Garden under the sea

A friend from the UK sent me this lovely dab tool which is made from beech, hand turned. Forthshore Farm tools.
And one of the Kosher Kush x the dog x dirtnap
Back to my half and half of ipa and triple wood single malt, with a gg4 side serving.......2nd half of the football now. slainte DST
Living the dream. All your stuff is quality. You are one classy guy.
hey Ambs, I had to take 'boy' for a test today (we are all negative except my eldest) cycle was about 40 minutes both ways, in the bakfiets with covid kid lying down watching ipad haha). He has absolutely no symptoms and is annoying as ever hehe. Reason I mention, first we passed the Uitvaart centrum (funeral place) where your Aunt was sent off into the.nether nether...And then the test centre was at the place I went for your Burger service nummer, haha....remember that,.jeez oh what a schlep that was lol. Signatures or something didn't match lmfao...gemeente gestapo!!!
hey Ambs, I had to take 'boy' for a test today (we are all negative except my eldest) cycle was about 40 minutes both ways, in the bakfiets with covid kid lying down watching ipad haha). He has absolutely no symptoms and is annoying as ever hehe. Reason I mention, first we passed the Uitvaart centrum (funeral place) where your Aunt was sent off into the.nether nether...And then the test centre was at the place I went for your Burger service nummer, haha....remember that,.jeez oh what a schlep that was lol. Signatures or something didn't match lmfao...gemeente gestapo!!!
Sorry to hear about the Covid shit with the boy. Did you end up catching it? Oh yes I remember the pain in the ass burger service number. That stupid shit like I will never use that nummmer again but prob won’t delete it because it might come back to haunt me it I do. I still have a bunch a relatives over there , not like they will leave me in their will like she did but I might get lucky so better keep it just in case.
And ole aunt Els. What a lady . What’s your favorite stain right now? I need a euphoric anti anxiety strain . Since I will be back in Cali next month and I have 2 tents and 2 lights I can start to explore and expand my mind again.
Sorry to hear about the Covid shit with the boy. Did you end up catching it? Oh yes I remember the pain in the ass burger service number. That stupid shit like I will never use that nummmer again but prob won’t delete it because it might come back to haunt me it I do. I still have a bunch a relatives over there , not like they will leave me in their will like she did but I might get lucky so better keep it just in case.
And ole aunt Els. What a lady . What’s your favorite stain right now? I need a euphoric anti anxiety strain . Since I will be back in Cali next month and I have 2 tents and 2 lights I can start to explore and expand my mind again.
yup, we all got a dose of the dreaded lurgy lol....our youngest has now not been to school in over 2 weeks ffs. He was the last to get a positive test.
My fave strains are not very trendy anymore and in Cali you probably don't get.much that doesn't have some sort of tropical fruit name attached to it lol. I am still smoking the dog, fireballs, and gg4 on the regular. The newest strain that I haven't made myself is Blue Sherbert and I really like it. I am also quite liking my new cross Kosher kush x the dog x dirtnap. My next plan is to look out some Sour Diesel beans that i got sent about a decade ago. Been meaning to try them for ages.
On Instagram there is a lot of little Lego creations. Here's one we bastardised with some added Orange. Think I'll make him in the full BB colours. This little guy is from the BD series of droids.
And here's a screenshot of one the Kosher Dogs. (kk x the dog x dirtnap)
Screenshot_20220203-132814_Video Player.jpg
slainte mhath
Few pics from the stank room.
GG4 looking happy in vertical configuration.
Heli shot of the vertical cab flying into flower.
What do you guys do if by chance you make too much pasta? frittata pasta is the bomb!
First up is a Kosher Dog.
OGKZ lychee
Blue Sherbert
And the baws of fire....Fireballs
Have a good one, slainte mhath, DST
Let it slither down the drain.

I like the girth on that gg4 and the blue sherbet has some nice frost. I like that name Blue sherbet . It has a nice sensual visual feel to it .
We just bought a used refrigerator at a cool used appliance store in the barrio . There were Like 30 used refrigerators lined up and we proceeded to open up everyone to inspect. It was fun! The one we finally decided on was the only one that happened to have a huge tub of sherbet in the freezer and it was also the cheapest one but just happened to have all the features we were looking for, which were none. I hate ice machines They make such A racket and ice gets stuck trying to drop into the bucket and having to pull it out sucks. Then there are those little ice and water dispensers on the doors sometimes. I have a heck of a time trying to get the ice into a cup without it falling all over the floor. Why design to make life more complicated? Lol. I haven’t smoked in over a month waiting out this drug test next week . Fucking torture .

hope you all are feeling better and having fun building lego stuff! Thanks for sharing all the awesome pictures . Have a nice day!
freeze the remaining pasta
I have in the past only to find some dried up god only knows what 3 years later lol.
Let it slither down the drain.

