The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

I can see the headlines now , Ron Paul amazingly has passed into law making racism and racist signs legal - miraculously millions became racist and put up signs, hail satan, today shall be ever known as sign day and the official song will be Ace of Base "I Saw the sign", hummina hummmmina, hail satan
You still did not demonstrate any harm to life, liberty, or property.

ok, go ahead and drive to the next non-discriminating station and tell me that it did not cost more money to get there.

why the fuck do you think this stopped existing after 1964?

you are one of those that need to let it happen to you for you to understand

I understand that racism is absolutely horrible and one of the most primitave forms of collectivism, but do not see how that trumps another person's right to control and dispose of their own property.
I love that no matter how many people come upon this forum, the majority like, and will vote Ron Paul, and a serious pathetic small percentage cough "uncle buck and London frog" cough. dont like him because they dont like liberty.
Now quit trollin and move on if you dont like ron paul go cry somewhere else, i cant stand people that relay everything mainstream and act like they have some sort of personal first hand experience when really, you dont know a damn thing, and just because you say so, everyone who tells you your insane or living in a different reality (because clearly you are) are stupid and dont know what they are talking about.
You guys just don't like liberty., and if so leave America because we dont want ya.
If you so choose to stay and revolution breaks out, you will be the ones drug through the dirt in the street, even more so than you already do to your own rationale and logic by typing the ludicrous things you do.
So much fail....


It's evident some people love to misinterpret written law. Personally I believe beating the civil rights issue like this is beating on a dead horse, bringing up issues that were entirely relevant 30 and 40 years ago doesn't really mean much to me. (albeit the issues are horrible towards race still a statement I'm sure will make me racist :rolleyes: ) I've always thought that America as a whole had moved on and minorities are only that because the government labels them as such. Certain people like to deploy fear mongering tactics and arguments bringing extreme examples into context as if suddenly the entire world and every single gas station is going to turn racist over night given the repeal of legislation that is only a problem because it encroaches on personal liberties at the core.

A similar situation could be how O'Reilly's argument against medical marijuana is that crack and heroine addicts get scripts for "unlimited" amounts of marijuana from a dispensary and then proceed to sell the marijuana to kids a city block away to pay for their addiction.. While I'm sure a very small handful of desperate addicts may try this I see them even getting their card being a problem in the first place..

Regardless, our nation isn't going to crumble if these civics aren't addressed immediately (they should be but all in due time) but the US cannot take anymore ludicrous spending. We need to bring our troops home and end our world empire, no more occupations. We need to restore the congressional power of the Senate to coin our national currency and stop letting the privately owned Federal Serve printing out money, every morning we wake up those bills in our pocket our now worth a little less everyday.

What's wrong with that picture? Some would say nothing and I would say they need to fucking get real. :)
he would probably just keep saying "state rights" and "let's do some heroin!"

and then he would not realize the webcam was still on as he went on to fuck a turtle.
londonfog and Carne Seca like this.

really? londonfog and carne seca like your idiotic post? They'll click on anything that makes them look like tools wont they? Go ahead bring some more of your senseless garbage into this thread all the while continuing to prove what a complete walking pile of whale shit you are.
Have a nice day.
Would you like to go ahead and demonstrate the harm? Did the gas station owner take gas from someone's tank?

are you fucking dense?

history is full of examples of stations that would charge twice as much to blacks as they would to whites for the "crime" of being born with a certain skin color.

for the "crime" of being born a certain color, they now have to spend more time and more money to get the same thing a white person would get without harassment.

if you can't see how that is harmful, you really need to hop in a time machine and go visit those days in person, because no amount of words will convince a dipshit ideologue who feels his right to bigotry trumps the rights of others not to be harmed by such bigotry.
londonfog and Carne Seca like this.

really? londonfog and carne seca like your idiotic post? They'll click on anything that makes them look like tools wont they? Go ahead bring some more of your senseless garbage into this thread all the while continuing to prove what a complete walking pile of whale shit you are.
Have a nice day.

what smells like aspercreme?
they now have to spend more time and more money to get the same thing a white person would get without harassment.
Did the gas station owner assault them? (violation of the right to life)
Did the gas station owner sell them gas at a higher than agreed rate? (fraud - violation of the right to property)
Did the gas station owner detain them? (violation of the right to liberty)

I can do this for days...

if you can't see how that is harmful, you really need to hop in a time machine and go visit those days in person, because no amount of words will convince a dipshit ideologue who feels his right to bigotry trumps the rights of others not to be harmed by such bigotry.

First, you just admitted a person has a right to be a bigot... now (again) show me where exercising this right has removed either life, liberty, or property of a 'victim'. I'm looking for an example of force or fraud in part of the gas station owner.

A person's choice of inaction (unless contractually obliged otherwise) cannot be considered a 'harm' in the legal sense. If this concept were not true, then why can't I go to the nearest strip bar and have a legal right to a job as a dancer? Why can I not join a Curves fitness center? The both are open to the public, they both advertise to the public. It's not my fault I was born as a man, why am I not treated equally?

I'll tell you why I cannot force Curves to sell me a membership, or why I cannot force 'Bob's World of Boobs' to give me a job...

Did the gas station owner assault them? (violation of the right to life)
Did the gas station owner sell them gas at a higher than agreed rate? (fraud - violation of the right to property)
Did the gas station owner detain them? (violation of the right to liberty)

I can do this for days...

First, you just admitted a person has a right to be a bigot... now (again) show me where exercising this right has removed either life, liberty, or property of a 'victim'. I'm looking for an example of force or fraud in part of the gas station owner.

A person's choice of inaction (unless contractually obliged otherwise) cannot be considered a 'harm' in the legal sense. If this concept were not true, then why can't I go to the nearest strip bar and have a legal right to a job as a dancer? Why can I not join a Curves fitness center? The both are open to the public, they both advertise to the public. It's not my fault I was born as a man, why am I not treated equally?

I'll tell you why I cannot force Curves to sell me a membership, or why I cannot force 'Bob's World of Boobs' to give me a job...


you should go back in time and tell black people to stop complaining, that all this segregation is not hurting them in the least and to just shut up and quit being a bunch of crybabies.

make sure to let them know that they have no right to expect to pay the same for gas as a white person, and that they are not allowed into any of the nice hotels because it makes the white folks uncomfortable.


why do you think your bigotry trumps everyone else's rights not to be harmed by your bigotry? is being a bigot THAT important to you?

they stopped publishing this after civil rights was enacted. probably just coincidence, since no harm was caused to blacks in pre-civil rights times :dunce: