Well-Known Member
Speaking of pounds...I edited it you little sniveling simpleton, now go pound sand, or your boyfriend or whatever it is you pound.
We've got pounds of silver... He's got pounds of paper...
Time will show who wins

Speaking of pounds...I edited it you little sniveling simpleton, now go pound sand, or your boyfriend or whatever it is you pound.
Obviously you hadn't edited it when I posted that, so why are you attacking me for doing it...?I edited it you little sniveling simpleton, now go pound sand, or your boyfriend or whatever it is you pound.
Do you not realize this is a list of the largest employers that happens to be by a magazine called The Economist? Does it not seem strange to you that the Department of Defense, with only a million soldiers, would have 3.2 million economists?There ya go again, contradicting yourself.
Who is the biggest employer of economists?
Man this fact is gonna make your ass prolapse.
Idiots would have an easier time of not making themselves look like idiots.
You think it's cute to refer to me as a girl? I don't understand, is it supposed to be insulting?I doubt our little apartment dweller has two shiny nickles to rub together. Her advice to riches are to buy stocks when they start tanking and the economic future looks grim and her advice to invest is to buy CD's yielding 0% interest as a good way to hedge the official 3% inflation.
With advice like that, I am surprised she can even afford the internet, although I assume her boyfriend pays for everything.
Because you felt the need to attack me when you looked foolish for ignoring the first lines of text in a post you had already responded to, and then telling me to "go cry" when I would purportedly realize I never made such a request? Yeah, I think that's far more likely.Because you are an idiot and need reminding of it?
Your piece was written by a journalist, who do you think knows more about finance? A journalist ( your vote) or a hedge fund manager( my vote)?
Do you like Big Mac's?
I haven't been proven wrong. I gave you all the uses of headline CPI by the government and you haven't given us a single use of core CPI. And I didn't call the source into question either--all I did was point out that you hadn't even bothered to accurately evaluate your source. I'm sure The Economist has a very reliable list of the largest employers.Hey, when proven wrong, CYA and call the source into question. Always a tactic of the moron who cannot make an actual coherent argument without the use of sophistry.
When did I make an assertion about who the largest employer of economists was? I never did.Wrong link.
Still doesn't change the fact that GOVERNMENT hires most of the economists, which is directly opposed to your assertion that it is not.
This is easy.
Big mac?
I only stepped in to clarify that headline CPI--used for everything the government uses CPI for--includes everything. I'm not defending claims by anyone else about what the index means, because I don't agree with them.Never eaten a Big Mac eh?
do you think the Big Mac index is about currency valuation comparisons or inflation on the number one selling burger in the world?
TARP is secret and we have no idea where the money went?Yes you have, MULTIPLE times now. In fact 99.99% of the time you are clearly proven wrong. The only time you have ever been correct about anything other than your own name is the time you said you asked me to prove it. That's it though. Never again will that happen either, you're lucky I didn't catch that one in time.
Most economists don't study inflation, so I think you're running into a logical fallacy there.OMFG you have short term memory problems now?
Economists use Core CPI, the government employs the greatest percentage of economists than any other employer by FAR.
Yet government doesn't use it?
Yep, you're a fuck wit alright.
I'm not evading. I just told you the Big Mac index is about purchasing power parity and not inflation. I completely agree with that.evade, evade, hard port, engines full ahead!!
Fortunately, it doesn't matter. You can find the report on TALF right here: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11696.pdf. It shows exactly where every dime of the money went.Shit , I just realized I have been talking about TARP, when I should have been talking about TALF, my mistake.
Maybe you should read your own links so you don't look like a moron so often, because I was immediately struck by this first line: "This chapter is limited in application to Silver futures." Your link could not possibly make your point.Comex gold futures ARE settled in cash, physical delivery is RARE. You should read this so you don't look like a complete moron 23.5 hours of each day. Oh snap, you just got PROVEN WRONG, again. http://www.cmegroup.com/rulebook/NYMEX/1a/112.pdf
The idea of core CPI originated in an academic paper in the 1970s that called for excluding food and energy prices from inflation calculations. As far as I'm aware, housing was not up for exclusion and never was excluded. If you can prove otherwise, by all means, I will happily concede it to you.Core CPI used to not use housing, I will have to check if they changed it. One of the byprodcuts of the housing crisis, of which I am sure you are not aware.
There are articles about what core CPI is. Neither describes the government using core CPI to do anything, like setting cost of living adjustments, tax brackets, or food stamp rates.Read it and cry into your pillow til daddy gets home.
That's two, one from the Fed, which I do not consider government, and one from the BLS which is certainly the government.
Now go Pound it.
I've actually worked with a lot of economists, have you? Evidently you have absolutely no idea what they do...I think the village just lost their idiot and gained a blithering fucktard. You can't possibly be serious? I would suggest that the meds they are giving you aren't working.
Are they the same guys that smoke pipes and wear leather patches on their sport coats? Oh wait, THOSE are academics. Sorry, I get my self inflated know it all dipshits confused sometimes.I've actually worked with a lot of economists, have you? Evidently you have absolutely no idea what they do...
If there weren't so much regulation, people that don't like the wage structure of working for others could chose to start their own business. Protectionism creates captive markets and allows for theses things you rail against to exist. A free market allows competition. A regulated market protects cronies.Why do average wages follow productivity up all the way into the early 80's and then go flat and in some cases down?
One of your answers is.....
Compare upper management compensation to the same productivity increase. It goes up the same as an average workers into the early 80's and then , instead of going flat it starts to spike.
Profit that was once used to pay employees a little better is being taken by owners , upper management and CEO's instead of the employees.
Why people can't do simple math is beyond me , the money is there. It is just where it is going that is all fucked up... another small issue that started in the 1980's and bobblehead , dementia Reagan.
Nice assumption. Unfortunately for you, I'm not talking about academics but professional economists.Are they the same guys that smoke pipes and wear leather patches on their sport coats? Oh wait, THOSE are academics. Sorry, I get my self inflated know it all dipshits confused sometimes.
Ahh, you clean their toilets is it?Nice assumption. Unfortunately for you, I'm not talking about academics but professional economists.
(For the record, I tend to despise academics.)