Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
how long was the veg mate and what techniques did you use..
Hi dude, From the date she - (Royal-Haze) was the size of a piece of cress 24/07/2011 to the time I put her into Flower (15/09/2011) is a total of 54 days, I 1st topped her a 11" tall and then topped her again 3 weeks or so later - multiple times, then another week or so later I topped her again ~ multiple times.

I used the SCROG method from 13" tall and then once the taller stems were higher than the rest of the canopy by a couple of inches, I SUPER-CROPPED (just the taller stems) and that pretty much brings me up-to-date :) I hope that answers your question, :) ..If you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask! - STELTHY :leaf:

kevin murphy

New Member
54 days and u get it like that excellent...cant wait to see how big mine is after 90 days veg topped and fimmed lol...then 2000 watt for flower lol...what u reckon mate


Well-Known Member
54 days and u get it like that excellent...cant wait to see how big mine is after 90 days veg topped and fimmed lol...then 2000 watt for flower lol...what u reckon mate
Yeah I gotta say man I am pleased the way she's lookin' too :) If your using a simerlar technique to me on your lady, and your strain is known for getting quite big, then ~ After 90 days Vegging she is gonna be one BIG Lady :) Are you going to use 2X 1000W HPS/MH or another combination of lamps ?? ....and UV-B ? ... are you running Magnetic or Digital Ballasts ?? either way it'll be at its best with either Hortilux or Digi-Lux lamps depending :) !!

I'll check out your thread/s this afternoon, as am assisting the kids on a school outing for most of today, just had a Fry-up and Coffee... Its gonna be a long day (7-hrs by coach) :( ... But I'am actually excited about having a sober day with my daughters and making sure they learn some interesting facts at the Museum :) !!

I've added some new pics to my "MONDAY UPDATE #2", What ya think ?? - STELTHY :leaf:

kevin murphy

New Member
no worries bro thinking of just centering the plant in the middle and hanging 3 x 600 watts and a 400 watt hps over top of it the 600s round vertically...and didigtal ballast mate lumatek..


Well-Known Member
no worries bro thinking of just centering the plant in the middle and hanging 3 x 600 watts and a 400 watt hps over top of it the 600s round vertically...and didigtal ballast mate lumatek..
What lamps (Make/Model) are you going to be using... are you tempted by the Digi-Lux lamps ?? 600's are great!!... I can't wait to use mine :) !!! can you give me a LINK to your grow as I am keen to see your setup in action?!! - STELTHY :leaf:

kevin murphy

New Member
its only in veg mate but it page 1700 or on my signature mate its only a 4 days old lol..its been vegged till 4th january then flowered mate...


Well-Known Member
Ok I just bit the bullet :) I've ordered a 600W version of the DIGI-LUX Digital Dual-Spec HPS lamp and it boasts a "95,000 Lumen" output :) :) :) So combine that with a 600W Lumatek Digital Ballast with boost button and the 4X CFL's and the UV-B tube :) :) :) thats means I will be running well over "100,000 Lumens" (Full-Spectrum) over a max. of 2 plants in my DWC/SCROG Cab. !! I am also very tempted to re-decorate with ORCA when this grow is all done and cured :) - thoughts ?? :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
NICE! That's a hell of a score. And just when I was thinking that cab couldn't get much better.....haha. What line of nutrients are you using if you don't mind me asking. I hate to sound lazy, I looked through a few pages, but 236 is a lot :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
NICE! That's a hell of a score. And just when I was thinking that cab couldn't get much better.....haha. What line of nutrients are you using if you don't mind me asking. I hate to sound lazy, I looked through a few pages, but 236 is a lot :blsmoke:
Oh there's always improvements to be made :) !! I am using CANNA's Nuits except PK 13/14 (using HammerHead 9/18 instead) and also Super-Thrive, ROX, and Cha-Ching.. although I am happy with CANNA's range and find them very easy to use, I am tempted to switch to 'Dutch-Pro' when all my CANNA nuits are gone/used up! :) .. Yeah 236 odd pages is a heck of a read :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Hmm, I might have to try those out next rotation. I use the superthrive, too. IT's a must-have in all the plants at my house. Even the non-cannabis ones :wink: I keep hearing/seeing great Canna results time and time again, maybe it's time to give them a shot.


