. But it still doesnt disprove what I believe. I believe that in space, light will travel at an infinate speed but when reacting with matter it becomes measurable because of lights "magical" property. Light is ENERGY that can be stored. Plants store it as energy, so why cant water or plastic? Different types of matter conduct electricity differently so why cant different types of matter hold light differently? I think the way they came up with the speed of light that tiny(while small is actually very significant)fraction of the speed of light that we detected was manufactured by our instruments that we used to record it. The problem with my argument is that it is partially spiritual and anyone with a closed mind will never be able to relate. My main point is that I believe in "infinity" as the "god" number or aspect of life. Something that people will never understand fully,we may understand more and more but we will still never know shit as far as "infinity". Infinity is not comparable, it is not a usable number in math. Maybe mentally we can travel back in time if we tune in our brains to the right frequency. But physically it is impossible. Just as it is impossible to jump over a two story building standing still. Usually people either agree with me on this and are happy about it, or they are angry and think something inside their brain makes them smarter than me and they try over and over to prove that their intelligence is superior.
Its a very interesting video. But it still doesnt disprove what I believe. I believe that in space, light will travel at an infinate speed but when reacting with matter it becomes measurable because of lights "magical" property.
What basis do you have for this belief? Did you just think it up, or is there evidence to support this view?

Light is ENERGY that can be stored. Plants store it as energy, so why cant water or plastic? Different types of matter conduct electricity differently so why cant different types of matter hold light differently? I think the way they came up with the speed of light that tiny(while small is actually very significant)fraction of the speed of light that we detected was manufactured by our instruments that we used to record it. The problem with my argument is that it is partially spiritual and anyone with a closed mind will never be able to relate.
Does needing evidence before I believe something make me close minded?

My main point is that I believe in "infinity" as the "god" number or aspect of life. Something that people will never understand fully,we may understand more and more but we will still never know shit as far as "infinity". Infinity is not comparable, it is not a usable number in math. Maybe mentally we can travel back in time if we tune in our brains to the right frequency. But physically it is impossible. Just as it is impossible to jump over a two story building standing still. Usually people either agree with me on this and are happy about it, or they are angry and think something inside their brain makes them smarter than me and they try over and over to prove that their intelligence is superior.

Infinity is a man made word created to describe the unending. It's a concept, not a tangible thing.

Stating that anyone who disagrees with you is just an attempt to prove someones superior intellect is the epitome of 'close minded'. You sure like to paint a lot of people with a single stroke.
I said I believe not know for a fact. And I am not saying that I am 100% correct, I am just saying that people who tent to shut my theory down usually get angry and don't have anything to prove them wrong. It really makes no difference in my life whether there is a light speed or not. But in my mind, it doesn't make sense. It never will make sense.
As far as evidence goes, its kinda impossible to look at light(assuming it is infinite) and measure it in any way. To me the "evidence" is that there is no evidence. Alot of the time in science, the "evidence" they provide is flawed anyways, and yet there are still millions of people that believe those theorys just because some guy with a degree said there was "evidence". Evidence is in the eye of the beholder.
I said I believe not know for a fact. And I am not saying that I am 100% correct, I am just saying that people who tent to shut my theory down usually get angry and don't have anything to prove them wrong. It really makes no difference in my life whether there is a light speed or not. But in my mind, it doesn't make sense. It never will make sense.
As far as evidence goes, its kinda impossible to look at light(assuming it is infinite) and measure it in any way. To me the "evidence" is that there is no evidence. Alot of the time in science, the "evidence" they provide is flawed anyways, and yet there are still millions of people that believe those theorys just because some guy with a degree said there was "evidence". Evidence is in the eye of the beholder.

This is absurd.

The evidence is in the eye of the beholder?

That analogy falls completely flat on its face from the start.

Whoever said it was not referencing science, they were referencing art, to that, they are right.

Science, however, is not subject to opinion. It is not in the "eye of the beholder", it is put up against the harshest objectifiable truths reality can offer.

If it doesn't make sense to you, and "never will", why the fuck do you feel content on speaking about it, you dolt?

No it isn't impossible to look at light. It is completely quantifiable, measurable and testable.

So the conclusion you reached basically boils down to "I too dumb to know what science provide, so science wrong, der!"

For fucks sake..
I said I believe not know for a fact. And I am not saying that I am 100% correct, I am just saying that people who tent to shut my theory down usually get angry and don't have anything to prove them wrong. It really makes no difference in my life whether there is a light speed or not. But in my mind, it doesn't make sense. It never will make sense.
As far as evidence goes, its kinda impossible to look at light(assuming it is infinite) and measure it in any way. To me the "evidence" is that there is no evidence. Alot of the time in science, the "evidence" they provide is flawed anyways, and yet there are still millions of people that believe those theorys just because some guy with a degree said there was "evidence". Evidence is in the eye of the beholder.

That is completely untrue. No one believes some guy with a degree because he says he has evidence.

Take a little time to glace over what the peer-review process is. The 'evidence' must be demonstrable, and repeatable with consistent results.

Why are you still assuming light is infinite and we can't 'look at it' when there's a freakin' video showing you a 1,000,000,000,000 frame per second shot, of light entering objects? How can you reject demonstrable evidence when it's presented to you in a way that is so easily understood? What kind of beliefs do you hold, and how deeply rooted are they that you can reject such compelling evidence in favor of your own, untested, non-scientific theory? You've been shown this evidence, and have chosen to reject it based on your own preconceived notions about what you want to believe.

There's no logical or rational evidence that can be shown to someone, when the person you're talking to doesn't value logic or reason.

[h=1]“If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence.

If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?”[/h]
― Sam Harris
Nevaeh is completely convinced he's the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, I've (and 2 or 3 other members) have gotten into it completely with him before. If you follow the link he posted, it'll tell you all about it.. He saw some signs, saw a little guy (or he thinks) on top of his neighbors house, boom, Jesus Christ the 2nd!

Get ready for a ride..

Right, but its true.

The only thing I would change is take the word Jesus out of there. I believe I'm just Christ and NOT the Second Coming of JESUS Christ.

And that "little guy" that I believe I saw was an alien, for the record. And I believe that too even though its crazy as shit.
