Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

What logical reasoning do you have to base anything off of the Zodiac?

It was an arbitrary number that I choose. I'm really not sure how long a zodiac AGE is, it was just My best guess!

How is it that you can admit that you're crazy, that is, reality as is experienced by a 'normal, healthy' mind differs from the way you experience it, and still feel as if your thoughts or beliefs are valid or hold any weight towards the objective reality that actually exists?

I'm not that crazy. I just like to say that I'm crazy because people assume that I am because of My ideologies.

My thoughts or beliefs are not always valid because I am fallible and I sometimes make mistakes. I don't care if My posts hold any weight because My posts are going to be interpreted differently by every reader. I'm sure I could be profound to one reader and shallow to another. I don't care that much, I just want to vent My opinions and be respected for them.

I'll put it this way Pad, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. So if you believe that I'm crazy then that's your opinion of Me. I do My best not to lie and I try not to be deceptive. So I believe what I say, at least for that moment in time, when I made the post!

"...the road to Hell was paved in good intentions.."

That's nice, because I don't believe in hell!

I believe the worst thing God would do to someone is DELETE their existence, never to be born again. In other words, no reincarnation for bad people.

is the op for real ? i actualy face palmed myself and shook my head after reading his posts .

If you want to talk about crazy, you just have to click on My signature. I have lots of crazy ideas in there that could make a person face palm.

This thread is nothing compared to My ridiculous prophecies for the future.

So did everyone else.

I guess I'm the village idiot now?

YouTube Stephen Hawking " Curiosity " Discovery Channel. He talks about time travel, but in a means to explore other Planets like ours. It's a one way trip though . Or by then they would have developed genetically engineered Humans, that could survive extreme condition and survive for hundreds of years.

Or harvest the Energy of the Sun and use that energy to create a worm hole to other galaxies. Awe the possibilities. Of what the Future might hold.
Or harvest the Energy of the Sun and use that energy to create a worm hole to other galaxies. Awe the possibilities. Of what the Future might hold.

I saw a video somewhere, maybe it was youtube, that said that the aliens were using mirrors in the sky, around a star, to power their space ships.

I was thinking how good of an idea that would be to change the climate of colder regions of the world into tropical paradises or even just warmer. And using mirrors in the sky would be great for growing bigger crops for farms and whatnot.

If you need more light than just put mirrors in space, around a star, and direct it to where its needed. I'm sure it would be relatively cheap too to operate because once the mirrors are in space around a star then little energy would be needed to move the mirrors once they're floating in space.

Its just a thought, and I'm sure there could be many more uses for the mirrors in space besides what I have said.

I wasn't even talking to you Beef!

Tyler can defend himself, he is more than able to give a rebuttal.

I saw a video somewhere, maybe it was youtube, that said that the aliens were using mirrors in the sky, around a star, to power their space ships.

I was thinking how good of an idea that would be to change the climate of colder regions of the world into tropical paradises or even just warmer. And using mirrors in the sky would be great for growing bigger crops for farms and whatnot.

If you need more light than just put mirrors in space, around a star, and direct it to where its needed. I'm sure it would be relatively cheap too to operate because once the mirrors are in space around a star then little energy would be needed to move the mirrors once they're floating in space.

Its just a thought, and I'm sure there could be many more uses for the mirrors in space besides what I have said.

Just because something sounds cool doesn't make it a good idea, or even feasible. How would we go about doing this? Also, why would we need mirrors, to receive more sunlight? We already receive an immense amount of energy from the sun, perhaps it'd be a better idea to focus on developing the technology for harnessing the solar energy we already receive...

I wasn't even talking to you Beef!

Tyler can defend himself, he is more than able to give a rebuttal.

Lol! Can't argue with judge Judy, she's made her decision...
We don't make anything do anything, it does it on it's own
yea im pretty sure that is an incorrect statement, considering at the large hadron in switz WE DO make particles and nano-particles travel 99.999999999999999999999999% the speed of light and then smash into eachother i would personally consider that US (we, as human beings) MAKING something travel pretty god damn close to the speed of light....lets face that...that huge fucking particle smyou maashing machine DID'NT build itself, right? so how would those particles do it on their own? granted yes maybe said particles WOULD HAVE traveled that fast without our tech. but they surely would not have traveled at that speed inside our machines, inside the universe...absolutley...inside the hadron....i doubt it. so i am going to go out on a limb here and say yes....Yes we do make anything do anything, just because it would have done it on its own doesnt mean it would have done it on its own where WE actaully did it. you may not understand what im saying and thats OK. but I enjoy the discussion and debate of worthy, intelligent and educated (other) people, and I thrive on learning new things everyday, maybe my logic is flawed? please dont be shy :):lol:bongsmilie


As for the original post, I still side with my previous statement...it absolutely may be possible to travel into the past or future however, our measly human bodies would not be able to withstand the force and energy it would take in order to do something of that magnitude.

