100 Million Poor People In US -39 Other Facts About Poverty That Will Blow your mind

I'm in a slump tonight, taking a break.

You were right-
Just messing with you
Yes it's the corn syrup and the cheep beef etc made possible by all the corn.
The 99 cent menu is a lot worse for you and a lot cheaper than an organic salad with wild salmon.
That's right, it's their own damn fault and if they die, so what right?

Never mind that conditions of poverty breed comunicable diseases that you could catch, never mind that those conditions create a subclass that needs more police, more social services and breeds more criminals and violence. Never mind that the weak are preyed upon by opportunists that are more likely to prey upon you as well and cost society more. Never mind that a society is changed by it's poor in ways you may not like and dispair is as catching as any other disease - let them rot though that rot extends even to you no matter where you live in this country.
Yours is the short sighted view that has brought civilizations to their knees before and will again.

Did you even read my response? I said the lazy people who won't try, fuck them, but you are all up in arms trying to save them? LOL, no if they won't try they really can just rot in the streets. I'll help a helpless child, but adults that wont try and still want handouts, fuck ALL of them. I'd rather deal with the crime and disease they produce, than to just work and have to give it to them for free.

Like I said, I'd helped the helpless, but the lazy people, yeah, fuck them all the way to the ground. It isn't about poor people, it's the lazy people I can't stand.
Did you even read my response? I said the lazy people who won't try, fuck them, but you are all up in arms trying to save them? LOL, no if they won't try they really can just rot in the streets. I'll help a helpless child, but adults that wont try and still want handouts, fuck ALL of them. I'd rather deal with the crime and disease they produce, than to just work and have to give it to them for free.

Like I said, I'd helped the helpless, but the lazy people, yeah, fuck them all the way to the ground. It isn't about poor people, it's the lazy people I can't stand.

Up in arms trying to save them? Frankly I don't care about them, I don't care about lazy people and I don't much care any more for the industrious ones, the ones that are far more likely to take my money than the poor ever will. You may be willing to deal with the spread of disease and discontent but I am not and I am a member of this society as well. I don't have a problem with someone somewhere getting something for nothing even if a part of that something is what was gotten from me. If you want those lazy people to pay for their laziness then realize that they are in a hell of their own making and don't fixiate on them.