Should the Ten Commandments and Prayer Returned to Public Schools?

Should the Ten Commandments and Prayer Returned to Public Schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • No

    Votes: 33 76.7%
  • ???

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
OK, I call bullshit right here. We all knew Stoney was refering to "poseidon" as a person on this forum. You may not have known, but just pretending you don't know who Poseidon is in any form is crap. Everyone knows at least something about mythology. You're playing too dumb on this one.

Now explain this...
Commandment number ONE

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Why are there likeness' of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Moses, and uncountable others in every church? That is breaking the first commandment.

When the very first rule is broken and not even in a subtle manner, how can anything else about it be worth listening to?

This is a very interesting point; I think the depth of your interpretation is lacking; these in a sense are more so symbolic, personally I have learn not to worship anything less than the Spirit, that is to say I do not worship the flesh of Jesus, but the Spirit that presence through Jesus. This can be confusing, depending on who and how you were taught. Non-the-less, it you read the Bible or the Word of God, it's Essence trumps everything; the New Testament shows and tells us that Jesus gave his flesh, this is a significant statement in itself; here he is clearly showing us not to put the material world, including the flesh of oneself before the Spirit of God's command.

I choose Spirit and faith over religion and material, by the grace of God, I learned this because I chose by the good grace and mercy of God to seek ye His Righteousness and kingdom first. I was watered baptized at a church by a preacher that I well respected; however my seeking was not limited to just a church teachings but on the Word of Truth/God and His Spirit in general; this is my personal duty to one's self and his/her neighbor.

The Word of God, tells us if we read that heretic and false teachers and false prophets and even unstudied unqualified person will come

But, there is this saying "life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it"; what I am saying is that if you have questions or doubt then you obvious need to seek His Righteousness and Kingdom until you fill that void, before you make conclusion judgment. The Word tells us that there is a time for everything; other then question: one should be slow to anger/emotion and quick to listen in thing they have not truly found peace on. You will know, when you know, the question is will you be humble and calm enough to receive once you have found; or will you be too mad and far gone to make peace with yourself and whoever else you are led to do so with. tick tock, ultimately God and our conscience will be the gate of eternity.

The preacher once told the church: "God ain't go bless your mess" Yu have to make no excuse for your conscious conduct; but repent and get right as the Truth/Word puts it on you heart and conscience; no excuses. Everything has spiritual and psychological affects on people; so they are usually lying when they say its nothing; winning is more then what meets the natural eye.

In short the more Truth you read for the pure Word of Truth, the more answers you will get where you are lacking as well as in your quest to be fulfilled your destiny. “The Truth shall set you free”

Theory of Adaptation: Keep what is truly good, discharge what is truly not. If you can adopt the idea of HOMAGE and apply it to the things of the world you would be more efficient in this quest, regardless of what others say; "to each their own"; stick with your heart and how God guides your concience and I am positive you will find the order you desire. Supernatual must always sandwich the natural.


New Member
OK, I call bullshit right here. We all knew Stoney was refering to "poseidon" as a person on this forum. You may not have known, but just pretending you don't know who Poseidon is in any form is crap. Everyone knows at least something about mythology. You're playing too dumb on this one.

Now explain this...
Commandment number ONE

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Why are there likeness' of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Moses, and uncountable others in every church? That is breaking the first commandment.

When the very first rule is broken and not even in a subtle manner, how can anything else about it be worth listening to?

In summary, look to the Essence of their reality; read be what meets the natural eye; the testimony of it.