Well-Known Member
they cant answer a simple question as to what laws people should follow..
Q: "Which law will apply to home growing in Quebec and Manitoba, federal or provincial?" @Puglaas: Provinces can pass their own legislation. It's not the intent of the fed govt to challenge provincial laws but there may be a challenge by individuals in those provinces
do as you so wish eh its cannada after all
DOnt let the feds Criminalize and stigmatize us all continuously with this fiasco of a PROHIBITION bill lol
That's one interpretation, the other is they're consistently saying "home growing is part of our strategy to get rid of the black market, we aren't going to tell the provinces what to do but citizens can rely on our federal position because it trumps provincial law".
That's the proper way for a federal gov to operate, leave it to more local gov to decide unless their choice contradicts our inherent rights. Not sure what you expect them to do but it doesn't seem realistic.