New Member
How can they expect citizen's to be self sufficient when the first thing the government does is attack our income? Then they attack what we have left as we spend it. If we manage to put any in the bank, we are taxed for saving it.
I think we need to pry the government off our teat. Maybe they need to stop wasting money and start figuring out how to earn some money.
I was just asking what is it called in your area? I guess you not completely understanding the question is proof that flouride in the water does indeed lower IQ's.
I think we need to pry the government off our teat. Maybe they need to stop wasting money and start figuring out how to earn some money.
I was just asking what is it called in your area? I guess you not completely understanding the question is proof that flouride in the water does indeed lower IQ's.

Prophecy must drink a lot of water, won't answer any of my religious questions yet trying to slam Stoney at the same time. Hey Prophecy can you explain some of those biblical contradictions I brought up earlier? Hello?Not me. Regular sodas are laced with High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diet sodas are laced with the rat poison commonly known as Aspertame.
My beverage of choice is the beverage of champions ... water.