Slected, Not Elected ...

shoving left wing bullshit hate tactics right back down left winger bullshit, hate spewing throats. See? ~lol~

I wonder if this is his attitude towards all those on the left, or just a select few?
Vi, why not say R. Wilson Regan. Why would Barack Obama be any different?[/quote]

Because to equate The Gipper with anything having to do with Wilson would be pure, unadulterated, blasphemy. :mrgreen:

After all, it was President Wilson that gave us the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal income tax. Hardly something that I would equate with R. Reagan's administration. :blsmoke:

And referring to B. Hussien O'Bama, as "B. Hussien O'Bama" is nothing more than shoving left wing bullshit hate tactics right back down left winger bullshit, hate spewing throats. See? ~lol~

D. "Dankforth" Quaile anyone? ~lol~


I think this is Vi's way of saying that Obama is black...he knows he is not muslim, but he is bothered by his being black...

and by the way Vi...R. Wilson Reagan was an idiot that didn't have any idea what was going on...much like the idiot we have portraying president now.

Vi is always refering to constitution, but the fact of the matter is the constitution is a worn out piece of paper that the politicians have been wiping their ass on for years...

I like these definition of reagan from the urban dictionary:
A man who played President of the United States for two four-year terms, 1980-1984 and 1984-1988. Mrs. Reagan was his co-star and the Cabinet was his supporting cast.

A President who negotiated with terrorists, illegally funded, armed and collaborated with the Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq War, funded a Latin American terrorist group then told the American people he did none of these things and when the truth came out he completely got away with all of it.
I think this is Vi's way of saying that Obama is black...he knows he is not muslim, but he is bothered by his being black...

and by the way Vi...R. Wilson Reagan was an idiot that didn't have any idea what was going on...much like the idiot we have portraying president now.

Vi is always refering to constitution, but the fact of the matter is the constitution is a worn out piece of paper that the politicians have been wiping their ass on for years...


I have no problems with O'Bama being Black at all. Its the Irish part I have a problem with. :mrgreen:

And by the way ... you're getting a little left wing there dude. Did you catch something from Med? ~lol~ :mrgreen:

Vi, why not say R. Wilson Regan. Why would Barack Obama be any different?[/quote]

Because to equate The Gipper with anything having to do with Wilson would be pure, unadulterated, blasphemy. :mrgreen:

After all, it was President Wilson that gave us the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal income tax. Hardly something that I would equate with R. Reagan's administration. :blsmoke:

And referring to B. Hussien O'Bama, as "B. Hussien O'Bama" is nothing more than shoving left wing bullshit hate tactics right back down left winger bullshit, hate spewing throats. See? ~lol~

D. "Dankforth" Quaile anyone? ~lol~



So it wasn't because it was "his name". It was a hate tactic right Vi?
Beck Dons Soviet-Style Hat With Obama ‘08 Logo»

Yesterday, CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck joined in on the right-wing meme that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) may be a Marxist. As proof, Beck showed his guest, National Review contributing editor Jonah Goldberg, some things he had “found on the Internet.” These “things” included a poster of Obama that looked like “revolutionary art” and one of his campaign workers allegedly with a Che Guevara flag.
But perhaps the most ridiculous moment came when Beck pulled out a hat one of his listeners had sent him. The winter hat had earflaps and a red star, similar to Soviet insignia. It also said, “Obama ‘08.” Watch it:
I saw that show and thought the hat was funny. Accurate too.

How can it be denied that B. Hussien O'Bama is a Marxist? Its pretty obvious to me. Not only is he a Marxist, but he's a Marxist who is tied into the Chicago Mob Political Machine.

You guys on the Left think the Swift Boaters were offensive to your idealogy? Wait till they get started on O'Bama during the election.

There is no doubt the right is the most viscious attack politico, and their attack dogs, the swiftboaters care not for truth, so it will come down to whether the American people have had enough of the viscious lies and are ready to stand with truth or they will fall for all the old political tricks of the past. I'm betting Obama will strike back with some of that Chicago savvy and old John McSame will not get off that easy, I mean all you have to do with McSame is tell the truth and his parade comes to a halt.
Med ...

You are delusional. For the past eight years, the left has spewed their vitriol about President Bush. before that it was "Ronnie Raygun." The Swift Boat" guys were nothing compared to the hatred vomited by you guys on the Left.

Now then, it will be up to you guys on the Left to convince the opposition that O'Bama isn't a Marxist. Every time O'Bama spews Marxist ideas, you will have to defend it and convince us otherwise.

You could start now ... So how about it, where is Government takeover of the economy not Marxist in principle?

you yourself descibed it has a "hate tactic'' I said before I know why they say Mcsame or Mcbush...............but what are you implying with B. Hussein Obama?

I didn't say B. Hussein Obama. I said B. Hussein O'Bama. I was only implying that O'Bama may be a covert Irishman. :blsmoke:

And by the way, B. Hussein Obama is his name so why NOT use it?

Med ...

You are delusional. For the past eight years, the left has spewed their vitriol about President Bush. before that it was "Ronnie Raygun." The Swift Boat" guys were nothing compared to the hatred vomited by you guys on the Left.

Now then, it will be up to you guys on the Left to convince the opposition that O'Bama isn't a Marxist. Every time O'Bama spews Marxist ideas, you will have to defend it and convince us otherwise.

You could start now ... So how about it, where is Government takeover of the economy not Marxist in principle?

I'm delusional, wow that's a stretch. Most of the vitriol as you call it, was/is spewed after the fact. When you see the outright lies and deceptions from your "leaders", don't you suppose the more intelligent among us would define their actions with whatever came to mind. The problem with the repuke "vitriol" is they cast it before the facts. Just wait and see what an Obama presidency will be like, then cast all your aspersions. I wonder how you got so hateful and venomous against the left, did they sodomize you or something horrible, Like kill your firstborn. You are a piece of work, I'll give you that.
Vi. if Obama is elected are you going to do a Barbra Streisand? Are you going to threaten to leave the country?????? :D

And referring to B. Hussien O'Bama, as "B. Hussien O'Bama" is nothing more than shoving left wing bullshit hate tactics right back down left winger bullshit, hate spewing throats.

And referring to B. Hussien O'Bama, as "B. Hussien O'Bama" is nothing more than shoving left wing bullshit hate tactics right back down left winger bullshit, hate spewing throats.

LMAO...nice job!

Vi...gon head and eat your words, buddy

old age working on that memory aye?