IMO i think people should worry less about the past or future and worry more about the present because lets face it the present is exactly that, a present....It is a very very fucking special thing to be in the present and be what we are and inside this weird, wild and crazy thing we call a universe...your exsistence is a continuum of what you are at each point of time in the implied time period. you can never be really in the present other than being in that exact present moment that you are in within that said moment. when you think about it and then you realize all of this, combined with that fact that we are nothing more than hard, soft, melting,freezing elements that somehow mixed all together just perfectly to form this biological cell and being that was able to function and sustain itself on it own. Then you add into the mix conciousness and all of what that entails and encompasses all I can say is it is truely a fucking aaaammmmaaazzing place we call reality. sorry for the novel. :)
Just because something sounds cool doesn't make it a good idea, or even feasible. How would we go about doing this? Also, why would we need mirrors, to receive more sunlight? We already receive an immense amount of energy from the sun, perhaps it'd be a better idea to focus on developing the technology for harnessing the solar energy we already receive...

There are two types of people; idea people, and people who actually do things.

Anyone can come up with ideas that sound 'great', but ones ability to actually see those ideas through to completion is another story.

To put it another way, people who just vomit ideas out without thinking about them in advance, or don't have the ability to complete their ideas, are a dime a dozen.

Lol! Can't argue with judge Judy, she's made her decision...

I would hate to be in her courtroom. lol
There are two types of people; idea people, and people who actually do things.

Anyone can come up with ideas that sound 'great', but ones ability to actually see those ideas through to completion is another story.

To put it another way, people who just vomit ideas out without thinking about them in advance, or don't have the ability to complete their ideas, are a dime a dozen.

Sometimes ideas spawn creation. If someone never heard about it than how could they build it? If the idea is copious enough to be known than people might just try and build it. I'm not in a position to build anything but I do have some good ideas that could revolutionize the world for good, pun intended.

Sometimes the "idea people" are worth more than the builders because a novel idea can be worth a lot and very lucrative especially when it can improve lots of peoples lives.

I'm an idea person because My novel ideas are so insanely expensive to build, that unless I'm the King of the world, I'll never be able to implement what I want to do. But I put My ideas out there for people that might have more influence than Me.

So when your not rich and you don't have the proper tools for the job, what's the next best thing to do? That would be to use your imagination to dream up things.

I don't have any beef with you, by the way.

Sometimes ideas spawn creation. If someone never heard about it than how could they build it? If the idea is copious enough to be known than people might just try and build it. I'm not in a position to build anything but I do have some good ideas that could revolutionize the world for good, pun intended.

Sometimes the "idea people" are worth more than the builders because a novel idea can be worth a lot and very lucrative especially when it can improve lots of peoples lives.

I'm an idea person because My novel ideas are so insanely expensive to build, that unless I'm the King of the world, I'll never be able to implement what I want to do. But I put My ideas out there for people that might have more influence than Me.

So when your not rich and you don't have the proper tools for the job, what's the next best thing to do? That would be to use your imagination to dream up things.

I don't have any beef with you, by the way.


I've never read one original idea from you to improve the world. A lot of ideas you have are not even good ones, i.e. they could not improve the world. Other ideas I've read from you that may be good are not original. What good, original ideas have you had (please google them before posting to verify that they are original)?
I've never read one original idea from you to improve the world. A lot of ideas you have are not even good ones, i.e. they could not improve the world. Other ideas I've read from you that may be good are not original. What good, original ideas have you had (please google them before posting to verify that they are original)?

Not all of My prophecies for the future are original, like the mirrors in space around a star. I saw a youtube video, I believe, of that idea but it in the video they were saying that the aliens might use the mirrors in space to power their space ships. It was My idea to use the mirrors in space around our sun to grow bigger crops and to use it as a sort of climate control for the world. If there were enough mirrors in space around our sun then it would be real easy to make a colder climate warmer with increased sunlight.