Well-Known Member
Duno where ive been all this time but the important thing is i'm here now and sub'd. What a fuckin beast! Got the same microscope as you, those things are the shit! The amount of detail u can see in anything and everything is incredible... Right, i'm gona attempt to work my way through the last 58 pages.... catch u in a bit


Well-Known Member
..........................................................UPDATE-MONDAY #2...............................................................

The main Stem is really thickening up :) I will get a measure tape a record its circumference sometime this week :)

Here are a couple of shots of her under-side.. I have notice the odd crap leaf! .. So when my lights next come on I will snip away and get rid of them.. apart from that she is looking splendid !!

I tried to get a shot from higher up looking down, But for some reason the pic came out blurred... So I will take some more shots later when the lights are on!

The White hairs/Flowers are looking great they are small and compact at the moment.. The canopy is approx. 28" tall, I have slightly raised my UV-B tube by about 1", and have raised the 2X right CFL's a couple of inches also.. the CFL's on the left were still fine at the lower height.. and I am going to leave the main reflector where it is until tommoz morning..

I am hoping by hanging the left CFL's at a lower height, will encourage big buds - to match the rest of the plant (in the foreseeable future).. I could hang them higher and taunt them into stretching a bit but I suspect that'd cause skinny buds in that area?!

I'am still waiting on a couple of items in the mail, so hopefully they'll arrive at some point today.. I will also add a few more pics a bit later today - When the lights come on. I have 2L of nuits left so once the lights come on my thirsty lady should have devoured the remaining nuits and a fresh dose of nuits will be in order :)

Ha... Result !!! ... Just as I finished writing my last paragraph, There was a knock at the door and I receive 2 parcels ! Hmm what could they be : (big beaming smile) !!!

My 400W Dual Spec DigiLux HPS Lamp ~ arrived !!! Fuckin' Sweet !!!!

My 1st thought was - Man! it looks big :) !!!

My 2nd thought was...Hmm it would be rude not to do a size comparison with my standard Osram 400W HPS bulb...


I did, and here they are - side by side, the new Digi-Lux lamp is alot thicker in diameter, I can't wait to plug this bad-boy in :) :) :) !!!

Also... Some more good news! :-

My VEHO 400X USB Microscope just came :) !! can't wait to test that out either !!!

So its been a good week, I will take some more pics when the lights come back on... I may wait another week to install the new '400' just to make sure we've seen the last of the hot weather, but I'll make my mind up about that during today :) ... Hope ya'll like my 2nd Monday Update...More pic's still to come...

Ok so its a day late, but here are the extra pics I promised..with the lights on :-

I have decided to wait a week or so until I add the new 400W Digi-Lux lamp to my setup! I just wanna make sure it doesn't get to hot in the Cab. and I dont want to be running my A.C all day - every day !! So as soon as we start feeling some serious Winter temps. out-side, then the Digi-Lux will be going in 'all '57,000' Lumens blazing' :) :) :)

Hope ya'll like the new additional pics with the lights on in various stages of time... That's all for this week, until next weeks 'MONDAY UPDATE #3' !!! :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:
very nice setup, love it!


Well-Known Member
lol lindian 260,000 lumens for one plant should be enough shouldnt it lol verical and horizontal grow....
Yeh man, i dont believe in overkill, especially when it comes to lighting, the more the merrier! I thought ppl would have a go at me for stickin 1 plant under a 600W, then u came along. Stealthy i think i'm gona have to rob ur idea of hanging CFL's in each corner of the cab, just to keep the sides on my scrog level with the middle. I want a 6 figure lumen output in my cab :(

Im thinking 2 red spectrum and 2 blue spectrums CFL's at 125W each. 1 in each corner, have one of each on each side. Would bring my total wattage up to 1100W, duno bout lumens

kevin murphy

New Member
just remeber it dont matter what others people haters believe its your grow at the end of the day and the desicion is ultimatly yours and no one elses..plenty of great growers on here but i only go off a handful of people if they say it wrong ill listen cause im still a newbie myself....