Well-Known Member
I will proudly stand by and defend that statement on it's own.
See what it's like to have and stand by your principles?
i would not be proud of defending racism unless i was a proud racist.
I will proudly stand by and defend that statement on it's own.
See what it's like to have and stand by your principles?
yeah start talking stupid....I will as well....No I don't think drug users don't belong in jail unless they steal,kill, or hurt someone else...I also don't believe in being an enabler...I also believe that if you put dangerous drugs with no real medical benefits out to the public, it can and will get to our kids...tell you what take Ron's dick out your mouth and realize that maybe he should have not said that about heroin..again what is your plan after the Republicans reject him again...????Mitt Romney ????
Blacks were bought and paid for.no way.
your naivete pales in comparison to the out and out ignorance, bigotry, and racism expressed by your fellow comrade cultists.
i mean, slaves were better off as slaves? LOL!
you can't make this stuff up.
Blacks were bought and paid for.
Why would you abuse something you paid good money for?
They were usually taken care of..
Fucked up shit happened then fucked up stuff happens now.To keep them in line....? Are you serious? If you call getting whipped, fingers cut off, shot and killed, and forced to make a child with the chosen male/female not being abused and being well taken care of.. your out of your mind.
ok thanks for the haha...but imagine this you have a beautiful little girl that is now in college...she goes to a party and does heroin for it is now legal..she likes it, because it makes her feel good...now she does it only on the weekend..she loves it for it makes her feel powerful...she now starts doing it on the weekday as well ( after class)..hey it is legal now so she is all good, but what about her life..??? Now we have daddy's little girl hook on heroin with the help of daddy for he thought it to be a good idea to make it legal and readily obtainableFor somebody who is on a website such as this you should surely realize the ignorance in this post.
1) The government is being an enabler by imprisoning drug users. Why? When these people leave prison they not only have a criminal record, by they have to pay fines, could have lost their job, house, and loved ones. What will a drug addict resort to under such dire circumstances? Drugs. Did you not read when I said I would not lock up users, but have them seek treatment
2) How is allowing illegal black market cartels to control the drug sales in the United States more preventative of child usage than legalizing and having the ability to control?ask the kid who gets mothers stash of pills out of the medicine cabinet
3) Can't you realize that by legalizing a drug user could be prompted with treatment solutions during ever purchase (like gambling), as well as allow doctor supervision of the drug usage?ok so now we want medical doctors to now give prescription for crack and heroin..WTF
Have you ever seen one of those doctor shows like ER or scrubs and what not?wait..did you just try to use Scrubs as an example Ever notice how all of them paint the picture of drug use affects and how their friends/family lie and say they don't know what is wrong with the person?Dude again Scrubs?..its a comedy show on TV Imagine if it was legal, imagine if you were JD starting to daydream, and they had to buy from a doctor; the doctors could simply pull up the persons medical file and easily see what is wrong and would be able to treat the drug users much quicker and more efficient, and could, theoretically, increase the mortality rate of drug over doses.
ok thanks for the haha...but imagine this you have a beautiful little girl that is now in college...she goes to a party and does heroin for it is now legal..she likes it, because it makes her feel good...now she does it only on the weekend..she loves it for it makes her feel powerful...she now starts doing it on the weekday as well ( after class)..hey it is legal now so she is all good, but what about her life..??? Now we have daddy's little girl hook on heroin with the help of daddy for he thought it to be a good idea to make it legal and readily obtainable
Following that logic THEN we should make alcohol illegal... wait, wasn't that tried already? More beautiful little college girls abuse alcohol THAN hard drugs. Maybe if parents spent more time with their kids instead of asking government to protect them, they would grow up to be responsible adults.
so you really comparing a beer to heroin ???
Alcohol has 150 deaths per 100,000 users per year and heroin has 80 deaths per 100,000 users per year. It is comparable. In fact, alcohol by the numbers is far more dangerous.
Alcohol has 150 deaths per 100,000 users per year and heroin has 80 deaths per 100,000 users per year. It is comparable. In fact, alcohol by the numbers is far more dangerous.
Is their no heroin now available at collage parties for her to try?ok thanks for the haha...but imagine this you have a beautiful little girl that is now in college...she goes to a party and does heroin for it is now legal..she likes it, because it makes her feel good...now she does it only on the weekend..she loves it for it makes her feel powerful...she now starts doing it on the weekday as well ( after class)..hey it is legal now so she is all good, but what about her life..??? Now we have daddy's little girl hook on heroin with the help of daddy for he thought it to be a good idea to make it legal and readily obtainable
at least you didn't try to defend the use of heroin like these others...I do believe that our government must make some harmful drugs illegal..Thats why they have them categorize ...Weed should not be one of them for it does not harm you ...never heard anyone dieing from weed, but herion, crack, and shit like that does nothing but hurt..but hey thats meWhy are we arguing about heroin? Of course 99.9% of the users on this forum don't want it to be legal, it is the morality of the federal government enforcing which substances we as a people should and should not use that Ron Paul puts under fire, to run that idea straight into the preamble of "So Ron Paul wants to legalize heroin." is completely devoid of the point and a distraction to the real issue at hand.
I don't not believe Ron Paul is right on every single issue, I'm pro-choice and I think we the media drills him with the same-ole' "So you would support heroin legalization?" he needs to make it clear that personally he is not in favor of legalizing heroin but due to his straight constitutionalism that it would be against his character of defending ALL liberties, whether harmful of not, to say just one should stay illegal at the federal level. I feel what he wants is for the states to decide (AND I'm pretty damn sure not one state would even dream of legalizing heroin) so I believe the point is moot.
The only problem with this statistic is that a person could turn it around on you and say "well alcohol is legal and widely used so therefore if heroin is legal it's numbers will soar" Of course that would be an idiotic statement but I can see someone like Bill O'reilly saying that. haha
Is their no heroin now available at collage parties for her to try?
It would be a better chance if it was legal...
so you really comparing a beer to heroin ???
LOL... No, you are... or don't you even remember what you said about making all man made drugs that have no medical benefit illegal?
sometimes you have to read the whole thread before you jump in ..I understand your hatred of reading, but you must if you want to understand the full conversation...post #2478I thought this was "A Truth about Ron Paul" discussion and due to the fact Ron Paul would like to change the Civil Rights act of 64, which could allow a store owner to kick someone out his/store store based on color or the lack of color, brought us to these topics...we could talk about how foolish it would be to make heroin legal...I feel if its a man made drug it should be illegal or heavily regulated
I also stated it should be illegal or regulated...alcohol--regulated...heroin--illegal
sometimes you have to read the whole thread before you jump in ..I understand your hatred of reading, but you must if you want to understand the full conversation...post #2478
I'm pretty sure that kids can get illegal drugs easier than the legal ones like alcohol a lot of times. I would also argue that their a lot of drugs legally available with worse side effects than heroin especially if you count pescription medications, I would argue that when heroin used to be legal and you could buy it from Sears it was not the major problem it is today.It would be a better chance if it was legal...
I'm pretty sure that kids can get illegal drugs easier than the legal ones like alcohol a lot of times. I would also argue that their a lot of drugs legally available with worse side effects than heroin especially if you count pescription medications, I would argue that when heroin used to be legal and you could buy it from Sears it was not the major problem it is today.