My first big "prophecy" was blowing the world up with underground cities all around the planet. Underground cities are real, the government has some I believe, and it would be easy enough to implement with the proper tools. I came up with this "prophecy" in about 2008. I'm not adept at growing the world bigger with underground cities but its a cool notion. Once again, underground cities are not a new idea but blowing the whole world up with underground cites is a "prophecy" of Mine. Its very grandiose but how many more homes would that supply for the people of the world?

My next big "prophecy" that I came up with was underwater cities all across the globe. I was actually in prison when I first thought about this one. This happened in 2009. I was in prison for fighting with My dad and I saw on TV a picture of an oil rig or platform on the ocean. The camera than went under the water and it looked like there were little houses on the bottom of the ocean floor. I thought "what a wonderful idea to live underwater". That's the same day I saw the undulating clouds in the sky, you know, 1 of the 5 signs I saw in the clouds in 2009. Than I started to build on that idea and I thought it would be a wonderful notion to use clear hemp plastic to build these underwater cites. I would just grow as much hemp as possible to harvest the plastic from it to build more underwater cites. And later I thought that it would also be a good idea to grow hemp underwater too in order to produce more plastic for whatever. But you could virtually grow anything underwater with the proper equipment. And you know what they say, that 70% of the world is covered in water so how much virgin real estate is there underwater? Maybe there are underwater shelters or bases somewhere in the world, so this notion would also be considered not original.

I watched the following video with My brother in like 2009 or 2010, he showed Me the video but I thought how good of an idea would it be to build these pyramid cities all across the globe? If one of these can be build, than why not build a million of them? I couldn't find the rest of the video on youtube but this is the video that I did find about what I'm talking about. If I could find the rest of the video then I think it would say that 1 million people can live and work in the pyramid city.


Later on I also thought of building cites floating on top of the ocean. How many mansions could you build that way too?

I also thought, later on, that if you can build cites underwater and you can build cities underground then why cant you build cities under the ocean floor? How much real estate could there be under the thousands of feet of rock under the ocean floor?

And I believe the last place I thought to build cites was in the mountains. Like using either tunnel boring machines or nuclear powered lasers to carve through the mountain rock.

Also, I'm sure when technology advances, we will live in space too. Maybe on the moon or mars or a space station or whatnot.

So as you can tell, I'm totally unoriginal but My heart is in the right spot. Maybe I'm not the best Prophet but I see Myself as a Prophet.

If you just want to be a scoffer than that's why you are- a scoffer. I know you like to debate, and I like debating with you Tyler but just don't undermine Me because I may not be the smartest person in the world, but I do have a heart of gold and I try and respect everyone and I expect respect back. Thanks!

EDIT- I would also get rid of most batteries by using fuel cells and liquid hydrogen as a replacement. I would also get rid of fossil fuels by replacing most of it with nuclear power plants that convert ocean water into liquid hydrogen to fuel most any need. I would also build billions of SPACE JETS (its a term that I coined) that would fly through the air, fly through space and also soar underwater. But I don't see a way that I could do all these things unless I become the King of the world. And I doubt that will ever happen but maybe when I die, someone will recognize Me for Who I am; And I believe that I'm the Prophet of this Age.

^^ Just attempting to clarify: you were speaking about your novel ideas, and when you yourself examined them, we found that they aren't novel at all. Strange that I don't even know you, but it took me to point that out to you when you should have been able to see that yourself. If you put the same effort into examining all of your beliefs and ideas, my bet is that you'll see the same thing... that those are not true, either. Just put more effort into your thinking process, and run your ideas through a filter before you post. That way you won't post inane bullshit that loses you credibility...
^^ Just attempting to clarify: you were speaking about your novel ideas, and when you yourself examined them, we found that they aren't novel at all. Strange that I don't even know you, but it took me to point that out to you when you should have been able to see that yourself. If you put the same effort into examining all of your beliefs and ideas, my bet is that you'll see the same thing... that those are not true, either. Just put more effort into your thinking process, and run your ideas through a filter before you post. That way you won't post inane bullshit that loses you credibility...

I forgot to mention two other "prophecies" of Mine.

