DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Bathrooms

You mean this half ass audit? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve_Transparency_Act
They didnt allow them to audit the most crucial activities of the Federal Reserve! Love how you assholes don't read the fine print!

Here's another article explaining problems with the Fed! https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-...ayers-deserve-an-audit-of-the-federal-reserve

Take your worship of the Federal Reserve and shove it way up your ass!
Word shitting dim wit gtfoh. Youre a f'en imbecile rodent2D79813900000578-3275851-image-a-1_1445004045638.jpg
Lol you are so uneducated. Partisan means I support a party. Not supporting your party, of circlejerking drunk lunatics, doesn't make me Partisan.

right wing hack
If Hillary was well liked she would have gotten way more than 3 million more votes over Trump and she would have won the electoral college. Never mind the fact that she didn't even visit Wisconsin. Hillary was a shitty candidate period.
Yes and remember before the election the mainstream news was bragging about some states should NOT check ids to vote because it was racist? They actually let people vote in some states with no id's. Trump is probably is right a bunch of illegals did vote for hillary. And she still lost even after rigging the DNC and having illegals vote for her! What a pathetic bitch!

And possible, he actually would of won the popular vote too. If they didn't allow states to NOT check ids. Either way the evil bitch lost and that's the end of it!

I actually have mod in fallout 4 that has mission to kill Hillary Clinton. I spawned the bitch down in the minute man castle dungeon. She's lost few limbs (Live Dismemberment mod)!

But thinking of keeping her alive to suffer! Sometimes when I'm bored in the game I make visit to hillary and whack her around abit. I figured if the bitch not gonna go to jail I might well get my anger out in the video game!
I actually have mod in fallout 4 that has mission to kill Hillary Clinton.

Sometimes when I'm bored in the game I make visit to hillary and whack her around abit. I figured if the bitch not gonna go to jail I might well get my anger out in the video game!

your russian accent is atrocious
They have to have high property cost high to keep people homeless and shitting on the streets. Makes it easier to turn them into leftists when they are mentally damaged from being homeless for so long.
How fucking drunk are you right now?

Sober up and clean up the dog shit surrounding your trailer you dumb drunk white