Schuylaars Sesh - Executive Order and Minimum Wage.. then Executive Order is the Presidents right.

i'm glad we see eye to eye.

Where he has the authority to issue such an order, absolutely. The president has no such authority with the minimum wage because it is defined in an act of congress, which can be updated by congress alone.
i somehow knew you were gonna bring that into it:

The U.S. has a $7.25 minimum wage. Australia’s is $16.88

Minimum wage advocates love to point to Australia's $16.88 an hour minimum as evidence that a very high wage floor needn't stifle a country's growth. After all, Australia hasn't had a recession in 20 years. But Australia is hardly an outlier. Most developed countries have a higher minimum wage than we do, as this chart from Business Insider's Matthew Boesler — using data from the ConvergEx Group — shows:

This holds up if you compare the minimums to the median wage in the country in question, as the OECD did. Here's what they found:

The U.S., unsurprisingly, is on the bottom but it's tied with Japan. And Australia isn't on top; that goes to France, which has a lower average wage than Australia, which makes up for a lower minimum wage and leads to a higher ratio.

The Center for American Progress has proposed setting the minimum wage at half the average wage (mean, not median as used above) for production and non-supervisory workers; at the current level, that means a $10.07 minimum. If we were to adopt France's 60 percent ratio, that'd put us at about $12.08.
Of course, there are all kinds of pros and cons to that kind of increase. I went through many of them here. And it's worth noting that Australia's minimum wage comes with all kinds of exceptions, especially for younger workers.
Update: Another point, which Guan Yang reminded me of on Twitter - a large number of countries, including Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, and Switzerland, don't have minimum wages at all. Most of them make up for it with widespread collective bargaining, which sets de facto minimums.
You do realize the implication of your post, don't you?

It is this...

The lower the minimum wage, the more money everyone else makes.

I would rather have a decent shot at far surpassing a minimum standard as opposed to being strapped down to it.

I doubt you get it.
Are you capable of honest conversation? You know none of those things are true, yet you constantly present them as if they are.

I don't even understand why. You wouldn't know if I had not told it. If it embarrassed me, I wouldn't have told it.

Anyone who pays attention knows they aren't true, so it just further enforces the well founded belief around these forums that you are a liar.

I understand you less than any person I have ever encountered.
Where he has the authority to issue such an order, absolutely. The president has no such authority with the minimum wage because it is defined in an act of congress, which can be updated by congress alone.

um, hmmmmm:
[h=1]Yes, He Can: Momentum Grows for an Executive Order to Raise Wages of Low-Paid Contract Workers[/h]
Posted by Amy Traub on August 16, 2013

“Whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I’ll use it,” announced President Obama in last month’s landmark economic address in Galesburg Illinois. Now consensus seems to be building around one thing President Obama can indeed use his executive powers to do to boost hundreds of thousands of workers into the middle class: raise their wages.

The public has long supported raising the minimum wage for all working Americans and many economists agree that a broad minimum wage hike makes economic sense. But raising the federal minimum wage would require Congress to act. And as my colleague Joe Hines noted on PolicyShop this week, Congress is not exactly rushing to cater to the interests of the poor and low-wage workers.

So an executive action by President Obama is especially appealing. And while the President cannot unilaterally increase the minimum wage for everyone, he can change federal contracting procedures to favor contractors that pay their employees enough to live and raise a family on. This week, the New York Times published a powerful editorial calling on the President to do it. Drawing on a recent Demos study of low-wage contract employees and other federally-supported workers, as well as research from the National Employment Law Project, the Times made the case that:

Nearly 50 years after. . . President Johnson signed an executive order mandating nondiscrimination in employment by government contractors… [President Obama] could respond much as Mr. Johnson did — with an executive order aimed, this time, at raising the pay of millions of poorly paid employees of government contractors. . . challenging the notion that the best contractor is the one with the lowest labor costs.

Over at the Roosevelt Institute, Senior Fellow Richard Kirsch agrees, pointing out that “In the 1930s, and again in the 1960s, the federal government helped raise wages for workers. Congress passed laws and presidents issued executive orders that required businesses with federal contracts to pay their workers their industry’s prevailing wage. That meant better pay.”

Jared Bernstein, former economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, says this is an “an executive order whose time has come.” And while Dr. Bernstein apologizes for bothering the President while he’s on vacation, the truth is that many of the federal contracting jobs in question don’t come with paid vacation days anymore than they pay a living wage.

