Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
yeah i wanted to do it that way but the cab wasnt big enought
so you think the light would still be pretty efficient if it was moved to the left side of the cab?
thats the only way it would fit reflector>fan>duct

and i got one more week of veg and it will have been 2 full months veg
plus like the first two weeks as seedling.
i was really expecting her to be bigger for a 2 month veg but just wait for flower
bitch is gonna explode
The lamp would work best centralised (like it is).. You could still move the In-Line fan to the right side...But instead of have it operating Horizontal you could position it Vertically in the ducting (higher up the cab on the right) You could hang it with some Bungee Cords to take away the vibrations... this would allow you to keep the Reflector centralised as well as letting the In-Line fan perform better :) ie/


Yeah the 'Stretch' will enhance her size dramatically :) :) Its best to veg until the SCROG screen is half filled then flip the lighting over to Flower (12/12) - to completely fill the screen !! :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Mate that looks awsome!!! Its the same shape canopy as mine but as you know mine are tied back which i suppose is similar to what a scrog does.

Excellent work mate she looks the business:)


Well-Known Member
.................................................. ........UPDATE-MONDAY #3................................................ .. .............

Before I add my new pics.. Here's a music vid that I cant get enough of at the moment :) its called 'Hard to handle' by Patti Drew !!

Anyhow here's my 3rd Monday Update :

Everything is looking great in my Cab :) !! Out-door temps are cooling but I am going to wait one more week before introducing the 400W DigiLux lamp.. Just to make sure we ain't gunna have another heat-wave!

I do have the odd 'yellow leaf' I am not sure if this is just a part of natures way of showing she is maturing or whether it maybe the beginning's of a Mag. deficiency or summink ??

Anyhow thats all for this weeks MONDAY UPDATE! :) 7 days until MONDAY-UPDATE #4 !! Hope y'all enjoyed this weeks update !!! :)

* Any info regarding the "yellow leaves" would be greatly received & rewarded with +REP! :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
slowly reading through your thread you are genius man I like your attention to detail the little things do matter when it comes to explaining how things are setup perhaps you could teach me how your hydro system is set up? :D

kevin murphy

New Member
i dont think the yellowing is much to worry about unless it gets worse it could be just not gettin enough light if it in the lower half of plant..and nice update stelthy mate rep given...


Well-Known Member
i dont think the yellowing is much to worry about unless it gets worse it could be just not gettin enough light if it in the lower half of plant..and nice update stelthy mate rep given...
I'll keep a watchful eye on the leaves over the next couple of day.. if any more 'Yellow's' turn up I'll be sure to act fast in healing them with the best remedy for the cause :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
slowly reading through your thread you are genius man I like your attention to detail the little things do matter when it comes to explaining how things are setup perhaps you could teach me how your hydro system is set up? :D
Cheers Dapio :) I'd be happy to show/tell you how they work! What exactly did you want to know ?? - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Looking awesome still man!! Check mine out, our strains aren't so similar now. Obviously I don't have as many bud-sites as you, I only have about 10 that look like the one I attached. Anyways, looking awesome man, keep up the good work! :clap:



Well-Known Member
Awesome man mainly I just cant seem to find an adequate explanation of how to get it setup so it is scroggable I watch a lot of youtube DIY's but they are all mostly pretty bunk setups I want to just be able to work it out so you have the pot and free space above to grow I know people use air stones and the water pumps fill it to a certain height drip and recirculate but drilling holed were water is being held seems like an easy invitation for leaks also hearing about clogs just frustrates me away from the topic yet everyone makes it seem so easy perhaps if you have any good references.

Also that drill for your computer fan holes is sweet do they make those circle things any bigger I assume drywall is a bit different tho I always wonder how square computer fans fit in circular holes.

That scrog looks great btw very tight nodes did they grow past the screen to your liking I always wonder if its better to nuke them at the base or let them grow past for for that corn field look rather than lettuce haha if that makes sense keep it up man glad people like you are on the forums!


Well-Known Member
Huh! Despite being only in the early stages of Flower my lady stinks so good... However I was rudely awoken by her sweet peppery undertones.... it seems that despite using a Die-Hard Rhino Filter there is still a slight leakage of smell which if windows are not left ajar can build up and smell quite strong :( !! ... I have decided that since Royal Haze is a pretty stinky strain it will be in my best interests to get some more odor control.... I am in two minds whether to get an O-Zone generator... but will defo pick up a couple of ONA timed spray-freshners I will prob go with the fresh linin ones to keep the house in check! ... I do feel a little bummed that I am able to smell anything .. Now I've opened a couple of windows the house just smells normal again .. but it makes me wonder how well the filter will work in peak Flower ?!!

