Well-Known Member
Oh cnn, ok, got it.
lalcks were better off as slaves and you, the white male, is the most discriminated of anyone.
poor baby. perhaps this will cheer you up.

Oh cnn, ok, got it.
you're just figuring this out now? these are people whose entire philosophy is based on vengeance. you simply can't expect any sort of honesty from the redistributionist crowd.
by the way, don't be offended by his reference to good old atticus. that it refers to a story in which the failure of governmental institutions plays a predominant role, where the best intentions of the individual are swept aside by the regulations of the mob, shouldn't be forgotten.
All he had to do was present the harm as being mental in nature... and he was so close to doing it.
so are we to take away from this that these children were all effected by the attitude of the world around them or could it be that there was something lacking in their home lives, something that did not feed into the growth of their self-esteem? are we to take the supposition of psychiatric "experts" as gospel and determine policy based on their pseudo-scientific studies? this is, after all, the same voodoo science that has determined that a full ten percent of the population is in need of anti-depressant medication. the very fact that we would aim the violent forces of governmental regulation at our rights of private property based on the "harm" of hurt feelings and low self-esteem is a sad commentary on the state of our society.did you miss the clark doll test i presented?
it does cause mental harm. why else would 44% of segregated black kids say the white doll is more representative of them than the black doll? that is, those who did not break down and cry or run out of the room.
are you fucking dense?
history is full of examples of stations that would charge twice as much to blacks as they would to whites for the "crime" of being born with a certain skin color.
for the "crime" of being born a certain color, they now have to spend more time and more money to get the same thing a white person would get without harassment.
if you can't see how that is harmful, you really need to hop in a time machine and go visit those days in person, because no amount of words will convince a dipshit ideologue who feels his right to bigotry trumps the rights of others not to be harmed by such bigotry.
and you have the great honor of becoming part of my sig!
good luck with your racist arguments. i am sure they will catch on one of these days!
the global warming hypothesis is a decades in the making conspiracy involving thousands of scientists in hundreds of countries who have produced tens of thousands of fraudulent data sets and their hoax has only recently been exposed by rush limbaugh and the group of dolts at fox news![]()
did you miss the clark doll test i presented?
it does cause mental harm. why else would 44% of segregated black kids say the white doll is more representative of them than the black doll? that is, those who did not break down and cry or run out of the room.
want to know how many people i have on ignore? ZERO. because i am not some little vagina that can't handle dissenting opinion.
it isn't a matter of whether racism was a problem then or is a problem now. it's about whether declaring "martial law", as you have termed it, is a legitimate answer to such a problem. as you have pointed out, we segregate ourselves quite effectively. we often choose to surround ourselves with what is most familiar and to avoid the discomfort of what we see as the unknown. thanks to government interference, we are no longer afforded several of these avenues of avoidance. but has it really changed anything? have the worst elements of racism declined because of this interference or in spite of it?I don't think anyone is arguing that racism was not an issue in those days.
Yea you and the banksters would certainly agree.big girls like america need love too, even if it is somewhat non consensual. some chicks get off on rape fantasies, ya know.
Yea you and the banksters would certainly agree.
You mean I took your spot? Now I'm going to have to unhide one of his posts to see what he picked...Put me back, bastard.
why would we go back in time 50 years, why is 50 years ago even in this the discussion really? Your conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I assume you have a lot of hatred and possibly may have been victimized in your life, love your people, love freedom, love life, loosen up turtle fucker.you should go back in time and tell black people to stop complaining, that all this segregation is not hurting them in the least and to just shut up and quit being a bunch of crybabies.
make sure to let them know that they have no right to expect to pay the same for gas as a white person, and that they are not allowed into any of the nice hotels because it makes the white folks uncomfortable.
why do you think your bigotry trumps everyone else's rights not to be harmed by your bigotry? is being a bigot THAT important to you?
I thought this was "A Truth about Ron Paul" discussion and due to the fact Ron Paul would like to change the Civil Rights act of 64, which could allow a store owner to kick someone out his/store store based on color or the lack of color, brought us to these topics...we could talk about how foolish it would be to make heroin legal...I feel if its a man made drug it should be illegal or heavily regulatedwhy would we go back in time 50 years, why is 50 years ago even in this the discussion really? This is GOP2012 discussion. Your post and your pictures are offtopic, and your conspiracy theories are ridiculous.
Mtv Ron Paul Music Video from 2008Ron paul is going to rock the vote.....
Where is MTV when you need them?