• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Should the Ten Commandments and Prayer Returned to Public Schools?

Should the Ten Commandments and Prayer Returned to Public Schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • No

    Votes: 33 76.7%
  • ???

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Wow, that was quite a dance. So god is a cash kind of guy. You want in his club he'll sell you a ticket.

If jesus died so all man can be forgiven for their sins why do we have to be good? Why to we have to buy a ticket to heaven? Why can't we just be all lawless and uncivilized? Our sins have been already paid for.

Why is it a sin to kill, yet you are to stone your neighbor for growing two different crops in the same field? Why if it's bad to kill were all those women burned in the name of christ during the inqusition?

Why do priests believe they should be celebate but then they molest little kids? Does god advocate being a pedophile? Is it acceptable for a priest to snort and sell cocaine? One just got caught for that recently. Is he going to hell?

What is gods stance on Marijuana, if god invented everything then that was put here by god too. Is god angry that the suits won't let us smoke the sacred weed? He spent all that time coming up with it and all.


Well-Known Member

In your last statement, are you saying "ignorance is bliss"; is that a preFall form grace/Eden or after?

I have compassion for the child that you chose; by the good grace and mercy that God shows me; I intend to help as many such children as possible with the mind and the body and theheart and the strength and time and whatever esources He gives me, according to His perfect will.

God bless the least among us that the greater amoing us may cme to His will for them, as we are individually led.
No, I'm really saying that we have no business supposing to tell others we "know" God, that which is unknowable. I'm saying that the more we learn, the more we (should?) realize that we don't know much at all.

I was raised with no religion, but I was raised with a great deal of moral guidance. I believe that this is religion's most important function--teaching people how to live together. I also happen to believe that God allows for all, because all are possible. There is no one "right" way to be mindful and to live generously and kindly, with respect and responsibility.

The text I quoted was a statement made by David Attenborough, just to be clear. I have no stake in this, either way, whether there is a God or not. I'll find out when I die what the real deal is. I suppose that makes me an Agnostic. I also believe that what people rail against isn't really God, but man's interpretations of the words of others. It isn't God who really dictates these things, or enforces the rules. It is man.

As for your intentions, I hope you realize your goals. The world will be better for being touched by generosity of heart and soul. ;)


New Member
Quote: Originally Posted by ViRedd Religion (church buildings) and personal spirituality are two separate things.

Vi ************************************************** *****

However, some might argue, including myself, that my body is the Lord's temple, and His Spirit/Virtue/Word is openingly received within me by me.

That was my point. Those seeking God in a church (a building) will not find Him there even though performing many rituals because those rituals are man-made superstitions. On the other hand, those who have truly found the One God that resides in each heart, takes that God to church (a building) to celebrate.



New Member
I thought the Ten Commandments pre-dated Christ by a couple of thousand years, at least.

If you examine the world's religions with an eye to consistency, most of them seem to teach the same things. I look at religion differently than a lot of people, though, having studied Campbell and Jung.

The Apostle Paul, paticualrly the Book of Romans has done great things for me in my question to overcome self doubt and the world's false / delusional influence over me at that time, thugh I still learn from it to this date, though I beleivew I have conquerered the world by the grce of God, through Jesus Christ's testimony and sacrifice.

Non-the-less, you are right in saying that the Ten Cmmandments predates Christ, but they are absolutuely consisten with Christ when he says what he says in the Book of Matthew chapter 22: verse 38. This is the True state of Christianity, however, many teachers of religion have fallen short or in error of this place of self disicipline and liberty and oneness with God the Spirit.

It is the visual consistency that is the Ten Commandment and the Reality of Christ, that I value about it, as many are still developing their minds to the place of righteous conduct, as in behavior..


New Member
Wow, that was quite a dance. So god is a cash kind of guy. You want in his club he'll sell you a ticket.

If jesus died so all man can be forgiven for their sins why do we have to be good? Why to we have to buy a ticket to heaven? Why can't we just be all lawless and uncivilized? Our sins have been already paid for.

Why is it a sin to kill, yet you are to stone your neighbor for growing two different crops in the same field? Why if it's bad to kill were all those women burned in the name of christ during the inqusition?

Why do priests believe they should be celebate but then they molest little kids? Does god advocate being a pedophile? Is it acceptable for a priest to snort and sell cocaine? One just got caught for that recently. Is he going to hell?

What is gods stance on Marijuana, if god invented everything then that was put here by god too. Is god angry that the suits won't let us smoke the sacred weed? He spent all that time coming up with it and all.


This is where the right express of Christ leads us back to our original manhood: Truth/Righteousness, conscience, heart, and FAITH; all those circumstances is a matter of God's Word and how it leads you.

God rewards, He is understanding and orderly of His-self,as in His creation; He can do what He wants to do with perfect sense, even if it doesn't make immediate sense to man(kind).