The exact form an executive order should take is worth considering. Bernstein argues that:

procurement officers—the folks who decide which firms get the bid—should be able to factor job quality into their decision. It’s that simple. By law, they have to take the lowest bid, but that rule is of course conditional on the quality of the output, otherwise my kid could win the bid to build a bridge out of Legos. Well, there’s good evidence that the quality of the work is a function of the wage, working conditions, commitments to training, workforce tenure, and such characteristics that we see in high-road versus low-road employers. Simply allowing procurement officers to consider those characteristics when they’re deciding who gets the bid would improve the quality of work and the living standards of thousands of contracted workers.

As the Times points out (and we argued in our recent study) “Mr. Obama also could tell federal agencies to conduct reviews of contracts to see if the work should be done in-house.” What's more, an effort to raise wages for low-paid contract workers could be combined an order to stop contractors from discriminatory hiring based on sexual orientation or gender identity. If President Obama is serious about his willingness to use executive authority, he could accomplish a great deal. And if a growing chorus of policy experts and eminent newspapers can’t convince him to take action, workers themselves are likely to take to the streets again and demand a better deal. then Executive Order is the Presidents right.

i'm glad we see eye to eye.

Congressional legislation trumps an executive order so I will be fascinated to see how they do the legal mambo to somehow get it done...
um, hmmmmm:
Yes, He Can: Momentum Grows for an Executive Order to Raise Wages of Low-Paid Contract Workers

Posted by Amy Traub on August 16, 2013

“Whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I’ll use it,” announced President Obama in last month’s landmark economic address in Galesburg Illinois. Now consensus seems to be building around one thing President Obama can indeed use his executive powers to do to boost hundreds of thousands of workers into the middle class: raise their wages.

The public has long supported raising the minimum wage for all working Americans and many economists agree that a broad minimum wage hike makes economic sense. But raising the federal minimum wage would require Congress to act. And as my colleague Joe Hines noted on PolicyShop this week, Congress is not exactly rushing to cater to the interests of the poor and low-wage workers.

So an executive action by President Obama is especially appealing. And while the President cannot unilaterally increase the minimum wage for everyone, he can change federal contracting procedures to favor contractors that pay their employees enough to live and raise a family on. This week, the New York Times published a powerful editorial calling on the President to do it. Drawing on a recent Demos study of low-wage contract employees and other federally-supported workers, as well as research from the National Employment Law Project, the Times made the case that:
Nearly 50 years after. . . President Johnson signed an executive order mandating nondiscrimination in employment by government contractors… [President Obama] could respond much as Mr. Johnson did — with an executive order aimed, this time, at raising the pay of millions of poorly paid employees of government contractors. . . challenging the notion that the best contractor is the one with the lowest labor costs.

Over at the Roosevelt Institute, Senior Fellow Richard Kirsch agrees, pointing out that “In the 1930s, and again in the 1960s, the federal government helped raise wages for workers. Congress passed laws and presidents issued executive orders that required businesses with federal contracts to pay their workers their industry’s prevailing wage. That meant better pay.”

Jared Bernstein, former economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, says this is an “an executive order whose time has come.” And while Dr. Bernstein apologizes for bothering the President while he’s on vacation, the truth is that many of the federal contracting jobs in question don’t come with paid vacation days anymore than they pay a living wage.

The exact form an executive order should take is worth considering. Bernstein argues that:
procurement officers—the folks who decide which firms get the bid—should be able to factor job quality into their decision. It’s that simple. By law, they have to take the lowest bid, but that rule is of course conditional on the quality of the output, otherwise my kid could win the bid to build a bridge out of Legos. Well, there’s good evidence that the quality of the work is a function of the wage, working conditions, commitments to training, workforce tenure, and such characteristics that we see in high-road versus low-road employers. Simply allowing procurement officers to consider those characteristics when they’re deciding who gets the bid would improve the quality of work and the living standards of thousands of contracted workers.

As the Times points out (and we argued in our recent study) “Mr. Obama also could tell federal agencies to conduct reviews of contracts to see if the work should be done in-house.” What's more, an effort to raise wages for low-paid contract workers could be combined an order to stop contractors from discriminatory hiring based on sexual orientation or gender identity. If President Obama is serious about his willingness to use executive authority, he could accomplish a great deal. And if a growing chorus of policy experts and eminent newspapers can’t convince him to take action, workers themselves are likely to take to the streets again and demand a better deal.

Ok, there it is... he cannot raise the minimum wage, only incentiveise companies with federal contracts.
You do realize the implication of your post, don't you?

It is this...

The lower the minimum wage, the more money everyone else makes.

I would rather have a decent shot at far surpassing a minimum standard as opposed to being strapped down to it.

I doubt you get it.

Our min. wage isn't $9.75 any more...

