DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Bathrooms

Exactly, it will be "medicare" that every American will depend on, because that's what socialized healthcare is, a standardized system with checks and balances to ensure homogeneous care for all.

As a Canadian, I don't see the opposition to a standardized, socialized, healthcare system.

If you had chosen Bernie in 2016 you wouldn't have Trump, if only for the fact that Bernie would have had less fodder for the Russian trolls, regardless of his "authoritarianism".

Lol @ big, scary socialism.

as a canadian, why would americans work so hard to dissuade others from something so beneficial for THE WHOLE POPULATION?
“According to several Trump sources (and one Clinton source) who spoke to the Post, the two men spoke over the phone in late May, shortly before Trump announced his run in June. During the call, the Trump sources said, Clinton “encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party” and “analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the G.O.P. base.”

Remember this? Of course you don’t. Sweet Jesus. Fuck the Clintons with Buck’s dick.

This is a good place to start as any.

From the original Washington Post article that the website sourced their entire post on:
Trump took the call from his office in Trump Tower in New York, according to the four allies, who requested anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly. The call came as Trump was making a final decision about whether to run, and he was candid about his political ambitions and his potential interest in seeking the White House during the talk, these allies said.

The 42nd president listened intently and then analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the GOP base, the Trump allies said.

The tone of the call was informal, and Clinton never urged Trump to run, the four people said. Rather, they said, Clinton sounded curious about Trump’s moves toward a presidential bid and told Trump that he was striking a chord with frustrated conservatives and was a rising force on the right.

One person with knowledge of Clinton’s end of the call said the former president was upbeat and encouraging during the conversation, which occurred as Trump was speaking out about GOP politics and his prescriptions for the nation.

Clinton aides declined to speak on the record about the call, saying the conversation was personal.

“Mr. Trump reached out to President Clinton a few times. President Clinton returned his call in late May,” a Clinton employee said. “While we don’t make it a practice to discuss the president’s private conversations, we can tell you that the presidential race was not discussed.”

One Trump adviser said Clinton called Trump, but the adviser did not provide specifics about how the call came about.

Clinton returned Trumps previous calls, which makes sense if your trying to get some money for your wife campaign, right? But the link to that article you posted said this is:
According to several Trump sources (and one Clinton source) who spoke to the Post, the two men spoke over the phone in late May, shortly before Trump announced his run in June. During the call, the Trump sources said, Clinton “encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party” and “analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the G.O.P. base.”

She is saying that because he was polite to a previous donor (who is a moronic wealthy jackass, always known to be spouting off political nonsense) that is talking about running for president (again) and Billy boy was polite to the guy and didn't say something like "you suck at life and should leave running the country to people that have actually worked for a living and understand how much they don't know about shit outside their own experiences" that he encouraged Trump to run...

This is how these things work, it is a small thing to start with, but their bullshit propaganda adds up and they stacked it so high it was hard to see over it. These troll factories hired tons of 'writers' to make these short blurb style hit jobs and report them like actual news based on a cut up version of another person's work to give it credibility.

They count on people not looking deeper, and if they do firewalls blocking them from seeing it. And if someone does actually go to the article and looks at the comment sections to see what 'their side' is saying, they will find that chat flooded with propaganda troll posts that are following the narrative they had already decided to run with.

Then to top it all off, they will make these internet 'newsites' like OANN that only contain the stories that they want their bubble to contain, and nothing that they don't so that people never know to look for more information and draw their own conclusions.
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“No Democratic candidate has pulled in more from the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries than Biden, who raised more than $97,000. The former vice president took in more than $11,000 from affiliates of industry giant Blue Cross/Blue Shield, including the maximum $2,800 from Daniel Hilferty, CEO of Independence Blue Cross who sits on the board of a major health insurance trade group that is fighting to defeat Sanders’ Medicare for All healthcare plan.”


This is just direct money. Not the side funding and free airplane rides and etc. How coincidental that he should supposedly be the leading candidate. What’s the chances? Must be Russians.
Whats that tell you that Trump paid Stormy Daniels (illegally) more than the highest paid off Democratic candidate running for president?

I am not a 'candidates should not except donors money kind of voter' though. I refuse to give money to politicians because I need it more, so I figure they need to get it somewhere. It doesn't mean that they are owned by them unless they start doing dirty shit. I am all for transparency though.

That is why I am very worried about the way Trump has invited foreign nations into interfering with our countries electorate. They don't need to be transparent about money that they are spending in our elections. And with them funneling money through companies like the NRA in the millions, we need to know more about what is going on and Trump and Mitch are stonewalling every investigation.
Thank you, Assange.

“Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote: I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa. On Apr 19, 2015 3:58 PM, "Jake Sullivan" <[email protected]> wrote: > We are. Will insert something in next couple hours. >”

She has “begun” to HATE EVERYDAY AMERICANS. Too bad she lost eh? Note this was BEFORE she even announced but she was already hating us? I know I feel cheated now.
Like you said, she was a cold fish. This is another thing that 1. If a true email and not one of the falsified ones that the Russian disinformation campaign were shown to have planted in the data dumps they did to wikileaks after they hacked the DNC for Trump, just because someone said that in a email it doesn't mean it wasn't said as a joke for having to talk to hundred of people everyday while running for president. And 2. I enjoy my dogs more than people, I don't mind people, but the older I get the more I realize I am looking forward to being a old retired hermit. I like to joke I am like the Unabomber just not naive enough to think I can change the course of human society with a few stamps.

I’ll take Sanders any day. Any day. Note he has not received a donation from a single billionaire. There’s a clue for people with a brain.

It is funny I couldn't agree with you more on this entire post but think it is for an entirely different reason.
here's my citation..where's yours?

Polls find Sanders, not Clinton, has better chance against Trump

In a general election matchup, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders topples Donald Trump by twice as much as Hillary Clinton, according to polling data from RealClearPolitics.

So the person who insists that polls are useless has found one that suits her purposes and now claims that it is actually accurate.

You are a hypocritical retarded old woman.
Like you said, she was a cold fish. This is another thing that 1. If a true email and not one of the falsified ones that the Russian disinformation campaign were shown to have planted in the data dumps they did to wikileaks after they hacked the DNC for Trump, just because someone said that in a email it doesn't mean it wasn't said as a joke for having to talk to hundred of people everyday while running for president. And 2. I enjoy my dogs more than people, I don't mind people, but the older I get the more I realize I am looking forward to being a old retired hermit. I like to joke I am like the Unabomber just not naive enough to think I can change the course of human society with a few stamps.

It is funny I couldn't agree with you more on this entire post but think it is for an entirely different reason.
Bottom line- to blame this whole deal on a misinformation campaign is weak weak weak. However I’m open to hearing which Tweets some of the obvious pinheads here were affected by. Obviously they were. Probably extensively.
Here is a quick three from me, I know you asked for Buck, but this is a very important topic to understand so I jumped in.

The Russians set up protests in our country to sow discord and were able to use this to amplify their influence in different communities. A voter suppression campaign was used on middle eastern communities.


Trump using Russian propaganda to sell people against a movement that was about asking police to not shoot black people. This was used by Russians on both sides again, and used to suppress the black vote by gaining their trust online and pushing a don't vote campaign to them.

3. https://www.usatoday.com/story/spor...s-nfl-national-anthem-controversy/1732873002/
They also found that the ones that really pushed this whole kneeling thing was the Russian trolls. Nobody else really cared about it, but the Russians would spam the reports on kneeling, so much so that the 'news' would pick it up. This also made it hard for people to get together and watch football together without polarizing people with taking a side.
So much for weak minded individuals I reckon. A country full of simpletons.
Bottom line- to blame this whole deal on a misinformation campaign is weak weak weak. However I’m open to hearing which Tweets some of the obvious pinheads here were affected by. Obviously they were. Probably extensively.
I know it got my dad. He was talking about chemtrails and government being out to get us stuff. My little brother lives with him and was just as paranoid. One of my older brothers was spouting anti Obama conspiracies for years, but I didn't think it was a problem really until 2017 opened my eyes. When Trump posted a Stormfront conspiracy, I could no longer ignore it, the president of the United States is too important to the country to troll us citizens and not have it turn into a dangerous situation for people who don't know better.


I don't know if the guy doesn't actually just believe this stuff like my dad. He adopted all the same mannerisms and really ended up just hating that I would not buy what he was saying. I really hope its just that and he is not aware that he is using the most vile disinformation against our citizens in a way that is tearing us apart. But the longer it goes on and the more desperate he is getting the more he is using it, so who knows. If he wins again and the republicans win the house we will likely never really know what happened.
People with privilege are afraid to lose it.
While I’m glad we have universal healthcare I wonder/worry if we’re not heading towards a 3rd world level of care in some instances. My experience has been for the most part great but I also would like to see the hallway medicine curtailed and wait times lowered. I spent 8 hrs in the hall of an emergency dept hooked to a heart monitor on a stretcher waiting for a critical care bed and what I saw was horrific. The nurses and doctors (2 that I could see) were inundated with patients, supposedly it was a slow period :(. I can relate to people that, if they can, would opt for a more streamlined approach in some cases. The provincial cuts that are now taking place due to a right wing government bent on saving money at any cost is the wrong approach and very short sighted IMO.
While I’m glad we have universal healthcare I wonder/worry if we’re not heading towards a 3rd world level of care in some instances. My experience has been for the most part great but I also would like to see the hallway medicine curtailed and wait times lowered. I spent 8 hrs in the hall of an emergency dept hooked to a heart monitor on a stretcher waiting for a critical care bed and what I saw was horrific. The nurses and doctors (2 that I could see) were inundated with patients, supposedly it was a slow period :(. I can relate to people that, if they can, would opt for a more streamlined approach in some cases. The provincial cuts that are now taking place due to a right wing government bent on saving money at any cost is the wrong approach and very short sighted IMO.
Go be a patient with the same complaints in most city hospitals in the USA and see the same shit. The very same stuff including waiting for a room.
“Bernie Sanders' supporters have a right to be angry.

The leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee apparently confirmed what they have said all along — that the political system was rigged against their candidate in favor of Hillary Clinton.”


Right on the money at least someone has a brain here!

I also read the wikileak emails all the way back before the election. I saw the emails that you discussed about the DNC sabotaging Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton was not supposed to be nominated, the bitch stole it!

And that's why lots of Bernie Sanders gave Clinton the middle finger and voted for Trump out of spite. Hillary Clinton is responsible for getting Trump elected period. I voted for Trump last minute as, wtf ill vote for the wild card! At least Trump finally got the general public to question mainstream media. I been trying to get that in people head way before Trump came to the picture. He just stole alot of us Independents ideas and ran on it. Basically a shitty plastic wrapped version of Ron Pauls movement who I supported when Obama was running.

But he's doing a half ass job and I can see through him. If he was true patriot he would not be picking Bush jr cabinet picks, he would not be attacking the 2nd amendment. He should be educating the public about auditing and removing the Federal Reserve. He just doesn't have the balls like JFK. And course we all know what happened when JFK opened his mouth about the Federal Reserve....

Now to be honest I also think Bernie Sanders is plastic wrapped puppet too with his own agenda.

He's for gun control and flooding in refugees without checking who's coming in. And he's for the fake climate change bs. Also pushing the old socialism agenda.

Now I'm all for stopping pollution like oil, heavy metals, and chemicals. I'm also believe in getting rid of oil based plastics with hemp biodegradability plastics. Now that would be a REAL solution for actual pollution than worrying about CO2! But again these politicians will never give you the real solutions. They twist and pervert good movements to NOT solve the problem and find way to make another money making scam.

But you got to be an idiot to believe CO2 that plants release at night is causing global warming! Guess we should cut the whole amazon rain forest down while were at it because of them releasing that EVIL CO2!

The sun and earth shifts cause climate change NOT fucking CO2! Many scientist also agree with this! And most who are spreading that CO2 bs are, "political scientist"! And are usually not Independent or have conflicts of interest!
Listening to idiots deny this is fucking ridiculous. It’s fact. It’s history. They have the goddamned emails.

Don't even try man they don't have the cerebral capacity to keep up with real facts and counter arguments! It's a herd mentality, a monkey see monkey do mentality. Just regurgitate the same political propaganda every time. Don't learn from history, nope just repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

Than of course these idiots cause another Civil War kill and torture each other and drag us poor bastards down in it!

While the real rats, that cause these problems sit back and laugh at all the dumb monkeys repeating the same fucking mistake for 1000s of years over and over....!

I swear to god I live in the movie Idiotcracy. I feel I was punished being incarnated on this earth with these idiot monkeys lol! Sometimes I ask myself am I in hell already? I feel your pain!
Are you ok with a woman as president? Honestly now, I am not trying to set you up to be called whatever trolling you'll get hit with, so I won't expect an answer, but really I don't get why you are doing the Russian smokescreen thing.
I'm ok with a woman president but NOT a bitch like Hillary! Are we really that retarded that were just gonna vote for someone cause of their gender? I don't give shit if the president black, brown, a woman, ugly as fuck, etc! As long there talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve, stopping the wars, and getting rid real parasites that's all I give a fuck about! And if anybody else had a brain here they would figure that out too!
While I’m glad we have universal healthcare I wonder/worry if we’re not heading towards a 3rd world level of care in some instances. My experience has been for the most part great but I also would like to see the hallway medicine curtailed and wait times lowered. I spent 8 hrs in the hall of an emergency dept hooked to a heart monitor on a stretcher waiting for a critical care bed and what I saw was horrific. The nurses and doctors (2 that I could see) were inundated with patients, supposedly it was a slow period :(. I can relate to people that, if they can, would opt for a more streamlined approach in some cases. The provincial cuts that are now taking place due to a right wing government bent on saving money at any cost is the wrong approach and very short sighted IMO.

And you won't have to go bankrupt to get the medical attention you need, nor will you be turned away because you can't afford it. 8 hours in a busy hallway is a fair trade off for a $100,000 + hospital bill or death.
Go be a patient with the same complaints in most city hospitals in the USA and see the same shit. The very same stuff including waiting for a room.
And you think Bernie has the solution to that? I really have no ideal what his plan entails other than it’s basically model after the Canadian plan, which is administered by the provinces I might add. And thanks for not calling my mom a whore lol.