• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Should the Ten Commandments and Prayer Returned to Public Schools?

Should the Ten Commandments and Prayer Returned to Public Schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • No

    Votes: 33 76.7%
  • ???

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I personally dont think our forefathers had Church and State seperated the way the Country has it..I think they meant to keep Church from running Government as the Catholic church did for so many years..(Dark ages, Crusades, Etc.).. What happened in the sixties was a form of opression and somewhat of a turning point in the way the Country has gone.. To say this Country wasnt Founded on a belief in God or a high power is Redicules and ignorant..We are a Country founded on a Firm Belief in a Creator and in giving thaks to him.You can see it in the words of the Constitution, On the walls of Government and Public Buildings and in every city and every town in this Country, In the Form of Churches and Religious organazations!!
Dead on... if you actually read a lot of what the Founders themselves wrote this is exactly what they say.


New Member
The pilgrims came here in the first place to escape religious persecution. Freedom of religion is what brought the first white people to America.

( I also don't believe that Columbus "discovered" America, you can't "discover" a place if people already live there, they need to stop teaching that shit in schools)

I personally dont think our forefathers had Church and State separated the way the Country has it..I think they meant to keep Church from running Government as the Catholic church did for so many years..(Dark ages, Crusades, Etc.).. What happened in the sixties was a form of oppression and somewhat of a turning point in the way the Country has gone.. To say this Country wasn't Founded on a belief in God or a higher power is shameful and ignorant..We are a Country founded on a Firm Belief in a Creator and in giving thanks to him.You can see it in the words of the Constitution, On the walls of Government and Public Buildings and in every city and every town in this Country, In the Form of Churches and Religious organizations!!



Well-Known Member
Yea they forced their beliefs on my people (Cherokee), As a matter of fact they killed us to the point of extinction, We were assimilated and now look white.. My family Loved the White man so much we called or selves the Whites...Not my name Great grandfathers..
The Foundation that the ten Commandments lays are excellent, Its the interpretation of man that screws it up!!


Well-Known Member
Yea they forced their beliefs on my people (Cherokee), As a matter of fact they killed us to the point of extinction, We were assimilated and now look white.. My family Loved the White man so much we called or selves the Whites...Not my name Great grandfathers..
The Foundation that the ten Commandments lays are excellent, Its the interpretation of man that screws it up!!
+1.. there's that hypocrisy in organized religion we were talking about again..


New Member
I feel guilty about it too. I've had ancestors here, on my mothers side, since George Washington (the little hemp grower himself) was alive.

I'm a mutt, most American's are. I have 5 different countries just on my mothers side.

Yea they forced their beliefs on my people (Cherokee), As a matter of fact they killed us to the point of extinction, We were assimilated and now look white.. My family Loved the White man so much we called or selves the Whites...Not my name Great grandfathers..
The Foundation that the ten Commandments lays are excellent, Its the interpretation of man that screws it up!!


Well-Known Member
I think theres a few of the commandments you could like basically toss out , or combine....i seriously believe what george carlin said in his 10 commandments bit about it being artificially inflated because the 10 commandments is more "marketable" or appealing than say the 6 commandments or the 5 commandments YouTube - George Carlin - Ten Commandments

I also like the lewis balck routine where he's talking about how different god is in the old testament compared to the new testament YouTube - Lewis Black - The Old Testament starts at 6:30 but the whole things funny

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
WEll, I guess I've misjudged you.i just cannot sit idly by as someone tries to force me to believe what they do, and not say anything.I figure, if you're going to post it, prepare to have it torn down.It's my personal belief that organized religion is corrupt, and I think the catholic church is a big example.It always was and is the choice of the parents to decide whether or not to impose their beliefs upon their children.
Its all good, Stoney.

I am Christian but I fight with own people as well, alot. One thing I truly despise are self-righteous vigilantes who have the audacity to claim you are going to hell if you do this or that. No one can judge, we all have sinned. People who push this onto others is not helping them reach to God, it only pushes them away. For example, I knew this not particularly religious girl and she loved her grandfather very dearly and was devastated when he passed away. One of these "holier than thou" kids approached her and asked if her grandfather believed in Jesus, she didn't believe so..so then promptly stated "oh, then hes in hell". I overheard this and was infuriated it, I let that kid have it however I'm not sure if she could ever be christian now that this follower had such disrespect.