It's $10.35.... ;)
It's pretty simple to figure out that min wage should rise with inflation.

The government and it's debt is the cause of inflation.

I dont want to put the government in more control of the economy like that.

They tell us we have no inflation yet I watch the size of products shrink and prices rise.

And the data is based on some appointed bureaucrat somewhere that is accountable to no one.
It's pretty simple to figure out that min wage should rise with inflation.

80% of americans want min wage at $10.10 and indexed to inflation here in the states.

90%+ of americans want universal background checks on gun purchases too.

but the republicans hate america and americans, so they will fight against america and americans tooth and nail.

it's because they hate america. and americans.
Unfortunately, Obama is not dumb enough to do this. Dumb, but not that dumb.


obama's dumb, whereas you are an example of the sane, rational individual.

obama sits in the oval office and flies air force one, whereas you make fail threads on pot websites, tell us all that you can grow it for $5 a pound, and you fly domestic.

something does not add up there.
um, hmmmmm:
Yes, He Can: Momentum Grows for an Executive Order to Raise Wages of Low-Paid Contract Workers

Posted by Amy Traub on August 16, 2013

“Whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I’ll use it,” announced President Obama in last month’s landmark economic address in Galesburg Illinois. Now consensus seems to be building around one thing President Obama can indeed use his executive powers to do to boost hundreds of thousands of workers into the middle class: raise their wages.

The public has long supported raising the minimum wage for all working Americans and many economists agree that a broad minimum wage hike makes economic sense. But raising the federal minimum wage would require Congress to act. And as my colleague Joe Hines noted on PolicyShop this week, Congress is not exactly rushing to cater to the interests of the poor and low-wage workers.

So an executive action by President Obama is especially appealing. And while the President cannot unilaterally increase the minimum wage for everyone, he can change federal contracting procedures to favor contractors that pay their employees enough to live and raise a family on. This week, the New York Times published a powerful editorial calling on the President to do it. Drawing on a recent Demos study of low-wage contract employees and other federally-supported workers, as well as research from the National Employment Law Project, the Times made the case that:
Nearly 50 years after. . . President Johnson signed an executive order mandating nondiscrimination in employment by government contractors… [President Obama] could respond much as Mr. Johnson did — with an executive order aimed, this time, at raising the pay of millions of poorly paid employees of government contractors. . . challenging the notion that the best contractor is the one with the lowest labor costs.

Over at the Roosevelt Institute, Senior Fellow Richard Kirsch agrees, pointing out that “In the 1930s, and again in the 1960s, the federal government helped raise wages for workers. Congress passed laws and presidents issued executive orders that required businesses with federal contracts to pay their workers their industry’s prevailing wage. That meant better pay.”

Jared Bernstein, former economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, says this is an “an executive order whose time has come.” And while Dr. Bernstein apologizes for bothering the President while he’s on vacation, the truth is that many of the federal contracting jobs in question don’t come with paid vacation days anymore than they pay a living wage.

The exact form an executive order should take is worth considering. Bernstein argues that:
procurement officers—the folks who decide which firms get the bid—should be able to factor job quality into their decision. It’s that simple. By law, they have to take the lowest bid, but that rule is of course conditional on the quality of the output, otherwise my kid could win the bid to build a bridge out of Legos. Well, there’s good evidence that the quality of the work is a function of the wage, working conditions, commitments to training, workforce tenure, and such characteristics that we see in high-road versus low-road employers. Simply allowing procurement officers to consider those characteristics when they’re deciding who gets the bid would improve the quality of work and the living standards of thousands of contracted workers.

As the Times points out (and we argued in our recent study) “Mr. Obama also could tell federal agencies to conduct reviews of contracts to see if the work should be done in-house.” What's more, an effort to raise wages for low-paid contract workers could be combined an order to stop contractors from discriminatory hiring based on sexual orientation or gender identity. If President Obama is serious about his willingness to use executive authority, he could accomplish a great deal. And if a growing chorus of policy experts and eminent newspapers can’t convince him to take action, workers themselves are likely to take to the streets again and demand a better deal.

Seriously, do you read anything at all or do you just spew? I already clarified that Obama can raise the minimum wage for certain federal workers and contractors. He cannot do anything generally.

Changing the act of congress that defines the federal minimum wage? That cannot be done by Obama with an executive order. Period. It would be a constitutional crisis and such an action would be struck down by every court in the nation.
Do you not know the difference between inflation and productivity?

hey squirt,

apparently you didn't read where she previously did make that distinction.

anyone with decent reading compensation can tell that she used the wrong word the second time around.

perhaps they did not teach reading compensation at devryU?