I like the girth on that gg4 and the blue sherbet has some nice frost. I like that name Blue sherbet . It has a nice sensual visual feel to it .
We just bought a used refrigerator at a cool used appliance store in the barrio . There were Like 30 used refrigerators lined up and we proceeded to open up everyone to inspect. It was fun! The one we finally decided on was the only one that happened to have a huge tub of sherbet in the freezer and it was also the cheapest one but just happened to have all the features we were looking for, which were none. I hate ice machines They make such A racket and ice gets stuck trying to drop into the bucket and having to pull it out sucks. Then there are those little ice and water dispensers on the doors sometimes. I have a heck of a time trying to get the ice into a cup without it falling all over the floor. Why design to make life more complicated? Lol. I haven’t smoked in over a month waiting out this drug test next week . Fucking torture .

hope you all are feeling better and having fun building lego stuff! Thanks for sharing all the awesome pictures . Have a nice day!
I feel you on the freezer thing. We bought a good 2nd hand combi fridge freezer for our first apartment, does what it says on the tin, still running 18 years later and keeps my beer cold and my trim frozen oooh er mrs....Then there is our 2k€ Siemens fridge freezer with cunty noisy ice maker (that Mrs D refuses to use as the ice cubes taste 'funny'), And the filtered water dispenser that broke and actually dispenses water out the side of the fridge onto the floor. The engineer came and said, "before I even give you a quote i can tell you that you won't want it repaired as I had the same problem with a customer last week. It will be at least €700 to repair as I need to remove the door, take it all apart, remove this that....blah blah....the newer models it only takes 5 minutes to replace the water hose!". Like that made me feel better. So now we have to warn all out guests NOT to dispense water from the fridge. It was like a dream growing up to have a fridge like they did in the 'Merican sit coms that dispensed ice, water and even OJ! what a dream....when actually its a total fucking nightmare bahahahaha. Thanks you guys hehe.

Hi DST! How are things going? I saw this and thought of you. Lol. Hopefully this has not happened to you. :grin:
Happy 420 old friend. :weed:

Thanks bru, I hope you had a nice day. I was busy working ffs....then trimming lol. So at least I was involved in a 420 related activity.

I have been dealing with a friend since last June who is going through a divorce and is quite frankly going through some sort of mental melt down. My wife and I are friends with his wife as well. Couple weeks back he started sending my wife horrible messages then phoned me late one night and threatened consequences. He already called child services and reported my wife to them (she was round having dinner with his soon to be ex wife and he thinks she was talking about him in front of his kids).

Upshot of all this shit, its the first time I have nothing in my cabinet. I have a friend coming back from holiday who will take most of my spare clones and I'll be left with my 5 favoured strains until this shit is over.
Everything is in my greenhouse. I give them a few hours light under a 315w when sun goes down and then back outside again. Mission!!. I have known this guy 20 years, sad to see it happen. That's what cocaine and amphetamines do!

Anyway, other than that, all is rosey here:)
peace DST
Thanks bru, I hope you had a nice day. I was busy working ffs....then trimming lol. So at least I was involved in a 420 related activity.

I have been dealing with a friend since last June who is going through a divorce and is quite frankly going through some sort of mental melt down. My wife and I are friends with his wife as well. Couple weeks back he started sending my wife horrible messages then phoned me late one night and threatened consequences. He already called child services and reported my wife to them (she was round having dinner with his soon to be ex wife and he thinks she was talking about him in front of his kids).

Upshot of all this shit, its the first time I have nothing in my cabinet. I have a friend coming back from holiday who will take most of my spare clones and I'll be left with my 5 favoured strains until this shit is over.
Everything is in my greenhouse. I give them a few hours light under a 315w when sun goes down and then back outside again. Mission!!. I have known this guy 20 years, sad to see it happen. That's what cocaine and amphetamines do!

Anyway, other than that, all is rosey here:)
peace DST
That's a furkin' shame, I lost my first set-up and plants because a friends son (meth and crack) turned me in.
Keep the faith bru these people don't last long.
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Thanks bru, I hope you had a nice day. I was busy working ffs....then trimming lol. So at least I was involved in a 420 related activity.

I have been dealing with a friend since last June who is going through a divorce and is quite frankly going through some sort of mental melt down. My wife and I are friends with his wife as well. Couple weeks back he started sending my wife horrible messages then phoned me late one night and threatened consequences. He already called child services and reported my wife to them (she was round having dinner with his soon to be ex wife and he thinks she was talking about him in front of his kids).

Upshot of all this shit, its the first time I have nothing in my cabinet. I have a friend coming back from holiday who will take most of my spare clones and I'll be left with my 5 favoured strains until this shit is over.
Everything is in my greenhouse. I give them a few hours light under a 315w when sun goes down and then back outside again. Mission!!. I have known this guy 20 years, sad to see it happen. That's what cocaine and amphetamines do!

Anyway, other than that, all is rosey here:)
peace DST
Sorry to hear this sad news. Hopefully everything works out . Keeping you and your family in my positive thoughts for all the best!