Ultimately, we all have to give an account of what we do on earth to God and it is there He will expose it for what it is if we don't resolve it with Him before hand. It is never right to do another wrong against God's will;

our conscience will confirm that in the face of the Truth; it is at this point of hearing the Truth that we will repent of the wrong our conscience confirms of rebell against it and perish; even then God's Spirit will judge the nature of our deeds to make His judgment infalliable and final.

This where, the saying "to each there own" comes into subjectively play; but at the same time we will not get away with any falsehood unaddressed. "we reap what we sow."


New Member
Quote: Originally Posted by ViRedd Religion (church buildings) and personal spirituality are two separate things.

Vi ************************************************** *****

However, some might argue, including myself, that my body is the Lord's temple, and His Spirit/Virtue/Word is openingly received within me by me.

That was my point. Those seeking God in a church (a building) will not find Him there even though performing many rituals because those rituals are man-made superstitions. On the other hand, those who have truly found the One God that resides in each heart, takes that God to church (a building) to celebrate.


Great pespective; God bless you; its possible both ways as well as inverted. Non- the-less, we ought always seek His counsel through His Word where ever.


Well-Known Member
what the hell kind of question is that? you are talking about the US right? in california they dont even say the pledge of allegiance in schools because it says "one nation under god". i went to a private school and hated the constant prayer thing. they also thought something was wrong with me when they found out i liked to puff a little bit of grass. but im also not religious. i know it was my fault for going there. but religious freedom is a great thing in this country. and forcing someone to believe in god sometimes has the opposite effect which is rebellion. it happened with the native americans that didnt want to be converted. and its provoked violence around the world resulting in a war we americans regret everyday of our lives.

if you want to "belong" to a religion do it around others who share your opinions. hence the reason why some private schools are built. dont force young nieve children to be brainwashed by forcing them into a school that is going to preach to them. variations in religion is something that makes each culture unique.


New Member
No, I'm really saying that we have no business supposing to tell others we "know" God, that which is unknowable. I'm saying that the more we learn, the more we (should?) realize that we don't know much at all. ***I agree somewhat***md

I was raised with no religion, but I was raised with a great deal of moral guidance. I believe that this is religion's most important function--teaching people how to live together. I also happen to believe that God allows for all, because all are possible. There is no one "right" way to be mindful and to live generously and kindly, with respect and responsibility.

The text I quoted was a statement made by David Attenborough, just to be clear. I have no stake in this, either way, whether there is a God or not. I'll find out when I die what the real deal is. I suppose that makes me an Agnostic. I also believe that what people rail against isn't really God, but man's interpretations of the words of others. It isn't God who really dictates these things, or enforces the rules. It is man.

As for your intentions, I hope you realize your goals. The world will be better for being touched by generosity of heart and soul. ;)

I have questioned, is there any place for the Holy Spirit in your phillosophy?


I think it is possible to know God; the question is to what measure, that is to say it may not be possibly to wholly know God, but, possible to a degree or measure non-the-less. The Word of Truth is fresh to me; I beleive I know by the Spirit of the testimony and its applicability to my heart through my humble mind.


New Member
what the hell kind of question is that? you are talking about the US right? in california they dont even say the pledge of allegiance in schools because it says "one nation under god". i went to a private school and hated the constant prayer thing but im also not religious. i know it was my fault for going there. but religious freedom is a great thing in this country. and forcing someone to believe in god sometimes has the opposite effect which is rebellion. it happened with the native americans that didnt want to be converted. and its happening with a war thats being fought as we speak.

if you want to "belong" to a religion do it around others who share your opinions. hence the reason why some private schools are built.

Hypocrisy is in your presence. The candidae you have on this post of yours is full of hypocrisy as far as forcing something agasnt someone's will.

The Ten Commandments are the original laws after mankind took the liberty of God within their hearts for granted and began to abuse it; lawlessness and rebellion is going on now because man is playing "A", as in self righteousness and unrighteosuness; instead of true righteousness.


New Member
You're completely brainwashed Prophecy. It's sad. :wall:

Don't be sad too long. I sense a good spirit from you; but at the same time a binded spiirit. I wish you could speak your true self.

Why won't you speak your true self?


New Member
Truth doesn't emanate from a hardened heart.

I'll vote for a candidate who has a solid spiritual foundation.



Well-Known Member

I have questioned, is there any place for the Holy Spirit in your phillosophy?


I think it is possible to know God; the question is to what measure, that is to say it may not be possibly to wholly know God, but, possible to a degree or measure non-the-less. The Word of Truth is fresh to me; I beleive I know by the Spirit of the testimony and its applicability to my heart through my humble mind.
There is a place for the Holy Spirit. There is a place for The Buddha. There is a place for Shiva. There is a place for them all, and all ideas. I have room in my heart, and when I die, if it's as I hope, then God, or whomever it is, will sort me out. But, that's between the two of us and no one else is invited to the party.

In the meantime, I do my best to live as a good person, do right by others, take responsibility for myself, that whole bit. I will not denigrate someone else for their devoutness, either. Good people are good people, no matter what ultimately motivates them.

Take the Balinese, for example. A small Hindu island in a sea of Islam. They are devout, they are conscientious, they live generously and well and with caring and respect. Isn't this what God (or the gods) ultimately wants? I think it is. You have found a path that speaks to you on a deep level. Others find another path. Others yet find no path and wander aimlessly.

What we mortals can know, I suspect, is infinitesimally small compared to what there may be to know. Why, we don't even fully know ourselves!


Well-Known Member

Hypocrisy is in your presence. The candidae you have on this post of yours is full of hypocrisy as far as forcing something agasnt someone's will.
i have selected no candidate. i think both mccain and obama are not the right men for the job. i put that pic in my sig cause it said "Obonga" haha! i still dont even know if im going to vote for either of them. i still say vote for RON PAUL!!! or ralph nader! someone told me they'd give 20 bucks to vote for mccain. if they do i am gonna go smoke a blunt with that 20 bucks. and i will vote for mccain. thats how indiffrent i am about these two men.

also i believe in the ten commandments. i believe people can create powerful self morals from them. but i just dont feel that preaching them in a religious fashion in a PUBLIC school is the right thing to do in this country. whats the point of having religious freedom if we preached it to kids in a public school. if you want kids to be brainwashed send them to private schools and if the parents cant afford it tough luck but thats the price you pay for a school with administrators constantly trying to push their kids to go to chapel dress up nice for god and see the one sided sugar coated truth.

if i had a choice i would have rather of gone to a public high school. there would have been more drugs more girls and more parties. and to me the people outside of the private school i went to were more real then most of the staff and students at my school.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Zen, this goes back farther than what you know.Prophecy spams the forums all the time, and tries to sell his books by way of his signature.He has no grow going and doesn't mention pot.He's a gay basher and a hypocrite.How bout you mind your own business?
Everyone has their say Stoney,

no one flips out when you go on your God bashing rants so let Prophecy go on his pro-God rants. Quit being hypocritical.
The bible is a work of fiction.There is no proof that any of this happened.Once again, you are trying to make everyone only debate from your point of view.If someone gives you an opinion,you tell them they don't know the truth, and that somehow, you do, and that implies that you think you are wise and all knowing.Pride is a deadly sin, and you are full of it.
Questions: Why do you think God flooded the earth in the times of Noah?

Why do you think God gave Moses the Ten Commandments?

What do you think civilization have laws?

What would you do if you had all the weed and food and women you ever could think of at you beckon and call?

My question do you really have the self discipline to be absolutely free and without the abuse of those freedoms? Then you are righteous.

However many don't have this inner ability of self discipline, thus external boundaries are necessary in order to hopefully lead lawless individuals into a more civil way of conducting themselves; once you righteous self discipline in the face of abundance and liberty, then you have been made whole.

Though some have achieved and some are achieving many have yet to realize the need for it and thus fall short or in error of their true destinies in life on earth and ever after.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Faith and religion are all interpreted by man.We are flawed, and cannot, with our infinite minds, interpret an infinite being.When you come on a pot growing forum with a clear agenda to preach,and a link to books you have written to gain money from said preaching, YOU ARE NOT RIGHTEOUS.When someone disagrees with your views, and you tell them, sorry, you're wrong because I have it right, YOU ARE A FOOL.When you bash homosexuals,in another thread,https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/93383-about-homosexuality.html,and say that you know the only way to live, and you and only you knows whats in god's head, YOU ARE A NUT.

Thanks miss.
< steps over and stands beside Stoney>


Well-Known Member
i think Prophecy is trying to convert the stoners. but being stoned makes me think past the normal train of thought and has made me realize religion is a tool that is used to control humanity and make all our thoughts similar so the world wouldnt be so complex. but with the clash of all religions it has made our world even more complex and confusing.

if there wasnt this "im right your wrong" religious b/s we could focus on many more important things as a nation and as a world there wouldnt be a religious difference and we could focus on things like why our economy is the way it is. religion just gives us humans one more thing to argue over.

i think Prophecy should be banned for never have posted anything about cannabis since this is after all a cannabis growing forum site.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
See, if he stated his beliefs and was done, I could respect that and let it be.But every post,even replies to other threads he has not started, are sermons.He comes up with topics, hooks a few posters, and starts preaching.
i think Prophecy is trying to convert the stoners. but being stoned makes me think past the normal train of thought and has made me realize religion is a tool that is used to control humanity and make all our thoughts similar so the world wouldnt be so complex. but with the clash of all religions it has made our world even more complex.


New Member
I hate bible beaters. I really hate the ones that come to my door. The last ones walked through my yard insead of using the sidewalk.

I hate internet bible beaters just as much. When you try to preach at me on a pot forum it's the same as walking through my yard.


Well-Known Member
the next time a mormon comes to your door, tell them to tell you the story of joseph smith...its fuckin hilarious....for one thing he had to dictate the book of mormon while looking into hat at some golden plates only he could read....oh and he was visited by an angel named moroni that was an indian, and theres a whole bunch of shit I cant remember right now....