Death Fapping?![]()
It all makes sense now.
Death Fapping?![]()
It all makes sense now.
Nope, never met her. Wouldn't have crossed the street to do so either. I worked for her in order to try and stop Trump.Haha OMG now it all makes sense! Did you also suck Hillary's stinky cunt when you were working for her?
And you think Bernie has the solution to that? I really have no ideal what his plan entails other than it’s basically model after the Canadian plan, which is administered by the provinces I might add. And thanks for not calling my mom a whore lol.
Well the problem is that people who have good coverage now are concerned their level of care will be diminished and that, I could see, could be a valid concern. And also the cost.I think Bernie's plan would be a good starting point that will be improved over time, like everything new. Nothing is perfect and not everyone will be happy, but that's life. If anyone thinks that you can flip a switch and change the entire system without a hiccup, they're dreaming and not living in reality.
How much is Putin paying you to suck his dickI wonder how much Uncle Buck is getting paid to be an Antifia member?
How much is Putin paying you to suck his dick
Well you leave mine out. Buck asks for it. Regularly.And you think Bernie has the solution to that? I really have no ideal what his plan entails other than it’s basically model after the Canadian plan, which is administered by the provinces I might add. And thanks for not calling my mom a whore lol.
Trump ran on racism and got a solid 40% just on that. Oldest right wing tactic in the nation. Not all Republicans use it, see Rmoney and McCain. It's a winning strategy in a racist country.Disagree all you like. She’s been a target since Bill was President. Always on the radar. She didn’t rally everyday people. Not at all. She was not available to the press.
Do I have to actually relist all this for those whose memories are so short they can’t remember what they had for breakfast? Replay it all? She sucks. I’m not talking competence. I’m talking she’s as cold as cod in a deep freeze.
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Anybody who supports Bernie's plan has a hole where their brain should be.I think Bernie's plan would be a good starting point that will be improved over time, like everything new. Nothing is perfect and not everyone will be happy, but that's life. If anyone thinks that you can flip a switch and change the entire system without a hiccup, they're dreaming and not living in reality.
Right on the money at least someone has a brain here!
I also read the wikileak emails all the way back before the election. I saw the emails that you discussed about the DNC sabotaging Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton was not supposed to be nominated, the bitch stole it!
And that's why lots of Bernie Sanders gave Clinton the middle finger and voted for Trump out of spite. Hillary Clinton is responsible for getting Trump elected period. I voted for Trump last minute as, wtf ill vote for the wild card! At least Trump finally got the general public to question mainstream media. I been trying to get that in people head way before Trump came to the picture. He just stole alot of us Independents ideas and ran on it. Basically a shitty plastic wrapped version of Ron Pauls movement who I supported when Obama was running.
But he's doing a half ass job and I can see through him. If he was true patriot he would not be picking Bush jr cabinet picks, he would not be attacking the 2nd amendment. He should be educating the public about auditing and removing the Federal Reserve. He just doesn't have the balls like JFK. And course we all know what happened when JFK opened his mouth about the Federal Reserve....
Now to be honest I also think Bernie Sanders is plastic wrapped puppet too with his own agenda.
He's for gun control and flooding in refugees without checking who's coming in. And he's for the fake climate change bs. Also pushing the old socialism agenda.
Now I'm all for stopping pollution like oil, heavy metals, and chemicals. I'm also believe in getting rid of oil based plastics with hemp biodegradability plastics. Now that would be a REAL solution for actual pollution than worrying about CO2! But again these politicians will never give you the real solutions. They twist and pervert good movements to NOT solve the problem and find way to make another money making scam.
But you got to be an idiot to believe CO2 that plants release at night is causing global warming! Guess we should cut the whole amazon rain forest down while were at it because of them releasing that EVIL CO2!
The sun and earth shifts cause climate change NOT fucking CO2! Many scientist also agree with this! And most who are spreading that CO2 bs are, "political scientist"! And are usually not Independent or have conflicts of interest!
Anybody who supports Bernie's plan has a hole where their brain should be.
Bernie's plan is a half finished failing grade at any level. More than 300 million new enrollees in Medicare without any plans on how to do the job. Not even enough detail for the OMB to work up a cost estimate. No means to to pay for it either. With all of those changes, Medicare will not even be close to the same it is now.
A hundred million people would be forced out of health care plans they like into an unknown medicare system. That healthcare bill is in fact "flipping the switch" without the necessary work done to make sure the whole thing doesn't blow up. Politically, it's a disaster. It's more of a gift to Trump than anything else.
You are talking about hopeful changes without any idea how they will be carried out and therefore somebody to be taken lightly. I'm citing the bill that Bernie wrote. Its an incompetent piece of trash. You don't have to take my word for it, go read the bill and other's analysis of it yourself. You'll find that the bill does not contain enough detail to estimate its costs, it doesn't specify how it will be paid for and nothing in the bill accounts for the expansion in the Medicare system.You do realize that Bernie isn't going to be the architect of the changes to healthcare, he's just a dude pushing paper through the WH. I'm pretty sure there will be experts hired to figure the nuances of the transition out, and he won't be instituting his half finished whatever on day one of being prezzi. Pretty sure Congress won't let that fly, lol.
Let's not get all manic about your mom's precious "medicare" that she likes so much, because you don't know if the replacement will be better. Why does everyone assume it will be worse? That's just the same fear of change you accuse 'old white men' of.
“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading isn’t what’s happening “Why did you think the other plastic wrapped puppet would do any better? Why is Hillary so much better than Trump fuck face? Why does it matter when the game has been rigged since 1913 shit head? Your an idiot you support divide and conquer politics, you play right into the elites game.
Your being played like puppet. You and Uncle Buck are tools to cause a bloody Civil War!
Your not stopping anything all your doing is fueling it! Your gonna go down in history books as traitors and dictators who brought in George Orwells 1984!
The future generations are gonna hate you steaming pile of turds! There really gonna love you when they read about how people like you got rid of the constitution and free speech! And you people have the nerve to hide behind fake concerns for racism when you're actually help fueling it!
You're a fucking retard!
You think a subject like abolishing the Federal Reserve is Russian talking points? You're an idiot I been talking about that since High School! Is Ron Paul also a Russian? Were the hippies in the 60s all Russian? Were the Vietnam Vets all Russians? This is the problem with people having shitty long term memories. You guys never remember or learn from the past.“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading isn’t what’s happening “
-George Orwell
(Just kidding, it was trump)
We saw this shitty Russian propaganda in 2016. Get new material, retard
Why did you become shyttstikk?I’ll tell you the first thing that comes to mind from her campaign. $2800. Minimum.
Pay $2800 for a piece of tough chicken and a table by the servers door at some hoity toity expensive place. Including in Paris France and Hong Kong. Plus at George Clooney’s place. Yep she’s sure a person for the public.
The public her campaign manager acknowledged she disliked. Yep she got screwed.
Your Russian accent is atrociousTrump stole our ideas from the Independent Patriots and did half ass job with them! I'm sure Putin has own agenda but he's very small player to the big guys.
Только дурак бы меня обвинилOnly fool would me accusation make.
Why don't you just be honest about your Republican desires? You're a right wing war monger through and through, why hide it?Why did you become shyttstikk?