The case is, its hard not to judge a faith by its followers, but many of them are not doing the right thing and that sets the bad example. Priests who touch kids, vigilante crusaders, they all paint a very noble thing bad. I, in fact, am very anti-catholic. I don't believe all their little rituals and rites are necessary, and a MAN, crowned "Pope" has no special power or is favored in any way. That is man using God to gain power, that is human nature at its core. People will use anything, and everything, to gain power over others, its very shameful. All these questions and doubts I have seen asked on this forum, are not new, they have been asked again and again throughout time and they are addressed in the Bible. All you have to do is look..

Prophecy I believe is trying to do the right thing. I believe its in response to all the persecution and ridicule seen recently toward Christianity, especially on these forums and people are pushing back. I see many more anti-God threads than pro-God, and I can understand the frustration. It would be the same if it were opposite.
Parents should have a say in their own home.but don't you see that the only people who push for religion in schools are evangelical christians, or persons following christian dogma?There are no buddists, pagans, or hindi yelling for such change.So what was taught would be biased toward the beliefs of these evangelicals.Children go to school to expand their minds,to learn, not get brainwashed!And I believe hester posted the skeletons of the evolutionary tree of homo sapiens.
And those same people who get offended by other opinions are already enraged by their children being taught a 'godless evolution' theory.. I said before they could opt out, if they didn't have an option to opt out that would infringe their rights...

LOL.. what I don't get is why I'm being so criticized for saying that parent's should have a say in what their children are taught in a public school.. lol.. It's very easy to accept evolution and creationism at the same time- why is it such a stretch to think one being started the chain of events? lol..

Though evolution in itself as a science is lacking critical things.. yes the theory makes sense, but where's all the skeletons of the humans between the ape and human phase??

God, I knew I stayed away from this thread for a reason..
1000 years is but a day.So that means 6000 years to create the earth.Which would actually mean that christians are actually saying that dinosaurs and humans came around the fifth or sixth day, making them exist only for 2000 or so years?HUH?How is this even considered remotely scientifically correct?

  • First day: God creates light ("Let there be light!") - the first divine command. The light is divided from the darkness, and "day" and "night" are named.
  • Second day: God creates a firmament ("Let a firmament be...!") - the second command - to divide the waters above from the waters below. The firmament is named "heavens".
  • Third day: God commands the waters below to be gathered together in one place, and dry land to appear (the third command). "Earth" and "sea" are named. God commands the earth to bring forth grass, plants, and fruit-bearing trees (the fourth command).
  • Fourth day: God creates lights in the firmament (the fifth command) to separate light from darkness and to mark days, seasons and years. Two great lights are made (most likely the Sun and Moon, but not named), and the stars.
  • Fifth day: God commands the sea to "teem with living creatures", and birds to fly across the heavens (sixth command); He creates birds and sea creatures, and commands them to be fruitful and multiply.
  • Sixth day: God commands the land to bring forth living creatures (seventh command); He makes wild beasts, livestock and reptiles. He then creates Man and Woman in His "image" and "likeness" (eighth command). They are told to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it." Humans and animals are given plants to eat. The totality of creation is described by God as "very good."
  • Seventh day: God, having completed the heavens and the earth, rests from His work, and blesses and sanctifies the seventh day.

About Genesis and the Theory of Evolution: How many hours is in a day to GOD? 'Book of 2 Peter': chapter 3 verse 7 - 8


Well-Known Member
And on the eigth day he forms man from the dust, Then he breaths the breath of life into him, Notices days or years later hes alone then makes the women.. People seem to miss all that, Check it out its right there in Genesis..As well as talking about the tree of life All the green Plants that give the breath of life...
Man was with God in his image, Not in this image we have now!! God is love......

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sixth day: God commands the land to bring forth living creatures (seventh command); He makes wild beasts, livestock and reptiles. He then creates Man and Woman in His "image" and "likeness" (eighth command). They are told to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it." Humans and animals are given plants to eat. The totality of creation is described by God as "very good."
And on the eigth day he forms man from the dust, Then he breaths the breath of life into him, Notices days or years later hes alone then makes the women.. People seem to miss all that, Check it out its right there in Genesis..As well as talking about the tree of life All the green Plants that give the breath of life...
Man was with God in his image, Not in this image we have now!! God is love......


Well-Known Member
Then he Forms them from the Dust.. So therefore this Image is only temporary until we our in their image, It says Let us make man in Our Image!!

Then in Gen ch 1 verses 27-31 it talks about the tree of life..."The green plants"!!


New Member
I would like to know gods motivation for all this? Was it a science project? Maybe he was trying to prove an evolutionary theory? tee hee.......


New Member
I remember not doing the pledge. It's an easy way to get kicked out of the classroom. Probably contributed to me making the best decision of my life, dropping out of high school.

Has anyone said anything about the pledge of allegiance?