John Boehner Insists Lawsuit Against Obama 'Not About Impeachment'

and he's correct.

their alternative would be to talk about any new ideas that they have to improve our nation, but they don't have any.


Here is an idea: Obama could flout his constitutional responsibilities and pretend that he has the legal authority to make law.

I used to be opposed to the idea of impeachment. Congress should impeach him, not sue him.
Here is an idea: Obama could flout his constitutional responsibilities and pretend that he has the legal authority to make law.

I used to be opposed to the idea of impeachment. Congress should impeach him, not sue him.

you'd impeach him for being black.

your input has been noted and marked to be discarded as the opinion of a racist moron.
no, that's like when you may be mixed race but self identify as black because everybody treats you like a black person.

So, what is the percent threshhold for somebody to "self identify" as something they may not be? Can you self identify as a Gerbil or are there limits? You know are there government rules and all that?
So, what is the percent threshhold for somebody to "self identify" as something they may not be? Can you self identify as a Gerbil or are there limits? You know are there government rules and all that?

how do you self identify?
Jelly Donut?

Poll: 1 In 5 Americans Believe Obama Is A Cactus
NEWSPoliticsBarack ObamaISSUE 46•38 • Sep 22, 2010

While these Americans concede Obama may not specifically be a cactus, most believe he is a plant of some kind, with 18 percent saying the president is a ficus, 37 percent believing him to be a grain such as wheat or millet, and 12 percent convinced he is an old-growth forest in Northern California.

When asked why they agreed with the statement "President Obama is a large succulent plant composed of specialized cells designed for water retention in arid climates," many responded that they "just know," claiming the president only acts like a human being for political purposes and is truly a cactus at heart.

While these Americans concede Obama may not specifically be a cactus, most believe he is a plant of some kind, with 18 percent saying the president is a ficus, 37 percent believing him to be a grain such as wheat or millet, and 12 percent convinced he is an old-growth forest in Northern California.
New Red River hot cereal... now with more Obama!