The first "prophecy" is collecting asteroids and comets from the asteroid belt to form new planets and moons to colonize. I would use big SPACE JETS in order to collect the asteroids and comets, and I would send up millions of SPACE JETS in order to expedite the job of forming new planets and moons to colonize. I'm sure someone somewhere has thought about collecting asteroids in order to make planets but I thought of it all by Myself, without any help. So I'm sure its not a prophecy to you but its a prophecy to Me.

Another "prophecy" of Mine is making ocean canals all across the globe, maybe every 100 miles or so. You read a post that I was talking about this Tyler. But I would use nuclear powered lasers to carve out the land into channels so that ocean water can flow. Why drive hours to the beach when you can bring the beach to you? (that's if you don't live on the coast). I think its a great idea that I came up with. But they can already build canals so to you I'm sure its not a novel prophecy to you but who do you know that thought of building a mile wide canal every 100 miles or so using nuclear powered lasers?

I've learned that whatever I say, I'm not going to convince you of anything Tyler, and other skeptics on here, but these are My prophecies. I'm sure every prophecy of Mine has been thought of by someone somewhere but they were My creations that I thought of on My own. I don't know what your definition of prophecy is to you but these are definitely prophecies for the future. Now the question you ask is whether they are original or not? Like I said, I'm sure someone somewhere has thought of all these things but they came from Me without any help, basically they were novel to Me. I thought of these things on My own without any help. So I consider Myself the Prophet of this new Age.

So it depends on what your definition of original is. And it depends on your definition of prophecy. Like I said, they were original to Me and these are definitely prophetic. I'm predicting the future from ideas that were original to Me.

EDIT- I think I deserve some kind of credit for coming up with all these things on My own. Basically for all of My prophecies I went from a little idea to a much grander idea. Lets see what the definition of prophecy is.

[prof-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural proph·e·cies.
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.

something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.

the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.

Nowhere here does it say that a prophecy has to be original at all. Its simply a prediction of what is to come. So by definition, I'm a Prophet because I'm one that is foretelling the future. I guess all of My prophecies might have been thought of by someone somewhere at some point in time but they were all original to Me and I believe that's what matters.

EDIT- And how can I forget one of My most coolest prophecies? The ONLINE GOVERNMENT! This idea was original to Me too back in 2009 when I was in a state hospital (after I got out of prison) for 5 months. I was in the hospital and I was thinking "If I'm going to be the King of the world, how would I rule My government?" And then I thought of the ONLINE GOVERNMENT where the people can do all the voting by their self on the internet. This would give all the power to the people besides the checks and balances. Candidly, you could vote on all of the laws from your laptop, tablet, smart phone or any device that you are connected to the internet. Once again, I'm sure someone somewhere has thought of this but it was novel to Me and its another prophecy of Mine!

If any of you guys can find one of My prophecies that were already predicted by someone else than I would be very impressed because these were all novel to Me. But now I'm sharing My prophecies with you all so maybe someone will steal My prophecies but I'd just be happy to live in a world where all of these prophecies are fulfilled.

These are all wonderful notions that should be implemented by the "higher powers" because I sure can not make any of these things happen. I'm just the Messenger that has the good news that these things are more then possible. But even if someone did steal all of My prophecies, and made them come true, then My prophecies would still be fulfilled and I wouldn't mind that much as long as I get a little credit.

King George- the Prophet!

I forgot to mention two other "prophecies" of Mine.

We weren't talking about prophecies, we were speaking about novel ideas. Pay attention. According to the definition you posted, something is not a prophecy unless it actually comes to be. If the ideas in question have not actualized, they are not prophecy. Just ideas that may or may not come to pass. So none of these are prophecies, as prophecy must necessarily be in retrospect...

The first "prophecy" is collecting asteroids and comets from the asteroid belt to form new planets and moons to colonize. I would use big SPACE JETS in order to collect the asteroids and comets, and I would send up millions of SPACE JETS in order to expedite the job of forming new planets and moons to colonize. I'm sure someone somewhere has thought about collecting asteroids in order to make planets but I thought of it all by Myself, without any help. So I'm sure its not a prophecy to you but its a prophecy to Me.

