Schuylaars Sesh - The New Wedge Issue for 2014 Mid-Terms..

I believe in the concept of welfare or assistance or a safety net or whatever you want to call it...the point of welfare is to help people get back on their feet for a SHORT amount of time.

there are certain groups in this country that start life at a disadvantage, and it's unfair, but that's the reality currently and the only way to improve your situation is to turn yourself into an asset.
if you are anyone other than a white male you can bitch and complain about how this is unfair, and that is unfair and you would probably be right but bitching and moaning doesnt put food on the table.

Yeah, I grew up repeatedly hearing life isn't fair. We grew up knowing shit happens and we just accepted it. People no longer want to just accept life isn't fair and are trying to make things "more fair". It's a noble cause, but the wrong policies create more issues than just "life happens".

I don't know the answers, but I do know that what we have been doing for the last 50 years has only brought us status quo. There are still blathering idiots out there that are clinging to the big gov model, claiming the war on poverty is a success. Our country's fight is not just against poverty, it's against those blathering idiots.
Yeah, I grew up repeatedly hearing life isn't fair. We grew up knowing shit happens and we just accepted it. People no longer want to just accept life isn't fair and are trying to make things "more fair". It's a noble cause, but the wrong policies create more issues than just "life happens".

I don't know the answers, but I do know that what we have been doing for the last 50 years has only brought us status quo. There are still blathering idiots out there that are clinging to the big gov model, claiming the war on poverty is a success. Our country's fight is not just against poverty, it's against those blathering idiots.

Bravo! Like my Guru was fond of going on about.....

There is no world to save, only people, this Knowledge and various Understanding and much Confusion.
There are still blathering idiots out there that are clinging to the big gov model, claiming the war on poverty is a success. Our country's fight is not just against poverty, it's against those blathering idiots.

if we ended the war on poverty tonight, how many people would be in poverty tomorrow, smart guy?

try to use actual numbers, and not talking points handed down from one of your racist right wing talking point sources.
when working poor have no money to spend, the 1% are cutting their nose off to spite their face, period..i find romney's about-face interesting along with rand pawl's latest:

Sen. Rand Paul: GOP's voter ID push "completely crazy"

voters know you really don't believe this and that your saying anything to get your party elected..your party is your own worst enemy though..they can't hide their kookiness.
It is very silly. That money will flood the economy with good spending across the board.
It will get us back in positive job growth, so there is a lot more to this.

I'm glad I'm not a PUB. Will it really go down to Chris, Jeb or Mitt?

It is very silly. That money will flood the economy with good spending across the board.
It will get us back in positive job growth, so there is a lot more to this.

I'm glad I'm not a PUB. Will it really go down to Chris, Jeb or Mitt?


Seriously.. The pubs have the worst political compass. They force these moderate wishy washy guys in an effort to "win". I keep hearing how the republican party has shifted far right and yet, McCain, Romney, Bush and Christie? These guys are all socially conservative but fiscally liberal, quite possibly the most damaging combination we can come up with.
You want people to go back to work? To be responsible? You want big corporations and Banks to be held accountable for their mistakes and crimes?

You will have to dismantle the nanny state first, no more welfare for anyone at any time for anything, if you die trying, that leaves a message for the rest of us.

Make people rely on people instead of government. Government is a hard and uncaring mother.