Marijuana legalization Bill C-45 officially passes Senate vote, heading for royal assent

they cant answer a simple question as to what laws people should follow..:hump::idea::lol:

Q: "Which law will apply to home growing in Quebec and Manitoba, federal or provincial?" @Puglaas: Provinces can pass their own legislation. It's not the intent of the fed govt to challenge provincial laws but there may be a challenge by individuals in those provinces

everyone :idea:
do as you so wish eh its cannada after all :idea:
DOnt let the feds Criminalize and stigmatize us all continuously with this fiasco of a PROHIBITION bill lol

That's one interpretation, the other is they're consistently saying "home growing is part of our strategy to get rid of the black market, we aren't going to tell the provinces what to do but citizens can rely on our federal position because it trumps provincial law".

That's the proper way for a federal gov to operate, leave it to more local gov to decide unless their choice contradicts our inherent rights. Not sure what you expect them to do but it doesn't seem realistic.
So is c46 going to pass as well? kind of has to doesn't could this country possibly have legalization without a way to enforce even sounds more stupid when you say it out loud....hahahahahahahaha....and start spreading the news....the more peeps who know it's passed, the better!
they are leaving up to you to fix @ WHATFG lol.. in court of course
That's one interpretation, the other is they're consistently saying "home growing is part of our strategy to get rid of the black market, we aren't going to tell the provinces what to do but citizens can rely on our federal position because it trumps provincial law".

That's the proper way for a federal gov to operate, leave it to more local gov to decide unless their choice contradicts our inherent rights. Not sure what you expect them to do but it doesn't seem realistic.
interpretation hahahaha you funny guy?!
I dont need to be told what they are doing :lol:
I expect them to legalize ?? Oh what an idea eh! :lol:
just pointing out their idiocy is all (:
but thanks for the pennies...
interpretation hahahaha you funny guy?!
I dont need to be told what they are doing :lol:
I expect them to legalize ?? Oh what an idea eh! :lol:
just pointing out their idiocy is all (:
but thanks for the pennies...

Sorry, I forgot you know absolute truth & don't have opinion just a perfect understanding. How plebian of me.
Sorry, I forgot you know absolute truth & don't have opinion just a perfect understanding. How plebian of me.
cheers Pleb ears!(:

OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to announce Wednesday afternoon when marijuana will become legal in Canada.

According to Bill Blair, the Liberals’ point person on pot, Trudeau will be the one to make the declaration during his end of session news conference set for 4:30 p.m.

This announcement comes after a historic vote in the Senate Tuesday night to pass Bill C-45, the government’s legislation to legalize cannabis.

Complete coverage on

PM to announce by day's end when pot will be legal in Canada

A look at each province's rules for marijuana legalization

Senate passes cannabis legalization bill in final vote

Employers now face a time crunch on pot policy

From marijuana beer to pot cookies, Canadian companies creating cannabis edibles


This announcement comes after a historic vote in the Senate Tuesday night to pass Bill C-45, the government’s legislation to legalize cannabis.

After more than a year of intensive study in both the House and Senate, the bill cleared the final legislative hurdle Tuesday evening, passing by a vote of 52 to 29 with two abstentions.

The bill still needs to receive Royal Assent, which could happen today.

It is expected the date will be sometime in September to allow for the provinces, territories, municipalities, police forces, and other stakeholders to make sure their piece of the pot pie is operating in accordance with the new rules.

The government has said the date will be informed by discussions with their provincial and territorial counterparts, which have been given the ability to set regulations in their jurisdictions as to how a legalized marijuana regime will operate.

The legislation -- an electoral promise Trudeau and the Liberal Party --allows adults in Canada to legally possess and use small amounts of recreational cannabis. It sets out parameters around the production, possession, safety standards, distribution, and sale of the drug. It also creates new Criminal Code offences for selling marijuana to minors. The proposed federal law spells out that it will be illegal for anyone younger than 18 to buy pot, but allows for provinces and territories to set a higher minimum age.

Speaking about Bill C-45 passing, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould cautioned Canadians that the current prohibition and laws about cannabis will remain in place until the date of implementation.

“It is the prerogative of the Prime Minister, so I suspect that the Prime Minister will have something more to say on that,” she said.

Wilson-Raybould also said she anticipated that Bill C-46, the impaired driving bill that was introduced alongside Bill C-45, will pass Parliament “very soon.”

Late last night the House passed an omnibus amendment to adjourn early that included an agreement to send the message about rejecting Senate amendments to the bill, back to the Upper Chamber.

With files from CTV News’ Glen McGregor
Speaking about Bill C-45 passing, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould cautioned Canadians that the current prohibition and laws about cannabis will remain in place until the date of implementation.
Closer, but not quite there. Although I doubt popo or the courts would bother seeing any possession/4 plant charges thru considering full force/effect is a few short weeks away. I’d say smoke/grow em if ya got em!

The Emery's have always held extreme views, she makes some good points but also some very weak ones. Getting a ticket for smoking in public is better then being arrested. You aren't forced to buy gov weed as you can grow your own. If your province banned it you have the right to take them to court to force them to follow the federal law, I'm sure the ban on visible outdoor plants will also be tossed.

She didn't answer the last question about whether there needs to be regulations definitively; she implies she does agree there needs to be regulation but wasn't clear & could easily be interpreted as any reg is an infringement of our rights. Which will alienate a lot of average Canadians, often the Emery's style alienates them so there's nothing new.
The Emery's have always held extreme views, she makes some good points but also some very weak ones. Getting a ticket for smoking in public is better then being arrested. You aren't forced to buy gov weed as you can grow your own. If your province banned it you have the right to take them to court to force them to follow the federal law, I'm sure the ban on visible outdoor plants will also be tossed.

She didn't answer the last question about whether there needs to be regulations definitively; she implies she does agree there needs to be regulation but wasn't clear & could easily be interpreted as any reg is an infringement of our rights. Which will alienate a lot of average Canadians, often the Emery's style alienates them so there's nothing new.
She didn't answer the last question about whether there needs to be regulations definitively; she implies she does agree there needs to be regulation but wasn't clear & could easily be interpreted as any reg is an infringement of our rights. Which will alienate a lot of average Canadians, often the Emery's style alienates them so there's nothing new.

Actually, if you listen closely, she squeezes in a "no" mid-question and the reporter just keeps talking.
Nursery would be a great 1st step, to get your foot in the door. Low start up capital, reduced sqft. And equipment.. Start small and scale up to where you wanna go. Everybody is doing it, most will fail. The ones with passion,skills and knowledge will prosper. Bigger LP’s aren’t interested in Canada’s measly 36mil people, they have their eyes globally. There will be a niche for the little guys, I see all sorts of deals, (some good) out there being made. The biggest challenge is to get your but off the couch and make it happen, and sweep your grow room floor!

Biggest challenge is seeing an application.
Biggest challenge is seeing an application.

That’s because there is no specific application per say for micro. It’s the same ACMPR application that the big boys use. The best place to start is to get an LP application going, and modify it for nursery.