This sounds retarded. How would this work? Where would you place these planets, in our orbit of the the sun, or in another. Would gravity or our orbit be affected negatively? Why or why not? You don't understand any of the physics or repercussions behind this idea. You are like a five year old, "Let's put a bunch of space rocks together with space jets!" without understanding anything else about it. Your mind is a joke...

Another "prophecy" of Mine is making ocean canals all across the globe, maybe every 100 miles or so. You read a post that I was talking about this Tyler. But I would use nuclear powered lasers to carve out the land into channels so that ocean water can flow. Why drive hours to the beach when you can bring the beach to you? (that's if you don't live on the coast). I think its a great idea that I came up with. But they can already build canals so to you I'm sure its not a novel prophecy to you but who do you know that thought of building a mile wide canal every 100 miles or so using nuclear powered lasers?

Again, Little One, you don't understand anything behind your juvenile idea. How would this effect the ecology (this would be a different answer every 100 miles), what advantages/disadvantages does this idea pose and what are it's benefits beside wanting to take a dip. You SO belong at the children's table...

I've learned that whatever I say, I'm not going to convince you of anything Tyler, and other skeptics on here, but these are My prophecies

You could easily convince us if anything you ever said were true/could work/were credible...

I'm sure every prophecy of Mine has been thought of by someone somewhere but they were My creations that I thought of on My own. I don't know what your definition of prophecy is to you but these are definitely prophecies for the future. Now the question you ask is whether they are original or not? Like I said, I'm sure someone somewhere has thought of all these things but they came from Me without any help, basically they were novel to Me. I thought of these things on My own without any help. So I consider Myself the Prophet of this new Age.

So what? A lot of us come up with the same great ideas, only to discover they have already been thought out and actualized. What you don't seem to understand is great idea men/inventors don't simply come up with cool thoughts without understanding MANY things that go along with their ideas - what is the cost/benefit analysis? What is the impact on the planet (positive and negative), the residents of the area, the wildlife, long term environmental impact projections, etc.? Anyone can just spew shit from their brains to let others figure out these things for them, toddlers do this all day long. So, congrats...

So it depends on what your definition of original is. And it depends on your definition of prophecy. Like I said, they were original to Me and these are definitely prophetic. I'm predicting the future from ideas that were original to Me.

EDIT- I think I deserve some kind of credit for coming up with all these things on My own. Basically for all of My prophecies I went from a little idea to a much grander idea. Lets see what the definition of prophecy is.

[prof-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural proph·e·cies.
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.

something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.

the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.

Nowhere here does it say that a prophecy has to be original at all. Its simply a prediction of what is to come. So by definition, I'm a Prophet because I'm one that is foretelling the future. I guess all of My prophecies might have been thought of by someone somewhere at some point in time but they were all original to Me and I believe that's what matters.

We weren't originally speaking of prophecy, but of novel ideas. You are confusing PREDICTING with PROPHECY: Anyone can predict something, and that thing may come to be or not. Prophecy is when someone predicts something that actually comes to be. Since your predictions haven't come to pass, they are not prophecy...

EDIT- And how can I forget one of My most coolest prophecies? The ONLINE GOVERNMENT! This idea was original to Me too back in 2009 when I was in a state hospital (after I got out of prison) for 5 months. I was in the hospital and I was thinking "If I'm going to be the King of the world, how would I rule My government?" And then I thought of the ONLINE GOVERNMENT where the people can do all the voting by their self on the internet. This would give all the power to the people besides the checks and balances. Candidly, you could vote on all of the laws from your laptop, tablet, smart phone or any device that you are connected to the internet. Once again, I'm sure someone somewhere has thought of this but it was novel to Me and its another prophecy of Mine!

Online voting is your huge idea? Wow, what an amazing mind you possess. You truly are mentally about 8 years old, kind of sad...
If any of you guys can find one of My prophecies that were already predicted by someone else than I would be very impressed because these were all novel to Me. But now I'm sharing My prophecies with you all so maybe someone will steal My prophecies but I'd just be happy to live in a world where all of these prophecies are fulfilled.

These are all wonderful notions that should be implemented by the "higher powers" because I sure can not make any of these things happen. I'm just the Messenger that has the good news that these things are more then possible. But even if someone did steal all of My prophecies, and made them come true, then My prophecies would still be fulfilled and I wouldn't mind that much as long as I get a little credit.

King George- the Prophet!


well, it's easy enough to check..just google it and either it will or won't come up.