I'm sorry, Stoney, Hester, you know I like you both. But neither one of you has to read his threads or his responses. This is not at all like him coming through your front yard. You don't own this place, you have no claim to it other than logging into your account. There is an ignore feature. If he bothers you that much, maybe you might want to consider using it. It's what I do when I'm fed up with certain people, I just avoid, and I am able to make the choice to respond or not. That is all in my hands. I use my freedom of choice.
Why can't he have the religion that inspires him and directs him? That is FINE with me if he lives as a good person. His doctrine prescribes that he evangelize and convert so that souls may be saved. What if I criticized you, Stoney, for your Pagan practices? Would I have any business doing so? Of course not, I would be out of line. Wouldn't I?
I don't read his links (so the book thing is new to me), I don't even read many of his posts because I know that there will never be agreement. But, even in the face of disagreement, can there not be respectful discussion? And if there cannot be discussion, can there not at least be enough respect to let it alone? If you don't respond, his threads die.
Zen has as much business posting here, posting his opinions, as any of us. It's out of line to tell him to mind his own business when you've posted something publicly.
You're both displaying the type of intolerance many might accuse Christians of. Actually, a lot of people here are. Yet you consider yourselves to be more progressive because you get high? How exactly does that work?
If Prophecy were to be banned for not ever posting anything cannabis-related, then we'll have to start calling for the bannings of at least a few others. And suddenly, you become "them". If you're better than that, show it by your actions.
I've done this many, many times before, and few, if any, people ever actually take me up on the suggestion. But, to get a really different perspective on religion, the real purpose and utility of religion, I must suggest reading Joseph Campbell. The Power of Myth would be my best suggestion, though to really get a grasp of his ideas you'd need to read more of his work (in my opinion). I think it's helped me to be a lot more open-minded, and it's definitely helped me to see more similarities than differences among us.