The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
are you trying to tell me that Paul did not say he would have voted against the Civil rights act in its current form ?????


Well-Known Member
All the videos you keep putting up and you missed this one..but I'm sure you would hear what you want..



New Member
no I am not saying do you connect this to Ron Paul getting rid of the civil rights act in the present or future?


Well-Known Member
If Ron Paul is a racist he better rethink his position on Recreational drugs and whether the feds or the state should incarcerate non violent offenders, if he had his way it would keep hundreds of thousands of minorities out of prison .


New Member
and just how could it do that? and why do you connect dots which are not there? and why do you fall for Chris Matthews nullification arguments, Chris Matthews a man which admited his job is to do whatever he can to help this administration. A man who does all he can to protect obama. This man sincerely believes his job is to support Obama, god bless him, he has a good heart and hes smart but he choose the wrong path. The path of being a bitch for 'the man', I prefer freedom, to each his own I guess.


Well-Known Member
and your job is to support Ron Paul...sorry guy I disagree with Ron Paul and his view on property rights and I am a business owner...He might mean well, but his idea could lead to someone being racist that would go uncheck and if its just one person being racist, without being check on it, that is one too look at the little pictue while I see the bigger picture...


New Member
Dude I am a linux administrator, its not my job to agree with Ron Paul trust me. I wish lol. I'd be good at that :)


Well-Known Member
If you don't realize how much you are in love with ROn Paul you are worst off then I thought...You spend more time defending him then Chris Matthews defending Obama, but at least he gets paid for it...How many threads have you started for Ron ????How many vids have you put up...OMG you a Ron Paul groupie...


New Member
I am also not a journalist, why are you going off a cliff here? how do you connect those dots, it was a speech on the floor where Ron Paul said he wouldn't of voted for it back in 1965 because it had infringements on the constitution, he never votes on something that violates the constitution, he commended the bill for all it had done to end segregation but thinks it could have been done differently.

So how is what ron paul "would of done" in 1965 in anyway connected to him letting people put up racist signs today?

so if we had the civil rights act of 2010 that was the same as the one in 1965 ron paul wouldn't of voted for you connect...this to your crazy conspiracy theory?


Well-Known Member
just pointing out a least you can be honest about it and say yes I love Ron Paul because he loves freedom...anything else makes you seem like you are in denial...Care to discuss how making heroin legal represents freedom. ?????


New Member
I don't think It is necessary for me to say such a thing when its obviously the case...How making heroin legal represents freedom?

First off Ron Paul would not outright make heroin legal unless that is what the people wanted, the only drug war issue he is passionate about is marijuana, medical marijuana, and states rights, I am not even going to go into how making drugs legal represents freedom because I think that's a little obvious, you are a pot smoker are you not?


Well-Known Member
I don't put weed in the came category as man-made drugs guy...Its fucking crazy talk to even think or say heroin should be legal..It should not be a freaking state right...and thats what he stated that it should be a state right for no one would just go out and do it just because its legal..I say he fucking wrong..weed and heroin is not even the is man made ..the other is can kill your ass....the other does not...


New Member
Florida just passed mandatory drug tests for welfare recipients, are they going to legalize heroin next? Maybe...if Ron Paul is elected???WHAT???!?!?GTFO

How do you connect these dots? please tell us.

Opitates are free from the pharmacy, methadone is free in america, Vicodin and Morphine is a couple bucks sometimes?


Well-Known Member

take the time to listen...he thinks it should be a states right...listen to what he says..if someone asked me if it should be legal ..I would say HELL NO...what about you ???


New Member
There is a big difference between planning to make heroin illegal and talking philosophically if it should be illegal, there is also a big difference in believing in the local governments over the federal, I would say of course it should be illegal so its not sold on store shelves for someone to spontaneously become addicted. If I had my way heroin would not exist but I can't wish it away, people are going to do heroin, they will likely end up in jail with the heroin possession or not. The law is really stupid in my belief, it doesn't help to stop heroin and it is unconstitutional and it serves to protect nobody. The drug war is barbaric its authoritarianism, its slavery, lock people in a cage? good plan? How do you feel about locking people in cages for doing drugs? How does it help anyone?


Well-Known Member
I take a mans ideas as for what that he would stand for...he should of said no because its to dangerous of a man-made drug...Its a shame how you can find no fault in your hero...and why the hell he always talking this state right BS...same damn thing the South did to try and keep slavery.WTF...we are the United States...not The States Rights States...every decision with him, he whats to pass it as states right...WTF


New Member
so if he leaves it up to the states whos going to come out with the legalize heroin , is Courtney love going to make a petition? And take on capitol hill - Will they start putting "remember to vote" on syringe casings?


Well-Known Member
you miss the point totally...I WILL NOT SUPPORT ANYONE WHO WOULD MAKE THE STATEMENT THAT IT SHOULD,COULD,or MAYBE LEGAL..I vote on a man's ideas...because until he gets the job thats the only thing you got to go really to blind to see anything but your Ron Paul ...good luck getting out the primary...not looking a plan for if ( when ) he does not make it out ????