DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms

why do you men work so hard at bashing Sanders?

concerned he may win?:lol:
Im not, but if he does, Republicans win house and senate and nothing gets done for 4 years. I am happy he is in the senate, he has a important voice, but he is too divisive to lead the country. We need to come together, blaming everyone else for hardships like Sanders does a lot from what I have seen is getting old. And his shenanigans in 2016 helped give us Trump as the Russians used the disinformation and smoke he was doing to suppress the democratic vote for Clinton.

Everything works out in the end usually though, so even if he does win I will vote for him over Trump, but it would be a lost 4 years we don't really need to be lost.
He is very popular with the old and retarded.

He is very popular with bums that are lazy and don't want to work hard yet feel that they're entitled to the same things that hard working people have earned.

Fuck Bernie, he's a lazy worthless old man that has NEVER worked a real job but talks shit and believes he knows and relates to working class folks. Bernie is like that drunkard fool at a bar that won't stfu, runs his mouth about things he has zero experience in

Honestly, I wouldn't even vote if Bernie somehow managed to get the nomination.

I don't have to worry about that though, because he won't be able to get nominated as no one who actually works takes him seriously
I remember being sick of hearing about that fucking idiot. All I ever heard about was Bernie and Trump. If anything, Clinton was the victim of a media blackout.

We must not get our news from the same places. For the most part all I heard about was Trump unless it was Trump talking shit about Hillary. Or someone else talking about Trump talking shit about Hillary.