Ozone Generators are kinda expensive ... So I am hoping the ONA sprays will do the trick, ok I am gonna attempt to go back to sleep now - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
love your setup bro that shit is crazy very nice have a 600 cool tube going my self go me wanting to focus on maybe a single or a few plants. Keep it up


Well-Known Member
Man Stealth you got me rethinking my entire approach to growing lol.. :D looking amazing man. I might just needa hookup my 18gal dwc & scrog 4 plants under my two 600w like you did.. if you do not mind, what yield you expect from that plant?


Hey Stelthy. I'd be wary of using an ozone generator in a bedroom as it may have some ill effects on your health. Google 'Ozone generator safety' and the first link you'll find is a warning from the US Environmental Protection Agency on the effects of ozone. While I wouldn't be too worried about it in a seperate vented room I wouldn't like to sleep in a room with a running ozone generator nearby. Have you tried putting an ONA block in the cavity where you have the carbon filter? Or maybe on top of the speaker grill where the warm air vents out of the cabinet? It might be enough to neutralise the smell that makes it through the filter.


Well-Known Member
love your setup bro that shit is crazy very nice have a 600 cool tube going my self go me wanting to focus on maybe a single or a few plants. Keep it up
Cheers dude :) yeah I love just doing 1 or two plants... my last grow I did 2 plants and pulled 9.3 oZ :) :) ... This time I have 1 plant, but its much bigger than the last 2 put together, and although its a different strain I hope to smash 9.3 oZ and from just the 1 plant this time :) .. I am hopeful :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Man Stealth you got me rethinking my entire approach to growing lol.. :D looking amazing man. I might just needa hookup my 18gal dwc & scrog 4 plants under my two 600w like you did.. if you do not mind, what yield you expect from that plant?
Hello mate, yeah less plants less hassle! Just Veg 'em for ages and go crazy topping them :) !! and the SCROG method is defo the way forward :) !! erm ... I hope to pull between 8 and 15 oZ :) But we'll see.. only time will tell :) I'am planning to add some PK formula (Most prob. 'Hammer-head 9/18') upon my next water change.. but instead of using it for just one week as surgested, I plan to use it for the whole Flowering duration until a week before my final-flush.. hopefully this will do wonders as far as bud size and density goes! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey Stelthy. I'd be wary of using an ozone generator in a bedroom as it may have some ill effects on your health. Google 'Ozone generator safety' and the first link you'll find is a warning from the US Environmental Protection Agency on the effects of ozone. While I wouldn't be too worried about it in a seperate vented room I wouldn't like to sleep in a room with a running ozone generator nearby. Have you tried putting an ONA block in the cavity where you have the carbon filter? Or maybe on top of the speaker grill where the warm air vents out of the cabinet? It might be enough to neutralise the smell that makes it through the filter.
Yeah.. I'am aware of the risks :) ... I researched the O-Zone generators a bit earlier in my thread... they are mostly used in old peoples homes (surprisingly) However unless you vent/air out the room for a good hour 1st then the risk of getting Cancer is at an all time high..............NOT COOL!!!

I have since gone out and bought 6 automatic room spray units that emit burst of 'Fresh-Linin' every 18-30 mins, I have staggered the times so the whole house smells fresh now, I do still plan to get 2 ONA versions... but dude to cost will have to wait for a few more days :( but later is better than never! ...and something is better than nothing! :) I have 2X ONA small tubs in my actual cab...but I think they may need replacing.. after I have done this and also added the ONA Sprays, as well as the Ferbreeze spays X6 there should be no iffy smells leaking, I also still plan to leave a couple of windows in my house open.. A) Less suspect, B) Helps cool my Lamps & maintain a normal ambient temp in my house C) Allows for air-exchange (out going/incoming - both fresh) :) :) if at any point the house begings to smell too fresh I'll just turn off a couple of the spray units or stage the timers futher apart :) So I hope to have resolved that problem now !! Cheers for looking out for me dude! +REP! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
mornin stelthy hows things mate....
Good morning dude :) yeah alls well man! this morning I woke up and despite being a bit chilly in the house (a good thing) my Thermostat kicks in - in my Grow-Cab, and my 2X Bar heaters help keep my Lady warm at night ... Its looking hopeful I can add my 400 to the equation soon :) also there were no dodgy smells in the house and only a light smell of Fresh-Linin :) :) :) So I am pretty chuffed now :) .. I plant to add my PK formula (as I mentioned above) on my next Res. Change and will stick to using the PK in conjunction with the rest of my nuits all the way through Flowering..until a week before I start my Flush.. as I believe my buds will thank me for it (more so than if they only get offered PK for one week as surgested) :) :) :) and that about brings me up-to-date.

Oh... Ps/ It smells fuckin' Lush in there now and the top leaves are glistening and crystal coated :) I cant wait until my next 'MONDAY UPDATE' for 'show and tell..' :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf: